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Show KAI1ARRAVILLE HEWS I Independence Day was observed ob-served here very quietly, but with a full schedule of events. The program started with a sunrise sun-rise salute, followed by serenading seren-ading by the string band. A parade pa-rade was held at 9:30 a. m. followed fol-lowed by a meeting at 10:30 a. m. with Bishop Stout acting as "Uncle Sam" and Mrs. Berta Williams Wil-liams as Goddess of Liberty", with Augie Ence and Mary Llv-ermore Llv-ermore cs maids. Children's sports were held during the afternoon, af-ternoon, followed by a children's dance. The climax of the day's activities was a dance at Cobble Crest in the evening. Many friends from surrounding communities com-munities joined in the day's activities. ac-tivities. Visitors -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams over the Independence Day holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Williams and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Guiver of Salt Lake City. Iona and Marlynn Roundy of Provo spent the week end holidays holi-days here. They were accompan-ied accompan-ied on their return home by their sister, Mrs. Nedra Ench and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jess F. Williams had as guests at their home this week Mr. and Mrs. Sherral Peterson Pet-erson "and daughters Betty and Shiree of Davis Dam, Ariz., and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webster of Caliente, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Birch and family of Price spent several days here with Mrs. Birch's parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pollock. Pol-lock. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Piatt enjoyed en-joyed a visit from their children, Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Chidester, and baby, and Golda and Olga Piatt off Salt Lake City. They were accompanied on their return re-turn by their sister Ruth. Mrs. Zina Prisbrey of Washington Wash-ington spent the Fourth here with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Williams. Visitors here on July 4 from Las Vegas were Mr. and Mrs. Lalif Wood and daughter Shar-la, Shar-la, Mr. and Mrs. George Wood, Earline Isom and Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Piatt re ceived word this week of the birth of a daughter to their son-in-law and . daughter, Mr. and Mrs.. Dell Judd of Cedar City. TJie child was born at the Iron County hospital on July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith had as visitors at their home this week their two daughters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Malin of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge McDonough of Cedar City. Mrs. Hilda Adams and family and Mrs. Martha Williams of Alamo, Nev., spent the week end holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Pollock of Salt Lake City visited here with Mr. Pollock's father, Sam L. Pollock and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roundy and Mrs. Washington Roundy and son Paul of Oasis, Utah, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Perkins and son of Cedar City visited with relatives here on July 4. Mrs. Dale Peterson of Las Vegas Ve-gas spent July Fourth here, returning re-turning home that evening. A daughter was born at the Iron County hospital on July 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Delyle Davis. ' Mr. and Mrs. Rudger Fife and family of Cedar City were. Sunday Sun-day visitors here. ' ' The Kanarra ward held a food sale July 4 to' help raise funds to put a roof on the church: Mrs. Lizzie Davis also presented the ward with a nice quilt to be sold to raise funds for the church. The sale was very successful. , |