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Show Swanee Singers At American Fork, March 2 People of this vicinity are to be accorded a rare treat Sunday evening, March 2 in the appearance o the Swanee Singers in concert numbers ! at the Stake Tabernacle. This group . have a membership of 65 male voices! of outstanding character. It has the j reputation of being one of the best Male choruses In the entire west. Through the courtesy of the group and particularly the Manager, Mr, Danaleson, the entire aggregation will appear before our public tree of cost. The only guarantee is our stake makes is to fill the tabernacle to capacity. This ough not be difficult diffi-cult knowing the high type of the entertainers. Besides the chorsus, two outstand ing lady singers of the state and probably prob-ably Brother Cannon, church organist organ-ist will render numbers. The concert will take the place of all M. I. A. conjoint meetings throughout through-out the stake, as all wards are combining com-bining to make it a mammoth Btake affair. To miss this treat ia to deprive de-prive one of hearing one of the most select things In the state. |