Show notice for publication rube department of the 1 interior 10 0 U a land anad boffl t suit hot like k cah utah nub j july Is 1916 N ron 1 ti h hercer 1 e alten tool TOO ah achton P pr or of LON A ol ani california A who N on algirt 21 1 1 1911 mule a atry kalal 1 IN no INN for N XIII 20 township da nuiko 18 W wt sll lake meridian hf node arke alii proof to bhala m iff the land 41 before tho the cok clerk of th DL court te t patrow an leuh on the doy day of au nut III 1916 10 gilbert Y lort LOON C charit 11 P chi cliflon nd dl aur 1 L clifton choon of at lund u eteh b and m li hury A cant or of LO u utah gould B 1 11 RN T ret A abir CT 23 notice tor for publication of th Interior U 3 land 0 office t S skit like city auh july IS hotter soo 1 li herrar elliott B of a ars col who h cm at A t to 16 eli 1911 NN entry ril 1 N no for N anre IS 18 ifft salt lak h notice or of intention to mok fi ave year 10 proof to ON olland olind clalra to the d th the clerk che of a the IN district conegp court marown e auh on the deih aty of el iia cat ca t nm N NO G gilbert Y I 1 iove cip clifton chion nod nd I 1 ui m 4 cia clifton ld iund U utah harry A cn anne of nf letvn rufh goold could B blakely ansh PI pint t juh W N lt adymt abo 23 notice for publication publisher ON department of th interior U 8 land office at t suit luke ke k city e utah july 13 1916 nomi h hereby binl elvan that hot frank kw W henf glendore who nh on A aukust is 16 1311 mule entry NONI no ONNIN IN for t township hip is 32 b ance 1 IS welt 04 sit ak like ON hai filed doriee 0 of intention to make k ON five yet N proof to claim to the land nd above d ind before f th the ch clerk or of tho the th ot COO courtil i uh th day any of a A aa BUM 1316 claimant u glon gilbert Y LO lore harl P F ch clifton nd d L lara L ch clifton of lund utah BA B A C crane of flo levan utah ciol G gh could h B 1311 blakely ol F r rut july Ss 1 last A adum Is |