Show democratic convention july 1916 A democratic county convention is hereby called to meet in the court room of the county court house at parowan carowan Pa rowan utah on saturday aug net 1916 at 11 A M for far the purpose of electing nine do de legates to attend the D democratic state convention which has been called to convene at ogden utah on august to nominate a full bbate ticket of officers etc said county convention will also elect delegates to attend the demo cratic congressional convention of the first congressional district which will meet at ogden utah on august agust and said laid county CO con bention will also transact any and all other business which may proper ly come before it each precinct will be entitled to ore one delegate to the county comity conven tion for each 25 votes or fraction thereof cat cast for the hun jamesh james H moyle for U S senator from utah in 1914 on which apportionment the various precincts will be entitled to delegates as a follows precinct delegate buckhorn I 1 oonah 2 carowan parowan 7 summit I 1 enoch I 1 cedar 8 kati I 1 newcastle I 1 modena 2 stateline Stat eline elme I 1 lund I 1 it is very much desired and very ver important that all precincts be re a presented at said convention and that in the event that democratic organizations are not complete in my any of said precincts they be made so immediately so they will be in the best possible condition to conduct the coming campain respectfully respectful iv CHARLES ADAMS democratic county chairman |