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Show MAY CAV? i'M , li i .j . Meet Bc"3 with F "d!s I on cold oays whenI'just! liSS 1 you're shivery, iVHO4E-J SL, iSSsZ i make use of -4 - n; , -J J-.V. Mix meat, s.til;:, crur.iDS, onion and E IIC5 fT" salt thorinscSslv. Dip liana's in water, g WUK YD it tw Sh.-,r--mi;t, ir.:o 12 small K-.l!s. E f""k(- UltnV U (v J I Roil meat bails in iiour. Brown in I DCLIVCKt k r skillet in hot fat on all sides. Dr.-.in I I tV. V?j oif an' '" lclt skillet, ti,cn a I ;WW-r-'!k, l? mixture of soup and water. Cover I I , h vytOY A and cook over low heat 15 minutes. ' 'A V. f V-NJ X I Put noodles on platter. Cover with ! v-iT Huhfa 5 -,"r" STL f l meat balls and sar.ee. Makes 4 servings. fT'm " '""j tTP Seco IZilk, Ground Eeef, ! iSs&eJfiSZS. I ' Noddies, Bread, Onion, j egetc:ble Soup. ; Maxwell House Coffee 89c Per Pound Glide "Household Cleaner" 49c Vano 1-2 Gallon "Household Cleaner" 31c Blue Pine Catsup 17c Best Foods Salad Oil with "flour scoop" 39c Apple Cider, "Gallon Jug" 69c Apple Sauce, 2 for 25c Hawaii "fancy sliced" Pineapple,, 2 for 29c Derby Chili Con Carne 37c Temple Peas, 2 for 29c Woods Cross Diced Beets, 2 for 29c Derby Tamales, 29c Heinz Oven Baked Beans, 2 for 25c Oranges, 3 dozen for $1.00 Grapefruit pound 9c . !. i mm .in iim i www m mwt .n ' 1 vriS.'ry'AflXT ' J ' 3-L'J1r'J'll iiMii iilvt rrr n .-i--T- V W?t "GA when you lalfW Kf IjJ iSLfch V 5 j Mj MARCHo'Bir.'EES 1 y m zJy " "' ' : Campbell's Cream of Mushroom, 2 37c I Bisquick : 45c Niagara Starch 19c Cream of Wheat 31c Slix, No Rubbing-Rinsing or Wiping 49c Rinso - large 30c Ajax Cleanser-2 for 25c Spry - 3 pounds for 93c Frying Chickens Pan Ready pound 69c Jello, 3 packages for 25c u Cove Oysters 38c ; Pure Honey, Localy Produced One pound 25c - 1 0 pound can $1 69 I OOCOCOOOOOCOOOOOCOOOOeCOOOOCCOOO .. .... . - m ii 'in. i k oocoooccoooecccoooooccococcoocoa jT Y Pleasant Grove Real Estate 79 SOUTH, MAIN I 4 Room Brick, Gas Heat, Garage, Gar-age, Full Basement, Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove $13,500 I 5 Room Brick, New Furnace, Stoker. Large Lot. Ameri..-can Ameri..-can Fork $9,000 Three New 4 Room Brick, Garage Gas, Orem, 4 E, 4 N. Res Phone 2323; Office Ph 3311 FREDOVA DANCE STUDIOS WOMANS' CLUBHOUSE 3rd North and University Avenue, Provo," WILL ENROLL PUPILS NOW FOR THE WINTER TERM ' IN DANCING Fredova's Intensive Training and Ability to Teach Dancing to Pupils of Any Age from 3 years on OUALIIFIES HER AS A TOP RANKING TEACHER IN: BALLET, TOE, TAP, BALLROOM AND CHARM FREDOVA IS THE RECOGNIZED TEACHER FOR CHILDREN If you wish thorough Basic and Advanced Training in Dancing ENROLL NOW! See for yourself the Method of Instruction that is so successful with children For information Ph. Melba Gardiner, 2471 Mrs. Maxfield 3139 "CENTRAL UTAH'S FOREMOST SCHOOL OF THE DANCE" SALE Unusual opportunities for worthwhile saving in SUITS, DRESSES AND LINGERIE All Winter Stock on Sale : MATERNITY WARDROBE The Friendly Shop for Expectant Mothers 32 North, 1st East, Provo, Utah For Work . . . For Play . . . en m v .tm rr 7 Cf ''i1 ,: I A ea "lf" '' I I Maximum Strength to i"' r ' Wear and Wear under - I j toughest usage, yet with ? 1 ! Trim Good Looks . . . !' 1 ' I - Ilight, whatever you do s i ... wherever you go. ':.. r A',.-.:' . j , Heaviest 19 oz. t I Wh'pcord ' v ' t Durable Water Repliant ; M Tvo-Ply Blended with j i j ' j ' Nylon '', Scr?tch-Free Comfort n ! iumm Trousers 9-95 wirries . . . a cdkidki ipacsdfdo You rest as you ride in comfortable Pullmans j vssi lZ-' ' ! or adjustable, reclining coach seats. j '-L' No need to be concerned about where to -- J f sleep, either or where to dine. Here you jt 'jfi f 'LrTA-' 7 ' have restful sleep, room to roam, delightful f jry fr(?Js AY ft 1 meals elegantly served in Union Pacific ; Li r diners. The January menu feature is prime I i rr-l jNTN ribs of beef. 4 J' jf j j Best of all, you arrive refreshed downtown V 'y 4f j at your destination. If an automobile is X-Xy JA f" needed, it's convenient and inexpensive to x V f j rent one on arrival. X -- ''- For details and reservations seo your "" V - nearest Union Pacific Railroad ticket agent. v for Dependable Passenger and Freight Transportation Jj Vj 0 0 S |