Show BOY TOOK CHANCE OFFERED indiana budge had faith in human nature a and d it was not a t 1 mi id place placed on 0 this that occasion ce a n ijedge A judge sitting as the he ju juvenile ile court 1 in an indiana liKi liina town iowa was trying a 1 boy on a charge of testing stealing stamps from his employer the evid evidence vas 0 o pure pace ly I 1 the boy imd had cleaned his emp employer loer desk and fl A short time later inter lie he let tried d to sell to ars an other employee emp loee the same name number dumber of art list had been misled hulled from tile the desk dealt the judge r considered eldred it atte 1 evl I zilldred zi it dence of the men 1 who 1 worked at the same piece mid and then called tied if the police man maa ho b had arrested the boy bey now said aid the court art did either ot 11 in you see this 11 boy take it the stamps no ho our honor but the boy has haa made mad a full fall confession to us the court looked ot at flat tb boy bm no is faced still slightly fly at t thia b I 1 affine emot 1111 ell the court art concluded iid that hot stiv as be but be if im for far allwhite ato lute justice in this court and ad body saw the th boy hid take ill the sto stamps Ps the th defendant I 1 Is di discharged i the next day the boy bay returned the stamps to life bis inal employer loles indianapolis ne new a |