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Show k . . I I Garland Society l (Special to The Standard) ! r Mrs, K. V. Schneider returned home y L Tuesday from Ogden, where she vis , ited friends for a fevi days. ii The Indies Self-Cullure club was : entertained by Mrs. R. T. Shaw Friday . of last week; Mrs. George Carter pre-i sided Miss Lucilo Owens and Miss j "Lindriuist, both of Logan were guests If nf honor; there wore1 about thirty-five! ladies present. Refreshments were served. i Mrs. Pharcldo and children of Salt jj Lake arrived Tuesday -to be guests at( I the home of Mrs, Jensen's parent, Mr, 'and Mrs. Harry P. Swinegarcl i j Miss Alia Harris returned to Gar-i Gar-i land Tuesday, after a few weeks visit iwith relatives in Ogden. She has returned re-turned her work as bookkeeper at the office of the Utah Power and Light company. ' Miss Eulalia' Peterson returned early in the week from Florida, where she she spent the winter. Mrs. Gleason of Ogden returned to her home after a pleasant visit hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen. Mrs. Wallace Edwards and son, Gordon, Gor-don, of Spanish Fork returned home after a week's visit here with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Coombs. Mrs. Laura George and son, Shclton returned to their homo in Ogden after visiting here a few days with friends. Mrs. J. Smith of Ogden left Wednesday Wednes-day for her home after a pleasant visit here the guests of Mrs. ' E. V. Schneider. Miss V. Daniels of Payson is the1 guest at the home of her brother, R. V. Daniels and family. Miss Lucile Owens and Miss Lind-quist Lind-quist returned to their homes in Logan after a couple of days' visit here with Miss Owens sister, Mrs. R. T. Shaw and family. |