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Show American Fork Locals Mrs. John Crooks, Mrs. C. B. Halll-day Halll-day and A. O. Miller of Shelley, Ida-ho, Ida-ho, are in American Fork visiting with their sister, Mrs. Byron Crooks-ton Crooks-ton and family. Miss Ina Taylor of Mounds visited in American Fork Monday night with' relatives. Miss Taylor, with her sister, sist-er, Mrs. Roger Felt and husband( also of Mounds, leaves this month .on a trip to California and Mexico. M r s. Robert Walker returned home this week after a visit in Las Vegag with relatives. Friends of Moral D. Steele will be glad to learn he continues to improve after a seigo of rheumatism which has confined htm. to his home for several weeks. Mrs. M. H. Ingersoll and Mrs. Jar-vis Jar-vis Aydelotte attended a meeting of the County Chapter of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers held in Provo Thursday Thurs-day of last week. Frank Adams, Karl Bennett, Clarence Clar-ence Grant and Mrs. Mary Humphries entertained with music on the program pro-gram for Old Folks day in Windsor ward Wednesday. The members of "the Sorosis Club were guests Friday afternoon of Mrs. iT. A. Greenwood. The afternoon was spent in needle work and social chat Rnd late in the afternoon the hostess served a delicious lunch. .Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor were guests in Provo at a party given at the home of Mr. Taylor's brolher, Scott Taylor. Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Reese of Provo, and Mrs. Carl R. Taylor of Nephi, motored to this city and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. M'ower, Mr. and Mrs'. Dell Singleton, LaVelle and E1-: m:a Singleton motored to Provo Wednesday Wed-nesday evening and attended the Paramount Theatre. Mrs. Thomas Singleton and Mrs. John Singleton returned home from Ferron, Emery County, Saturday after spending two weeks there with relatives. rela-tives. Mrs. W. D. Lewis of Provo, is visiting indefinitely in American Fork with her daughter, Mrs. Leo Meredith. Mrs. George Boyack of Salt Lake was also a visitor here this week with her sister, Mrs. Meredith. Mr. and Mrs. James Shelley, Mrs. John Singleton and Mrs. Thomas Singleton spent Tuesday In Salt Lake, visiting with Mrs. Nell Pulley, formerly form-erly of this city, who is confined to her home with illness. The Home Makinng class of the high school with their leader, Mrs. Iva Carlson, visited the home of Mrs. E. J. ?eastrand Thursday morning where a demonstration of bathing and dressing a baby was given. Mr. and Mrs. . Richard Douglas of Ogden, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stice. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Stlce and family of Alpine, were also Sunday guests of the Stice family. Miss Myrl Chamberlain has completed com-pleted a course of hair dressing in the Provo Beauty School, and has also passed the state examination. Miss Chamberlain states she will remain re-main here to engage in beauty work. Mrs. Louisa McBride, mother of Dr. J. F. Noyes of this city, and a Utah' pioneer, died at her residence in Provo, February 8th, and was buried bur-ied in the Provo city cemetery the following Wednesday, February 12th. Mrs. Azel Householder entertained entertain-ed at bridge Friday afternoon of last week. Three tables were in progress, Mrs. Fannie Singleton winning the club prize and Mrs. Francell Homer the guest prize. Tasty refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Thell Meacham and family are visiting here from Stand-ardville Stand-ardville with Mrs. Meacham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nephi . Howe. Mr. Meacham is recuperating from an accident ac-cident in which he received several bruises on one side of his body. Friday afternoon Mrs. Glen Taylor entertained 26 of her little daughter, Maxine's friends, the occasion being the little lady's 10th' birthday. Valentine Valen-tine decorations added to the pleasure pleas-ure of the little folks and after a pleasant time spent in playing games, refreshments were served. Chipman Store Continues Con-tinues Improvements Chipman Mercantile store is still in the process of making improvements. improve-ments. At the present time the stairway between the present shoe department aDd men's clothing is being be-ing removed and an entrance to the upstairs rooms has been made from the office. Slight changes will be made in the furniture, hardware and shoe departments depart-ments and when completed there will be but low partitions between all departments, de-partments, thus enabling one to command com-mand a view of the entire store at any point. |