Show AUTO TRAIL JEMS OFFICIALS HERE HEBE spent an hour chatting with prominent people regarding route saturday night I 1 H manderfield 0 of f tha salt lake route C H billow biglow J e W field id secretary for the arrowhead trail association and chas chaa C lamb road mad and logging expert for the goodrich tim tire company dhove into town and spent an hour or r two chat chatine ung with prominent citizens on the proposed arrowhead auto road ad from southern soother california to salt lake city mr biglow in a conversation with witha a times Timm reporter stated that for the pitet past year the citizens of san bernardino nardino county california hae been seeking mcking a short and all winter route between sa L t lake and southern california such route to be toted tot lot ale ted along the line of 1 least resist anen regardless of the communities corn m unities through which it would pass mr bigelow has made several trips over the various possible po isible routes and has now located the arrowhead trail which he believes will in time become the most popular route between salt lake and southern california it comes through parowan carowan and follows the state highway front from here to salt lake city the visiting party declares there is but little work to be done to insure insun the feasibility of the route there is practically no work in utah as the state elate highway from salt lake to st george is considered the best long stretch of road in the state there remains about 5 miles of road to be built out of the flit 25 moles miles between st george and the utah arizona state cate line the road will pass directly thru parowan Pa aman rowan and this city will be on one of the division sta stations on the route the association will erect metal sign posts at each end of main street in order that tourists may know the correct cornet direction in and out of the city there will be also metal signs signa erected showing the tourists where gasoline and extras for autos may be had as well in as the best beat garage service obtainable this auto route means mean much to parowan carowan and vicinity as it will be the means of having m my may y califor niana mans and others visit us and they will see the wonder tul resources we have and eventually many of them will invest here which means a bigger and more prosperous city |