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Show MAXWELL BUILDERS i : SI AT THE BESTj j "It" would be difficult to choose be-j I tween ihc relative importance of dc-jsign dc-jsign and manufacture as far as the: finished motor truck Is concerned.! .Maxwell purchasers, however, are not called upon to make this choice, asj the Maxwell organization is remark-i ably well balanced in these respects. I j "The Maxwell is probably the most) j Completely "manufactured" truck in tthc world today that is, a bigger por-iccutage por-iccutage of the parts entering into its construction are actually built in the . Maxwell lactones. j "These rnctories, located in various parts of the country in the great labor an-1 raw material centers, are not of; 'recent origin or of mushroom growth. I I On the contrary, the Maxwell hnd its origin away back in the early days of tho automotive industry and the 3tory of its growth is cue of steady develop-: me nt. j "This is-an important point, because size or itself is not necessarily a guar- anty' of systematic precision, while a healthy growth over a period of many yeara is a safer guide-"Each guide-"Each of these great factory build ings is laid out for genuinely officient production, and is replete with specially special-ly designed labor-saving machinery. "In addition to the factory service department, which is large and well organized, or-ganized, Ihere arc 2500 dealers, each of whom has a stock of Maxwell repair parts. The total .value of. the repair parts carried by these dealers is in cx-'cess cx-'cess of $5,000,G00. "The Company realizes that a big percentage of Ihese parts will. never bo used, liut on the o'thcr hand, when a part Is-needed-the owner is always Jn a hurry for II. If he" gets It at once he is pleased; If not, he is pretty apt to be dissatisfied. j "It would of course be folly to rely upon a good service organization entirely en-tirely for Maxwell owner satisfaction. We have found il cheaper to buld the trucks right in the first place, and by supplementing correct manufacture with unexcelled service facilities wc have a combination that has bilt up a prestige thaat has seldom been achiev-ied achiev-ied by any manufactured product even remotely approaching it in complexity of makeup." says B. C. Taylor of tho Wright-Taylor Motor Co., dealers in Maxwell cars and trucks. |