Show BUCKHORN NOTES july uly 26 1916 we have had very nice rains since the and I 1 hey wine very much appreciated our celebration passed off vely nicely being enjoyed fully by everyone ho attended the other day two young men man fr from om panguitch were seen daiv driving ir through nere from beaver beave r so beant beacht 13 drunk that they were unable to guide their horses in corm cominar rig to a bridge the animals went too near the edge and a asa a consequence the wheels on one side of the rig they were in went off the bridge fortunately ton tuna tely attly the horses stopped which prevented the rig from capsizing thus saving the intoxicated vo young ung men from floor injury citizens went to their help and had to lift the men bodily from the rig as they were helpless they lay forvour for four hours in a drunken steep sleep before they could be aroused sufficiently to know of their whereabouts in the rig were two barrels of liquor and an officer was sent for to zaire it but he tat sd ed that lie he could do nothing as the law did not give him power what is our country coming to toa why dont the laws that deal with contra hard band whiskey reach such a case a as the above |