Show quaint RL raincoat when ralo rain tails falls in tropical coun countries trie ethere there Is no DO mistake about it the eat rain cornea as if it meant to sweep away all such h trifles as trees ire and bushes caffman thithu A num v who goes s out 1 in this doing deluge I 1 mutt it protect himself lint but he finds ad that a mackintosh of the lightest kind hui has its disadvantages ames lor for if it keeps the hintea rain out t tt it alio keeps tile the heat beat la in T the m raincoat ineram beld demised by the mort meri can cans 1 19 called a chino and is IB so por ous us that the heat he ari ol of the bodi bad readily rim escapes pro will while 1 e owing leg to it ita construe tion it kepf the abe wearer d dry thi the chino chano I 1 8 anacle of numberless mag long nar or row raw 8 strips let of dried philia pal leaf one a end ad of rach ach strip being woven into a acht fabric ead and the rg rest 1 falling aioo loose th the nearer r of tills this garment no ra rustles if as he walks the and A the rain 1 pattering fat upon it makes make a p c t sound ad arrived at I 1 the house he take takes off his bis point palm leaf joel hat shakes it and hangs it up to dry then on he be slips fine a off his is obin calno link that also ahm nul ad hung hangs it a up ZT be him self elf I 1 Is ait hod by the ralo rain but the chloo chino as it hangs up looks like a hag huge dump damp brown cassock so eriv chii raincoat Is the quaintest quain test la in the world |