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Show SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS So Smart and New for Juniors Strong Man Teacher: "Do you think George Washington could have pitched a -dollar across the Rappahannock River, as he is said to have done?" Jimmie: "I don't know; I guess so. Our history book says he pitched his camp across the Delaware Dela-ware River when the British were pursuing him." Before Cghs That mtffi on Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the scat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CI!EO&1ULSS!0N ralievil Cough, Chest Coldi, Acuta Bronchitis I fe W HERE'S the type of frock juniors like to sew new and smart and such pretty detail. Tiny buttons but-tons accent the front closing, mandarin man-darin collar and shallow pockets give a professional finish. Pattern No. 8614 Is a sew-rlte perforated perfo-rated pattern in sizes 11, 12, 13. 14, 16. 18. Size 12. 4'a yards of 39-inch. The new Basic FASHION for Spring and Summer will be ready for you soon. A practical guide in pi nning a versatile, well rounded wardrobe. Gift pattern printed inside the book 25 cents. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT 367 Wfsi Adams St.. Chicago 6. IU Enclose 30c In coin for each pat-tern pat-tern Add 5c for 1st Class Mail II desired. Pattern No Size Name (Please Print! Streel Address or P O Box No City State HE SAYS ORA he) DENTURE CLEANSER , f "Since nsing ORA my denture is always al-ways clean and sparkling," says Max N. Serlick, Portland, Me. DENTISTS PRAISE ORA In a survey, an overwhelming majon ity of dentists praised this marvelouf new cleanser. No harmful brushinf that can ruin dentures. Just place iv ORA solution for 15 minutes or overnight. over-night. Removes tobacco stains. ORA is guaranteed not to harm dentures-Get dentures-Get ORA today. All druggists. A Product of McKesson & Robbins, Inc. Ti POPS SO tASVANV 1 UtTASltS SO COOP r v tii irrmniMi muni k aii EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH ! K? If you have trouble with plates XXXX that slip, rock, cause sore gums try Brimms Plasti-Liner. One application makes plates fit snugly without powder or paste, because Brimms Plasti Liner hardens permanently perma-nently to your plate. Relines and refits loose plates in a way no powder or paste can do. Even on old rubberplates you get good results six months to a year or longer. You can EAT anything I Simply lay s ft strip ot Plasti-Liner Plasti-Liner on troublesome upper or lower. Bite and it molds oertectly. Easy to use, tasteless, odorless, harmless to you and your plates. Removable as directed. Mooey back if not completely satisfied. Ask yout aruggtsti Kidney Slow-Down Way Bring I ifestless Nights When kidney fujictlon slows down, many folks complain of nagging backache, headaches, head-aches, dizziness and loss ot pep and energy. Don't suffer restless niehts with these discomforts dis-comforts if reduced kidney function is getting get-ting you down due to such common cause as stress andv strain, over-exertion or exposure ex-posure to cold. Minor bladder irritations duo to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these conditions condi-tions bother you. Try Doan's Pills a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 60 years- While often otherwise caused. It's amazing how many times Doan's give haopy relief from these discomforts help the 16 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan's Pills todayl Boars Pills DUE TO COLDS lfJCJ Best-known home If I remedy to use Is .. .V VAPORUB Economical Cough Ivelif ! Try This Home Mixture No Cooking. Makes Big Saving. To get quick and satisfying relief from coughs due to colds, mix this recipe in your kitchen. First, make a syrup with 2 cups granulated granu-lated sugar and one cup of water. No cooking needed. Or you can use corn syrup or liquid honey, instead of sugar syrup. Then get 2)4 ounces of Pinex from any druggist. This is a special compound of proven ingredients, in concentrated form, well-known for its quick action on throat and bronchial irritations. Put Pinex into a pint bottle, and fill up with your syrup. Thus you make a full pint of splendid medicine about four times as much for your money. It never spoils, and tastes fine. And for quick, blessed relief, it is surprising. surpris-ing. You can feel it take hold in a way that means business. It loosens phlegm, soothes Irritated membranes, eases soreness. Makes breathing easy, and lets you get restful sleep. Just try it, and if not pleased, your money will be refunded. FOR EXTRA CONVENIENCE GET NEW READY-MIXED. READY-TO USE PINEX! I ARE A HEAVY ifLkj . CORK TV Change to SAM the L4Ssw distinctive cigarette with . Ily, "MWJ Sano's scientific process cuts nico- I rfr f tine content to half that of ordinary 'fsoiA . cigarettes. Yet skillful blending l?'cOf!l0i, s i I makes every pufif a pleasure; j j I , I FLEMING-HALL TOBACCO CO., INC. !5? i ASKrOUI! DOCTOR A80UTSAN0 CIGARFTTtS J g QUICKC and i I 1 i 1 Van Camp's Pork and Beans 8 in Tomato Sauce g Choice, plump, whole beans S ... a secret savory tomato eauce... sweet tender pork... j with flavor through and g . through. Only Van Camp's g8 ...originator of canned pork gc and beans . . . gives you so 8$ & much good eating at sncb & little cost ofmoney and effort. I -it . , r : : |