Show AGED CITIZEN DEAD nathan benson passed to the great beyond on the dinst at being nearly 90 years of age he was born in eng land in 1826 and joined the mormon church in early manhood his parents were among the first eon con verts in england under the preaching of alder heber C kimball richard benson one of his brothers was one of the first pioneers of parowan carowan Pa rowan while nathan and other members of the family came in 1868 nathan benson was a useful industrious dust rious man who earned his living by the sweat of his brow running one on of the old fashioned sawmills in this locality many years ago uncle natty as he was affect innately lona tely called was the father of the equitable cooperation co operation in southern utah as he had 3 comprehensive understanding of the great success of the rockdale cooperative business in england he had much op position to contend with as all who advance now new adf ta have but he fin ally made a success suc of the tion which has proven a great help in this thia community mr benson was never led astray by other people oe oples thoughts ile he thought for himself while in his speech hewn he was not a lindley murray he wasu wasa giant in mathematical problems let the funeral services w were a held on the dinst the speakers being S A matheson Mi theaon david matheson mathason morgan richards and jo john to stevens all of whom had something good to lo sav about him as they all had known him a life lifetime |