Show little sir galahad elf A story with a soul by F 0 R A Y b br t to amu o 1 SYNOPSIS S while trundling the clan 0 wea itri a up cudger hill uary alice brown an to in let art up on by some boy who UN pill ha V dirt mho tl aba into I 1 the dait alia 1 rr rescued and nd taken to 1 her no home in calvera I 1 ri street in by F franda lR willett it un R 1 d k knight baat IE punished d by her ra rather 1 for or without a J the 1 wash monny on Y as mar alloe r badders cm awny wa fro from b hornat and ad tab trolley ri into at th a c u mary rya alice has T a glimpse of a re tat a mn home in rallied by kindly ones a rell PRO people pit P let ia dle be b I 1 1 hai I am friendship rc hi that at p loc units ad tibal standing I 1 jh how ali aw aw will if arm ran 11 to be mad ad the of s or y alice abi mother and ad the be baby barr CHAPTER fl continued the door swung wide behind sim tire tb M MU mary U allm alice saw raw a pleasant room a and ad them through gh I 1 the b on open illora illo doorway rw wafred wafted nod the homey smell baell that always denotes demotes it alie a farm farmhouse holso in her over P lewwin cring belill weariness and ad pain pal the little girl yearned to that hearth hurtti her big eyes wide vide with longing well beh sold be sam to you gain lion don t think I 1 in coln t to turn the h edoor poor tax t young one me a anav do TI T I what t a your name a child and for goodness good a edues neis bat sate the matter with your foeh forehead fore heid rull looks like ike Bona emi eone larme had bad hit bit y ye sam saim th thomas stepped out upon the big flat rock that formed his bie back bach fic door step just oa a the ron eun licked its it first broad brand rays like hire the tongue a of a cat t over the saucer rim of toe the world A what wistful ful mooing came to him from C the tic barn the furry green weeds that hlll matted the side elde yard were all if lain fiala tilly illy with a heavy white do dew in which sam rim g footprints footprint would appear dark and distinct as it in sn snow with a 0 thumping thumbing of at feet and ad beat 1 ing g of wings wines half a hundred indred tn chickens chicken mine came hurr hurrying ving and jostling to his feet gwan G an said aid sam so shoo mall mail feed ye shut shoo he stumped off t to the barn a milk abal pa 11 rattling filing henru cheerfully y in n each hand bond some borne swallows issued swooping from the tiny hot holes p pierced it high up in a the peak mok of the barn gawe go a they swung elected circled and it dipped ped ut uttering small cheeping notes note a of I 1 amr g gossip sam salt thomas thomaa whistled a thin then tun atine A lesa romma measure tim swung open pa the little up boor I 1 ID the big floor don of the barn and pushed his bis palls pails ahead of him into that doom mrs thomas in the farmhouse who en n we washed he her heri b breakfast r lad illi alies with the deft handling of inbred off elency an oil off lamp burned on the shel abelt above the guile gink for if mrs thu thomas f had bad dean arisen before daylight to make hot biscuit oft now ow as the slant almat ray raya of the sun crept in and turned the lamp flame to a t sickly yellow she blew it out an iother day had bad begun the everlasting ever renewing bust busl HMM con of cleaning went on ma with scarcely IY any interruption martha was always cleaning cometh as she scrubbed scoured red rubbed robbed burnished rod and pol pal by intuition by inclination and by habit and she jda did not find it den drudgery agery sh she was plump pink and her tit pleasant assant 1 in her manner lay a drel dec ton a a A which I 1 ID teas per conable lite worm woman aih one might t have called ty by a hausher harsher name all the time just as he her husband whistled his big tuneless ea measure ore while he be did his claims chores mar mae tha lle hummed coned a soft half portion of song a song long which hleb kept rep repeating tenting endlessly without words or de enable tin able dotes at pro prom somewhere within the h house man e came time a call in a a the last of note ate aon long 4 ud sustained high bbb pitch pitched d 8 w was as honeyed me a a bird s call 11 mum mee eel e eel el martha mans stopped in the midst of at her bar taalib it every morning the same thing happened every morning cam came the littler little clutch clatch at her hem heart the little ton ten der bet recurrent ut pal pain ot of recitation she answered anaw ered not always all right sweet heart ma mothers are coming she a act her beolar in the corner carner old and passed swiftly t tough through h the sitting bitting room mom qt nto a chamber chamb e r the morning sun on filled the chamber with a golden to ra dim di M and thus this mi radiance liance was reflected and med to be enhanced who when it touched ac the staining yellow head bead of a child no nestled tied in the pillows pillow th the san come carm we ked me up colem mammee RI said raid the child 1 in it time to gmt get up 0 i if vou van want to dearie raw how it silo another that a boy bleed bleep 1 P r oo do grand I 1 don t embe any thin but just one little teeny dream iga gee it we was a funny faulty little dream tell ell mother 1 I said martha she bhe busied bas led herself with itic k basin and clotha claths and ad towel As A she bathed him the child went want 0 on W well at it I 1 cant just rum rom member every buo cuo cal W only the was a little girl in it but a she a was 0 t my sister gee mum faw feiwish WeI I 1 wish d I 1 bad a sister ter 2 martha topped stopped short 1 in her opera er eidl alons lead lano sakes sake she aid I 1 tor eel ot forgot argot what demanded dem anaed the U attle it Is boy sharply Nt nothing hing dear said ald his mother tid lie 1 sair raw that he be was wn ahme la things like that were always app happen leg ing to marth Mar flix and ad they tee never te e fled maffed to an startle in it rod and tighten frighten her f it f her ar seven it an cearold boy dreamed things that m came in a true there them might be wine some cepla nation delta a reason she blie dared not at con an template a fragile and ad holy demet hid bid den under penalty even to her mother I 1 love she conal a mal to bathe and d drew tile the nor bov f or he w waa as quite help helpless fm rom in the hin hips downward in the Ittel butchen hou she b ar 1 raci ranged alif him carefully in a 9 big chair and ad practical padded and ad propped dropped to save have every possible train strain where he be could choose alone to watch her bar about her household duties or contern plate the uneventful activities of the farmyard tarm yard utting sitting there them in th the window little charlie thauna dd you of an a indolent angel his hi oatly curls clue retail and tangled about the soft boft oval coal of his face and blended with the treat trana lucent police pallor of bla bin cheeks checks his ebes big line blue and questioning sparkled g with a sort art of eager and ae searching in tallie telli gence coce that sought ought everything ab 0 corbes O every mg comprehended even thing what do you yon want for breakfast lie boyr yf Af martha artle ask asked A egg aard lit charlie promptly did t my clucky lay iny me a one a W R e 11 ask the do bosa said amid martha here he be comes sam carrying the foure milk pail in ehrnst east open the door hullo hull there them he tried cried hot baw the old man this co cooros orom did ciucka lay egg egge deram demanded charlie betcher life she laid an ess egg an ared vred his father two of em ein gee said aard charlie some other hen got t in n clucky a nest eat haygo me you ou better t we eat cut em both to he be ou on the oie safe at bide do suggested martha sam look looked at his bis wife and jerked tv liis let thumb toward ward the telling ceiling low how s the a martha marth chocked checked him with a gesture ind and a sidewise look 1001 toward which said aid aa pla plainly me aa words worda I 1 haven lavan t told him yet mary alice all a brown dreamed a dream he be thought she bhe lay in a big clemi clean bed I 1 in a room eloping walla 11 I 1 it was irico ryal d or mary alice to piece two md and two me together in explanation of her astonishing position th the pain in her firis mba when she fine tried tied to move moe about in the bed helped her and all the details came ame gnad gradually vally bak back she sat up and hung tire lier thin legs leg 01 the side aide of the bed on a chair near by she saw raw her clothes in contrast with the clean chamber their icat dirtiness and it milo wo wee pathetic and shameful mary allen alice pricked at ber er own person and found herself grip she sawa saw A little boy bay propped and pillowed billowed Pill owed I 1 in a big chair ping R of white liate much cotton night gown own omet biRg lei less than a mile too big for her but terr ayal clean k she knew new slie she must most reau resume as be her clothes clothe and ad loathed the idea I 1 he be least effort hurt her bit bitterly bittell terl but she be hobbled across the room mom and somehow nae got into lot her bar own things she lie worked with extreme caution of abe did not know just why when she 11 ll was dressed a she stood and still and ad won wait dered dared what to it do orth next the lit idea of facing 1 sam am appalled let her sa s1 she remembered the L call of sirs ohn men thomas motherly face who when she bad d tucked backed list her lot into bed last night might Y yet flome hehe tiow wondered it if these people pema had not changed during the night might if way they would not look we woefully fully upon hr bir marble little person and put be her out with fill rep reproaches cache wary mary allm alice at last lant blustered ered cour age to seek the stain to tiptoe do down n and when she ebe found herself in the ut bit ting room mom she peered patent fearfully acrons accons at the open kitchen door then she ad danced not at venturing to t speak peak she raw MW a little ho boy with amazing yellow halt hair sitting kitting propped and padded and ad P billowed pillowed pill owed in ft a big chair rim abbe raw ban a man and ad ft woman attend attending lauff knob the child with tri finite love and ad Is tea dr dreffes effee in their that faces face it wu wo all if right und regular for a mother to love her bar b bl but bat mary alice had almost almot forgotten that there was wag each a thins think as f thy fatherly t h food in the devil a track patch meu cam quarreled retail virtually violently with their wives and their children with nay any movement convenient weapons A at t the mission sunday school NJ mary alice A lift had been told a grout great deal about fatherly affection but in real life ex tion had bad been negligible like as R father f their his ala children seemed it to her bet a mad lind of sarcasm coma little charlie th thomaa a suddenly looked round and ad saw the intruder his eyes widened 1 in surprise and goes tion 1 oo 00 a look lack I 1 he be tried cried look at the hil little Is girlsie girl oh she s the one I 1 dreamed shoat about honest she ehe issam isa and martha turned and it oddly enough ti thought caught mary all alice cz meted erected her very pleasantly pleas autly hullo hall kid said so sam sleep g good gd d you poor young one martha said mild come here and let me wash small your tam face I 1 bet you re hungry 11 mary alice use not cons conscious lout of to duneer ner now she submitted dumbly to the ablutionary processes promes es of the clearly cleanly martha all the while am she ke kept p t he lier efi eres axes A W the th little ili shiny I 1 haired boy in the big chair by the wt win dow who I 1 a your rame name demanded charlie firms come a here barn and ad talk t to me mary kites alce went slowly up to the child 9 side aide lel le Is B shake shahe bonds 11 he be said 1 I dreamed med about you what a your name a mary alice draw brown hered vou come from I 1 alike I 1 like yon mary A alice lim she he ra come e from sheffield charlie bov 11 put in marthat martha wash moore the tralley troll er conductor brought her bar here she got lost or something she slept upstairs all night what do you s faile made do to you time dream bout about her I 1 do don t ki know oo 00 I 1 joe just t wanted some one to mile come and ad so see ne me rome am little boy bay or girl aill will you stay here t f rever met mary alice mv mother let me said the little girl I 1 got to go home right a now charlie looked from MB his father to his mother BB as it if in them lay the decision quite I 1 without I 1 bout reference to mary alice a me necessities e W co can tabea t she tAil I 1 like her GO much and she can read mad me stories there we was nothing teasing leasing or tug ing 1 in charlie 8 eagerness just a cheer to ful bpck hopeful ins insistence b steam could you began martla martha 1 I be hae a to help mv mother said the g girl lei she a probably terrible worried bout about me V 6 got a baby too and he a kind of sick I 1 could go h home ome on an the tro tra llev the same bame way I 1 mine come I 1 got gonei well you yon might 1 a well out eat ill borne brebt bre breakfast kt the next ct car don do I 1 go tat or an hour story mary alto alice went want anil ad sat ant by charlie he asked her bet a hundred questions told her a hundred d little things about his own we it life fe ma mary ry ali alice we was a as I 1 talk frank as 11 she felt she bhe could old be B but t she bated baled to admit the facts that were all too plainly ro repealed aled by hr dress and con dithen instincts lost ely she know the hurt bart she must glea give the bar if she told him too much truth about herself shrewd martha march I 1 thomaa home saw it all 11 me as through a magnifying it lens dear lord the thought belp helplessly lOWr how bow can burh h things be right eight why villy do little children childre b have to in suffer offer and ad r why don t grow n up talks folks settle their own accounts at poor P I 1 innocent o ault tat ba tries bles poor innocent liable babies 4 I 1 p from m m this one may see a that male b bow w 0 or r other martha thomas was of classing her charlie with mary alice of the sheffield slum lure IN W hit was the common debt thus vicariously charged git her boy find and the forlorn little cirp barn am mining coming in from the barn an bounced that he be must pot postpone pone his ble wagon trip for another day but he be said raid just change my clothes clothe and ad take her indicating the visitor home on ili the fruit I 1 in poll poin to rod find out at Bo methin built about that kill fill she aint 1 t ver verv talked talkative but I 1 no d darned M good and suie nute if ab acied d tell us all 11 wed wait like to know it would I 1 eonni and ilk like no im f story that young wor one a laid biad borne a hard treat treatment L I 1 in start glad you re going greed agreed his wife shea he a real nice ire child only air she alie a been kicked or whipped a or something 0 m you fand out all vo vou u can d dear me mabbe be we ac can do it my lath father or a the a grandest feller faller charlie as telling mary alice 1 I kuess gares I 1 to ft a awful lucky little DOT bov lie be made me this chair huelf did you ever see a baseball genie me some same day when I 1 grow up and mv me lega leg re gets is wall well I 1 m got coln to play ba baseball ball I 1 m coln n lobe to be a mi big 9 leg pitcher god gad a rid goin n to make me well wall calmun mammee soya says im gettin gettan better belter all the time that pon feel at sorrow haa darkened dark a me it alte of so ad me mah lah end what at has b mad ill it to char hj ca the ithe hadid ald thing fi he be I 1 TO BE CONTINUED 4 |