Show belt road in the world in france where they have haie the best roads of any country in the world the high highways are divided in to several classes but alt all of them are supervised by the national government ern ment which maintains a bureau of roads roada and bridges and supports a for the education of the engineers and inspectors inh who are am employed in this bureau this me thod of building and maintaining roads in france was started by the first napoleon who appears to hae been the earliest european statesman who clearly saw the economic advantage of proper highways and who at the same time had the power aria to carry out what he wished the effect of these them good roads roada in france has been wonderful they have brought all ail of the various parts of the country nearer together they have made country life less lonesome and they reduced the cost of trans po por I 1 tation of country produce to a minimum france is the only country in europe where the agricultural classe are not dissatisfied and where they do not feel that they have a harder time than those who labor in other fields civilized nations have good roads savage and unenlightened countries do not the highways of travel are a gauge of progress a people have made from barbarism to bryd civilization aaion how are conr the prim price at which a farm will sell for is regulated by its nearness to market and the quality of its neighborhood roads to increase the selling price of your farm work work for good roads good roads will benefit the farmer more than he ever dreams of on an average the farm products product of this cauntay must be hauled by wagon miles to market there is more room for saving in this wagon haul than in a railroad haul of one a thousand miles the railroads of the country charge only eight tenths of a cent for hauling a ton ban a mile |