Show MARRIAGE NOT THE WAY OUT working girl may find her 11 lt L t 1 harder than ewe ever when she later enter wedlock ome of the most too to normn a advancement I 1 in indent Ind nt ili life 1 is the general feeling on a the P parti of the a that it iso bin t going to bet necessary to work for any my gj g j land cenath of time thas bemuse because the knight tion evin jooa be earlier coming along wh when ehva at will have it home of he her own declarer detroit JO journal trial the use ev many a has said aid when it was suggested to hen that she give more thought to pon to th the work is 18 ant oab tempora so BO wh what t 1 the use a of bothering one brasa brain with ilki out of de details tall the tha 04 girl as to the he improvement of their lot when married in the matter oll work tit 1 Is something wonderful wonder f at 70 society e 1 helps to accentuate this be belief hot b arf I society frowning on cal woman wort cera and insisting that they go to house keeping and get oat cut ot of the industrial ladas triaU grind now a woman la in the it loner walls walks of life as one me puts it which means ot B R woman who 1 Is one am of a 0 total family I 1 altti an income less arin theal than will support alti alo the members member on the wages wage of the father cannot escape work by gain ca man mIlled led with married tried life on a small forms the me necessity rea elty of work 1 Is more pressing big than when single ingle for married life presupposes more are th than one me emo stomach it to 1 be feel fed or ons bulk back to bf it clothed I 1 la it due time ordinarily there will bet bel three four or five mouths months to be fed fed and ad back to be clothed work most women know little bout about work until they the are married do so married life la 11 not at an e pl train from work the woman who does doe not call become became a helpmeet belpre t instead rf be belne la at simply irm PI y a help eat be haa missed iare t herl calling ailing in getting married just bat a BR missed tier her calling when employed in store rare or factory or offlie tit 1 in not at been become tug ing efficient |