Show MARRIAGE NOT THE WAY OUT working girl may find fall he her lot let harder than ever wh when she enters antem wedlock one of the th most at serious becom bat le to advancement 1 in industrial lite life 1 8 the general feeling on an the part of otlie ties woman that it Is isn t going to be rafols ri to work for noy my or grant length of time be the will abon be coming a long along who when she he will be hae it a home of her own w declares detroit journal what a the use ninny a a bornn it has 11 sold anit anif a hen waa sall suggested ed to her that she bhe give am more re th thought ought to her tai tan the work ork to Is am traci ry so what h at 1 a the use air of b bothering g one a a imil brain with thinking out d details 1 the exaggerated pW tl of girls girl nr as I 1 to the improvement of their lot when married in the notice matter of ct work ok Js is or lit off nond wonderful erful society felpi to accentuate this belief by b society frowning on woman workers and ad stating In war that they go to h hou 0 kupig and ad get out of the industrial grind now it a woman in the lower walk of life as aa one puts put it which menna memi a comsa who be 1 la one a of a 1 family 11 with an income ira less than will support a ap pp art all 11 the members a on the wages amite 0 f the fatha cannot escape wort work by getting married tried A ith married life on a small income the areball necessity of work is more P preshing ing a 17 than who when single for drourr married life p presupposes amee more the than one stomach 4 to n clothe in be fid fad or one back to be clothed d in lae due time ordin ordinarily artly there re will be three there four or five mouths to be fed and backs to be clothed work forkl most mail women know little about work until they are am married F so a irl a d life lit ix not an escape from work the wom who donit does become a helpmeet instead of being simply a help eat eal has missed her getting calling I 1 in gerung married just as she missed her calling when employed in store or factory or office in not be becom ing efficient |