Show US road money severe several 1 readers of the times who have haa t the he infers interests 9 te of better highways at heart Is have ave expressed the belief that the new federal road law which permits states state to ir se c I 1 aid from washington I 1 in the improve ment of roads provided such states agree to build a stipulated amount of new roads roada themselves will ha lide a tendency to cause a states s to con lette en I 1 fact only brou frou enough to g get t the feder al lation and then quit this lo ib possible of course it II moreover has the earmarks of hu his man nature nothing of the kind should occur in ut utah a h the sentiment for I 1 im prove proved d highways is alrea already 13 develop ed and is gaining momentum every year irrespective of government gove rement a aid id the present sentiment should cryst aliz into continued action there b ere is room for less extravagance or getting more for our mon men ey oil either her way you want to put it but no room dt at all ail for keeping the wheel of progress going just antly to get free oil from the govern ment meet |