Show TREATED HIM LIKE LEPER characteristic french method of pa pay r ing informer for service semmes th that t made him forever infamous mou Mot alexandra andre dumas contributed to the art mic anecdote edt told him by heart didler vho aho wits was a deputy under the second empire dedire Ild ler father was secret secretary ry to the ministry of the 1 in 2 at the time when hen tile the Do duchesse hoso its de bern barr was its arrested at bi motes brito nt at tle it end it ot it her b mt raid to rane the country against I 1 mis I 1 ad 1 in f faor l r of her ter son the count do de ch cham 11 hoid 1 tile traitor train deutz deal solid to 11 sell to tile the goe government coment the secret ol of her thing hiding place piece for lite ilia hundred thou thim anil oil fr an anil it was am the ehler dt fit dai r s do autv to pay the 1 died ed for far his autv talk lie took hia but son louil into lot lit allo and sid nd N d look aw it fit ull I 1 pastes and chev never r forget it I lou ial al will I 1 ll 11 I 1 team that I a luche is 1 and tile the mellton limit ol at abl arab lalni dents dead as lias ill ahm ill into fit alie mom a on a here Mort lour didler was standing stin ding behind his bla dk on it vor were placed co to each of 1 v melt d me hundred bundred tun dred slid and fifty thu thousand 4 flints As post board the desk MII M I I dl DI riter dier mide a sigu sign to him to p ehni 1 loc thedo tot taking arg a pair ot of tongs he a m extended t ended the packets one after it the other into tile the bonds open to receive tion m pint not a word vord caf as smaile apol en and when hen it the was M all didich pointed to the a door |