Show UTAH STATE NEWS NER prelim preliminary drainage sty work on tha briehan city IF drainage district I 1 ia hii progressing u rapidly as th tha drainage a law s will permit T the b a twenty third annual reunion mander and n d ce campfire of utah brou county ty indian war viar Ve veterans will be hold held of at th the utah ulan like resort aug august at 8 1 9 10 lo said and 11 three there companies of the east coast caul As lery ry will be ordered to fort douglas to help at and fund will arrive within the next to ten days day it is ig tild aid bitten by a rabid coyote W M pen ui ngin of kelton made applies application ion last week to dr T B beatty state health commissioner coin mi ssi oner tor for pasteur elty treat merit meet charles evans hugh hughea presidential 1 I is of the republican pavy party will afi surely rely visit salt lake on an his pamm wing awing through the west it I 1 la arman announced cred A authority ety was gir granted n led last week ak by tb the war depar department taren t for the reta establish blish ment out of recruiting stations sta tlona for far the or militia slid and tile the regular ormy army at lehi hit and me murray As aa compensation for a fractured leg and shock to her nervous or system in ali alica B teg teague he has paull petitioned d ill the salt lak lake city commission at to he be awarded so ban 2 0 0 OO 00 damages becoming 9 suddenly u enraged at hei a husband ill when ca it he criticized a meal ehe he had pr prepared 1 I go ad ar mrs a john E crites shot grits critel of at their home 1 in salt laks lake it Is believed he will recover out D of f a t total 0 t 1 of six districts that thai 0 ba have voted te d on ill the proposition f four cut districts district of W M shot eber county have so f til dee declared lared in favor of the s vial cial tax tor for road mad improti utah s alfalfa crop la Is damaged to the amount of 3 annually by the alfalfa berv weevil it ace according to the I 1 lat at est eat bulletin li issued called by the united states state depart department me d t of agriculture seven hundred d feet of retaining wall will bos e built this summer in box bar E elde elder canyon to protect the county road ad from early spring was bouts who when box oder elder creek is 0 on the rampage tint gintic tintic district is aa now full a of all auto h wits hacks and ad 3 jitney lat busses at asset there them are am ten busses and auto for far hire him el litte being operated p at beaw between sea eureka sliver silver mammoth and ad the val 1 ley towns three salt lake high school girls girl school and ad forty folly eight boys boy is bell haie a quail qualified if e d as junior mark marksmen men in fic the contest of the national rifle association conducted under direction of the united states war department ruth heather 2 lears rara suit and 6 mouth months of f age daughter of M mr and ad mrs ar ill heather me other of salt lake was bitten on the forearm by a snake while alle playing in cita creek canyon canyo it is believed 11 the child will it recover illige S sorensen ease 74 years cars of age a 4 city alty tar street t cleaner and his be wife wie mort maria S sorensen r e 64 years of age were track struck and d act seriously injured by a an au an to mobile while alle the they ay y were ore crossing the treat m salt lk lake e city utah a pioneers of f 1847 were bon red ored on july 24 by thousands of cal zens throughout the at state who spent the tha annual commemorative holiday either in public observance 0 or r private ly at th the a many any p pleasure 1 ur resorts 1 the tha aull state br board d of equalization he has notified the b board a ard of f c county n c commis 0 1 signers of box eldar elder a county u t ty t that h t th the a tax valuations of box elder county will be increased 20 0 per cent ou on horses cattle and improvements improvement mark mack robinette met wih a serious accident dent at the cc cement ment works of the ogden portland cement company in bingham while examining the evis coal d readers I 1 in front of the burning it kilna his left hand blind was almost pulled polls off by g getting it ng caught in a conveyor and etilita carri carried luto the cogs argot A cloudburst breaking in dry can call on tie near or salt lake during the it elec also it at storm of 1 juds 24 4 emerged from the ravine a solid felzot wall of 1 ashing water tur carrying it at eight bt head of cattle and oil rocks weighing fro from 1000 1 to on 1510 1 pounds swirling them liam long along as aa lightly as afo feathers athers by means of a lecture course dr be samuel G paul county nty n ty ant aaion th of beer proposes to v conduct duct is a campaign of education aloag 1 oli modern data ties lines of health said and sanitation through throughout ut soft salt li lake l ake county this an bummer at or the 68 00 hard bond islas of sener county drainage district no 1 having be bean sold old over r par owners cm of waste want a and ad water waterlogged logged lead land below richfield are looking forward to the prospects of reclaiming 1 failing this that territory A great glass bill which may be 11 II lum mated will bill be placed on the dome doing of t the he state capitol at the earl earliest to at pos this sible data 1 in licau accordance tda with is deal on in made at the meeting of the state no noard ra of cap capitol da cam commissioners mission are mra 1 L louella aadla jan jones of sah fork toke it her right or arm be aboe the wit wrist hat white while at attempting empting t to turn on is a hy y irant in h her at yard th the vork 0 r k of bid building ill miles if ol 01 lial moncrete rate r road 0 act between Ri verdale and a roy in weber county has ban been bee corn if bi the vate batata prisoners prisoner s losses by fire per capita in slit salt lake city tor for the six months ened en ed june 30 of tl the current year based on 11 is a lic population a if of 1 0 eho were ere only ab cents t the he lowest t per capita loss hels ol 01 any city of the sam area in tha united state stated some one threw a lighted match Is ID waste paper box of at salt I 1 lake k and lt it coat cast the city split approximately innately 15 to te go put t the fire out the entire firefight li li lug equipment an and d very every farman on an dot luly it with the exception of those at three sub substations stations responded to tin the let |