Show TER j having splendid doll Time Sight seeing I 1 in eastern cri citie prefers utah to the he E eat boston mass idear july 27 1916 alator of times dear friend am just bat dropping you on a few lines to say bay we are enjoying on our r tr trip ip ven much we heard a good deal about intense heat in the east but up to the present have not felt any of ithe it have 1 e had ago a good od many showers but otherwise th erwin the weather has been mild after a few days in salt lake we took the den denier er ario rio grund for the ile east before read ing sahda colo col we decided to take a side trip into san lu luis is va valley ley where several of our old parowan carowan friends reside arriving there sund sunday ay morning we had bad the privilege of attending site sac ram meeting in the afternoon where we me met t many of our old friends friend however how ever there were some borne whom we ve bus missed tied lars Mor tenion and his odet daughter delia mick elson john C dalton ira B whitney who are through with the toils of this ute life on monday we were taken by a auto U by martin mckelson to manas mana a ea as where we met many other old acquaintances quain among them being mrs john C dalton who rode back to sanford with us a to be present Trea ent at a social of all the parowan carowan people given for us at the home of henry Rasa numen where we spent pent a delightful time bro swell peterson and wife also took us all over the valley in their automobile the next day we were taken by auto to llamoso where we boarded the tram train back to salida calida then on oa to denier and chicago the last city we spent over night taking in wine some of the sights along the lake michi ran gan from there we came direct to boston where we found george and nellie and children waiting for us at the depot well and happy and very glad to see us since arriving we have taken in the sights here spend uz tig one day at revere bech B ech new En glands greatest bathing resort where thousands may be seen daily dipping in the salt sea water another day at park a beautiful te re sort on the charles river eiver yesterday we spent pent at the navy yards where we went on inboard onboard board the con tit ution used in the war of 1812 we also viewed about a dozen dolen battle ships and as many sub submarines marmes we also visited the bunker hill monument of historic interest from revo lutio nary days we expect to take a side trip up into vermont to visit the joseph memorial farm at sharon tat k where we expect to met jesse M smith water nellies boy who is doing missionary work in vermont george and nellie will go with us we will visit barre where the greatest es granite deposits in the world are found we also d expect to take lake a side trip to palmyra new york to the hill cumorah and visit the early boy hood home of joseph smith we will go home via new york city washington D C pittsburg Pitts bura and back to chicago taking to in the A 1 places of interest in each city we were glad to meet elder ank mcgregor here who la is laborg ig as a brosam Y in this confert ince coca and he I 1 is dome doing well I 1 have always thought we would be so much better off at home if we could only have more a ram rain but since coming out here and seeing hay bay and timothy piled up all ail a long the way is spoiled because of so much jiin am I 1 am about to decide that I 1 would prefer our western sunshine and ur ir to the rain fall they get out this thia way I 1 enjoyed leading the times timea which arrives here in due time a at the durhams Du Dur rhama bams every week it bearne it like a tnt taste fr from home a al rim light hope everything is well in faro faro wan sincerely yours LN L N |