Show liver trouble 1 I am bothered with to luer er trouble about twice a i 5 as ear writes joe amir man webster city iowa a I 1 have paw pars IQ in my side and back and an awful sor soreness new in my stomach I 1 heard of chamberlains tablets and tried them by the time I 1 had used half a bottle of the them I 1 was feeling 6 fine ne and had no DO signs of pain obtainable tai everywhere the bel beat laxative to keep the bowels regular the best laxative is outdoor exercise drink a full at glass of water half an hour before breakfast and eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables albo establish a regular habit babl t and be sure sum that your bowels move once each day when a medicine ib needed take chamberlains baill tablets ets th they cy are P pleasant Is a bant to take and ad mild and an d gentle gend in effect obtainable everywhere cream world a standard machines absolutely sol guaranteed for price and terms write wm win P barton agent paragonah Para P gonah uth utah ALSO OPERATES AUTO STAGE LINT LINE daily beivide between and cedar carries passengers and light express E press F eat anlin riding C car r and lee Lico nied d drive path dg to ande trips trip will jj be o d cl rear rate I 1 re atonable b ph P PiC Bh h aid d C cd 1 city IF YOU HAVE A job of cement work that you want done clone properly and at a price you can reach see we ire I 1 I 1 am prepared to do imy any kind of cement work from building a bridge to a house cement pavement a specialty TUGS THOS LAWRENCE CEDAR CITY UT UTAH LOOK HERE L 0 0 K 0 0 se makes make the be hair feel glad gid A real hair doctor it does what everybody wants it to do it leans cleans the hair als also 0 the scalp bcd and leaves leave it feeling glad Is t md made only by A W 1 DRILL a 1 N new barber b er shop pem marown uth utah CLEANING PRESSING dot dirty y S suit made CI clean and to look b like k new MRS A W DR DRILL ILL will you be ordering a new suit of clothes an overcoat or raincoat this fall or winter let me sh show w you M BORN 4 COS CO liine line before you do il W WARNER MITCHELL parowan carowan Pa rowan utah E M decker 0 D optometrist makes regular visits to paro pare wn glasses fitted and guaranteed repairing and lenses duplicated cal office in toll TI block B BI beaver I U uth DR F J BURTON physician surgeon P marown utah offa in new guar bourl 9 to 12 in office hour B to B p m LEON L ECKLES instructor in voice and violin studio at residence tel M J macfarlane M D phy physician ician a S surgeon geon CEDAR CITY UTAH offices in knell block over cedar city drug store RANDALL L JONES ARCHITECT member meath of uh A ton of I 1 architect CEDAR CITY UTAH T G ECKLES painter paper hanger and decorator eftim at F rn h 4 ail it kinds of work PAROWAN UTAH MAKE YOUR FINAL PROOFS 1 do youn with it W WARNER MITCHELL MITCHEL clerk of the court vh utah and thu ban ihl rn at hla f ur yr I 1 vyven elim antu h m for kiy SASS I 1 1 I 1 1 11 rent ent an I 1 underwood I 1 I 1 typewriter I 1 0 I 1 0 most popular with the typist who knows simplicity its foundation used by the largest corr corporations orations I 1 the machine you will eventually buy I 1 j no 44 exchange place salt lake city utah here is the lie unique story of an actual ex perance what one woman did F ON january 1916 a saturday morning mrs F of detroit left that city accompanied only by ay clr her 14 year old son en route for pen sacola bacola florida in a DORT her course lay over the mud and snow bound roads of seven states a journey of more than 1400 miles all to be made in the dead of winter can you imagine a more strenuous test of feminine nerve or motor car endurance and ad to lo add dd to the dan d an ch chr cler ler rt GUI ae bic dd dorl and ill nervy dt driver won I 1 t of the d ele it t rained mard la in to lor not ay only dd abey reach P fir fib y th th lat c d he firl thirty hilly alc of f concrete hea I 1 y afi gh 1 1 lad a out of detroit the entire 0 journey a r h hz odou condet led bel between beler er ed for t de the wot on n and d car on one or hid hand and ad bl condition that any y ea car d winter be he gh be pd p d it h ehlend I 1 v the price of the dort is lv J DAVID LEIGH agent LUN LUND D UTAH fr dort motor car co abat met J rt t f PAROWAN AUTO SERVICE FRANK LYMAN LYHAN MANAGER fare reasonable each way between parowan carowan and cedar city special hect I 1 trips to an any P art rt of the count county corbi comfortable cr car dpn experienced ed driver ft on for utah E R liston harness and shoe maker I 1 oiled a and nd R repaired of paired ahoe h a re repairing p a ring a specialty I 1 I 1 carry in stock horn harness a sad db dies collars bridles etc P utah uh IF YOU WANT strictly first class watch clock or jewelry repairing done by an expert of 30 years experience and guaranteed send it to E M DECKER formerly with the boyd park jewelry J try house of salt lake leave your work with dave barton parowan carowan Pa rowan utah ali BRING YOUR HIDES PELTS tu to the lanu langely ely wl where bere iere you can get the Ill hiI blIest iet lash anile tor for teem and lenie niber that you yon laii can buy the llin best in and vegetable leather hit lier patronize home industry writ wm pritchard paro carowan parowan Pa rowan an utah fiji 1 sawing commenced nj 31 aji II 11 e afre ve pita ty of to os on the ofil d aw and C stuffs 7 q HOW it i lib it fu fuli 11 sit A ial I 1 ng we vf are to pi t t parel fared to fill it alt 11 of 01 lei s if f yoo w lumber hinther ue ite can bijl supply you have wh on the ide end u hicls I 1 ys wits cut lat last eaon walterc C ALL ua ill iff L JOHN T MITCHELL parowan carowan Pa rowan utah general merchandise notions furnishings groceries etc prices are the lowest of the he low call and be convinced construed JOHN S BROWN contractor and builder parowan carowan Pa rowan utah high class work at all times time satisfaction given if you 0 amr contemplate i the E erection 1 of cottage be so sure sea nd get my y I 1 CAN SAVE bave YOU DOLLARS |