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Show llgffilDQ 1 TOww-jt-wMK .yrofw Special! Warrn j ' All Wool , V,'" Jit . ' l. 'OftflS 72x84") lUS1 lfvi vl Count on Penney's to n f-l U come up with a value I 1 luK rt(V'1 like this! 3 pounds of :a yf i warm, fluffy wool in I ftHuU 4 every blanket! Come see , t vv - "" the dream-time colors r-': . ir ' '- j and the gleaming ace- H8Li wgt tate satin border. You'll " . , , . , d agree . . . this is Valuel : I It leasyonyour budget, j - ! because you pay little- ' j b,.ii,,k,.ji.myrj Penney's Own N itt A imall depoiit 1. 1 BLANKET ; I hold your purchase. . 2 75 J It'a inexpensive... yon t , 'Mv pT Penney's regular, V x - V ; T . Now guaranteed for 2 ,j low cash prices . no yeflrs against moth "carrying charges , no damage or mechanical t extras! 1 defect! Sleep under one Actt amy DTMKirY I 1 light, c o m f o r t a b 1 e ASK ANY PENNEY f blanket and have the SALESPERSON! j : warmth that's right for 'v-v---; j you! Comes attractively gift boxed. fEnd Canning Guesswork1, with positive Only BALI Jars S?j)ai come with IXWg Lld$j 0 ! tee. fSS Pf . flte Weeks Big Coupon Offer! f Vi gMAfHITE MAGIC SOAP J Ml. ( WUM JELL-WELL fegeffrat glfr topple Bl AoMM rr ESEEKAfiE APRICOTS 2x1t 1.00 JUICE 532Si 23tf 'isal.8$ uiruu GRAPE JUICE 1.00 ASPARAGUS Juh.35l L PORK & BEANS ".Z 25s BEANS 3S,-v. 19 IFfWlAnF D.p.,i. 2btl$.7f POTTED MEAT ! ,-25 CORII &JKS5sL 16 MMUNHIJE : PEAS JS.SSS'lh. 1.00 "'"Wns, ... .. SPAfArr 45 tZlW'Wfci 1 Mifcellaneous SALMON ,...79 oY VINEGAR ssr , 19 LIDS ex -25 tuna Fi$HSf-.H33 2n$25 PEPPER sr'-r. 65 CAPS 29 SALT art- 10 SURE SEAL srt 19 Safeway Guaranteed Meats LAC-MIX i"" n. 37 JARS d... 1.29 r. T1 Manor House, I? J i ? f Y7 1 If S 0mi aiv if. (O) D) f l "Mod.rnlon." Plain, Soucers, Cup., U U ) U Cj (or tho Pan ' ID. Z tZJ EmOST fL. nOnCG Fro!IDI1hOT-AIIPi.cExe.pl U " v.i,bl.Ewl,ndPloii.r . n q n iCJ Morrell'i, Tasty, All Pork N v CHUCK ROAST SLICED BACON , $W,$ho.M. ID. Jy A-woytA-GoBy- ID. 3 V Jumbo, s. cry , l T7 Vine Ripened, (? fpV ) . Typical Safenay Savings , Thick Meat lb. T T HOYAl SATIN IT 'in. 79 BREAD fitt .w2iy SWimiBK ,k82 HS'-BASair ,33? API1IC0TS lug $169 J.UTOpS.. SUHNYBANKEt39 03ANGE AID29 - lb. 25 DRESSING Ea1 s. GRAPE JUICE TU9 CIIEIiniES lug $259 GRAPES RIPEOUVES &35 7.UrS!:s!a!!9w$fX-' k25,f ijimbebts tS- lb.25e GUM & MINTS 3 for 10 KELL0GGS;jrP1S;.26jr I .B I) I 8SM5S5?n lltefl ll Cracker, lb. 5JLg UCXJLD CJLAJLT3 1 1 Mellow Flovcr lb. 04l J |