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Show Basket Makes a Towel Pocket Wheel Doily for Shower Gift few a wi .-.o.,Tm, ''Wis 5rn&'! 1 'A 1 J 2594U ; 1271 ' i." I f Pattern Envelope No. 2594 contains ' i u&tyi$ ri-. '1 complete, accurate, easy-to-follow cro-; cro-; TQgr . ; SiSra'l cheting instructions and stitch illustra- 5942 i .iisAiN . r REWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK A WONDERFUL way to dress up 3U' w,"' a s'v cic. e. m. , , , , , Enclose 20c In coin for each pat- your bath towels add a cro- tern. Add 5c or 1st Class Mail u cheted basket which serves as a jYum No handy washcloth holder. Popular pineapple motifs Worn Up quickly, Name (Please Print) and there's an edging to match. Street Address or P.O. Box No. Pattern No. 5942 consists of complete crocheting instructions, material require- City State-" mentsj stitch illustrations and finishing directions. i- 1u. tkii feudaet Sav&i wiik CLABBER GIRL B Here .is a Dudget-saver . especially B sv.w:;5w',!5 I popular with teen-ager&m econom- ytsrm"f ' r I icaL too, since one "frank" js suffi- I f i " I I cient for a serving . . . built-in I , MB seasonings mustard and butter or ' , , . iji margarine with meat juices held " ?i Within the "blanket" make them i ' ' extra delicious ... so easy to m-.'ke , v 3 with Clabber Girl. S . - , I i f" " . J.. , ' . .,J.. Pound for pound, more Ji CUPS sif" alu tablespoons , . , purpost flour ' shortening peop e use more Clabber 2 l(aspoon) j cup milk (approx-) Girl than any other Bak- Clabber Girl Butter or margarine ing Powder. Baking Powder Prepared mustard , J teaspoon salt 6 frankfurters Here s Why: Clabber Girl's Sif, four bakingpowder and int balanced double action lakes mixing bowl. Cut in shortening until mix-the mix-the guess-work out of bak- ture resembles corn meal. Add milk and ' stir to make soft dough that con be handing hand-ing ... a uniform rise to led. Scrape ball of dough onto lightly mixing bowl lightness; a floured board. Knead slighty. then roll ... , into circle a little less than one-fcrurth positive rise to own pcrfeo incn thiCk. cut dough into six pie-shaped ri'on in texture and flavor. wedges. Spread each wedge with butter or ?s margarine and prepared mustard. Lay frankfurter on end of dough opposite g 'L point. Roll up and press point to seal W 0 a THRV at i dough. Place point-side down on cookie Vf feiP oi sheet. Bake 12 to 15 minutes in a very hot V (K,1hL I oven (450 F.). Serve hot with catsup or T if Peter Pajn chains your youngster with K"" ruEr,bB,n-ov , : 1 ,- . .n-lce'sique r JZ " THE ORIGINAL BAU QUICK! 'Eg vr m (f m RUB IN iSDvsriSEr yj I FOR CHILDREN IN THE BLUE PACKAGE & |