Show we want your job work 1 0 4 S e 0 nf F do doughnut lincol any lime you want W arnol real clou food doodles poodles ire calumet m I 1 baking g I 1 ador my rn moll rl er uses wi it ashes tried d 11 II 11 bolhen he ow aliea 1 learned od h her e r le lesson so now she to 10 q ld hat for maling tender n wholesome who esome one airl I 1 t b bal ggs binl aul leavening n end if on rin uniform results hoilier siy wilume li boic arnod ul lo 10 buy lie 1 FT cx nee az dh h ta aad au C 1 fl f M fluid can P 0 NOT CP I 1 ET aavang f CHICAG 11 aw d he 1 C el v olleo 1 sl p onor I 1 end ao lost between parowan carowan and cedar city a grip critan containing g order blanks etc tc for utah wholesale grocery G erv provo prove utah tinder return to this office and receive reward of 2 50 11 1 1 ii i i 11 1 1 faiai PREP ai ai X we are strong in every department and prepared always T fi a to protects our patrons interests if you buy your goods of us you will be satisfied you will fi have obtained the best goods for your money ioney iT have you seen our beautiful display of silverware JEWELRY DIAMOND RINGS WATCHES AND KINDRED ARTICLES WONDERFUL VALUES fi in shirts hats ties and socks women and Childrens ui in furnishing goods shoes for every member of the family g ni W WE CARRY fi hay grain rolled wheat leading implements and hardware yi yi g WHOLESALE AND RETAIL afi gasoline and kerosene flour germade rolled wheat and ni afi other mill products wholesale price guaranteed g 15 at all times alert to welcome and satisfy our customers 4 SOUTHERN LARGEST STORE en 3 PAROWAN COOP CO OP ma M CO 9 LF PURE HONEY three tons of the best hone honey ev ever er produced in southern utah for sale HONEY EIGHT CEN CENTS TS PER POUND guaranteed pure and unadulterated beats sugar for preserving burp purposes ch place your order before beffie it is 13 to too tote late M L E S RD Par utah tab I 1 1 why leave machinery in the rain 1 is decord ch ille ex he w ke of q kly 1 they I 1 I 1 or or word 0 of c ly in dolar in irana Irh na a or or of im if yen let it n on h b th ant error rk pol Why p I 1 abde IV tile modern ay th 1 of biang bId ng inch a shed I 1 h le thil you ahk burh ka 1 abi a d the in boy for new hn and new par I 1 of good web all morvell th you g y I 1 he t it uni og you money I 1 bonneville LUMBER CO H B spurgan manager lund utah INSURE HOME I 1 represent the home fire I 1 insurance aurance co of new york this is ia the strongest and most reliable company in the world CHAS ADAMS PAROWAN UTAH pay by the and get a rebate of awen ty five cents a telephone IRON COUNTY TELEPHONE CO i 11 ai WANTED 11 fi E you to come collie and get fieh beef aud and 1 i i 31 mutton at the T t T i CITY MEAT MARKET E 1 fi 1 the best alac on sale and cut to 1 suit ecru sanitary and coui chui f 1 f deou i treatment at all dinces 4 1 f john A daenport Daen plop Pa iowan towan utah WWW bmw L j aa J R ir li women I 1 A depend upon us to choose spices for them we awe recommend folgers golden gate spices because we believe them the best and we can also recommend all groceries sold by us NATIVE LUMBER J from the famous equitable and peerless saw mill now in full operation and sp plying lumber in all dimensions place your orders CO association |