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Show DOINGS IN BRYAN WARD I I5v Ijee Anderson cake and now she has as her house guests her brother Mr. S. (.'. Wixom and his son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Grant WixOni of lirigham City. May we add our belated birthday wishes for many happy birthdays to a very charming lady. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beers and Miss Florence Beers helped root the Utes to victory Thanksgiving Thanks-giving day and then climaxed it with a dinner and a show. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Wilde went to Garfield for a family dinner with Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Wilde, Oswald's parents. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death may those words bring a measure of comfort to the fanv-ily fanv-ily of Claude E. Love Sr., who passed away very suddenly sudden-ly Saturday while helping a neighbor with a cement walk. Mr. Love was a former member mem-ber of our ward being very active ac-tive in the home missionary group and other organizations. Our love and sympathy go out to his wife, Rachel (she was-a counselor to Rhea Beers in the Relief Society, to Claude Jr., secretary to Carl- S. Anderson in the M. I. A., and to all of his loved ones. We'll miss him, too. Kenneth E. Hampton 'from Kansas has been staying at the K. W. Burnett home prior to his leaving for the Southern States on a mission. We have two new members to welcome to our M. I. A. family. fam-ily. Arle Hudson Jorgenson as first year Beehive leader and Marjorle Watson as drama director. di-rector. I Golden bells will ring jubilant- I ly on Dec. 8 for Mr. and Mrs. KUa.s M. Brewer, 1612 South State St., in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. For the occasion a special party is being be-ing given Monday evening at the Bryan Ward, reports their daughter, Mrs. K. W. Burnett. All eight of their children will he there, S. Shelby Brewer, Preston S. Brewer, Melha Burnett, Bur-nett, Ruth I'ixton, Melvin L. Brewer, Norma Blooiiwiuist, all of Salt Lake, Mrs. George D. O'Connor of Ogden, and Wayne E. Brewer of San Leandro, Cal., and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer have a wonderful poserity, 33 grandchildren grand-children .and 11 great grandchildren. grandchil-dren. Congratulations and may those hells ring on for many, many more years. Don't forget the bazaar tonightlovely to-nightlovely gifts to buy, good things to eat, vote for your favorite fa-vorite queen and then dance. Come out all you Bryanites! Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Anderson Ander-son enertained Friday at a dinner din-ner party for Lee's father, W. A. Marnier, Miss Marjorie .Turkman of Garfield; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Mrs. Baker of Magna and Miss Hattie Lee of Salt Lake. This group has a lot of unusual unusu-al fun. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright acted as the host couple to a bring your favorite food party. Those having a good time were, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pass, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Wilde, Mr. and Mrs. William Kleineberg, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Boiilter and Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Busath. Mr. and Mrs. Auburn Chip-man Chip-man celebrated Thanksgiving by having Dean and Phyllis Chip-man Chip-man and Odess and Afton Record Rec-ord and their children for dinner. din-ner. One of our favorite people, Margaret Wixom, 1118 Milton Ave., has been having a busy, happy time lately. On Thanksgiving Thanks-giving she was the guest of her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wixom of Murphy's Lane. On Saturday her boys, Kenneth, Paul, Douglas and Blaine with their families gathered gath-ered at her home in honor of her birthday. The table was centered with an exquisitely decorated |