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Show I UTAH Tticatre ,j I As 'Sigrid 1 k 1 Unlike and more astounding than anything this supreme ; 1 artist, has ever done. r It's a great super-feature that carries more thrills to the reel ' than any five ordinary features. ' It's story revolves around the career of a celebrated London 1 and Paris dancer. It -will stir the heart of the most indifferent. Reel follows reel swiftly, powerfully, with the dramatic situa- tions culminating in a smashing climax. One week, Starting Sunday j I LAST TIMES TODAY :;j jBERT LYTELL romace I IT STARTS SUNDAY . Benjamin a Hampton & EI(ine FA&rner prttrttf IAMB GREY'S THEATRE LAST TIMES TODAY ELAINE MMMERSTEIN B in i "Greater Than Fame" ; Also "SNUB" POLLARD COMEDY and PATHE NEWS I ifiniiiii i -jjt-t-t-ittiih ri-tiii.iini inn .'immm i , iimi-fi-Ht m ip'i n igg-gaga n I i bseebl .1 1 ih i,,nr -,M n m ---and now comes the Clark7 s ' MbT February Cleanup Sale ol SHOES 4 1 mi mi HOSE fls fef This sale is to help you save mouoy on At the prices -ve offer you in this great lrUf3m ) fcllfe shoes in the comiu ,nonths- SIloes are Clean-up Sale vou can- have two pair ffif5S rfMf $ going to bo much higher. And hero is or )ut Huc inQre thfm the CQst f I u act tnat should guide you m buying ,. ., n . , i-VHEW - yfcii . iinvft nnpe u cm wnnv ordinarily. Our all-cash system per- -f-jcBLT ' s-.r- shoes: TOO PAIRS of Shoes AVOKN , ri . . A 3Mx ALTERNATELY WILL last THREK mits thesc low Prlccs- Comc aud tukc rTI AND ONE-HALF TDIES AS LONG advantage of our Great February ;Bffi ; as one pair avoimi continuously. Clean-up Sale. Buy two pairs NOW. ''nMiS ' WOMEN'S SHOES ffifc I'M u"- :i A soocl assortment of Black Patent Leather, some with ''C-jft $a . s 7 while tops. Very good hargalns. Were $2.98 tfo An ''MiLy Kv y January sale reduced to J)ZiO j4iHr l: Jh$&i! - Si i Bargains you can't afford to overlook. Excellent values J-BSl c (Mv&j Li in hroken lots. They arc worth up to $12.50. rir OC S'-v;MI ' Clean-up price fyd.Od I ftt'v White kid, and also in these colors: Gray, dark gray, I'.jft champagne and ivory. Will be very popular this spring, ft tt :SMLT ip Zsfy Cuy and save clolmr8- '-These are worth ''ra 'Misses' Slices flISf Cff8' Shoes K ! This is an extra special 13 Jk Can't bo beat for school V. llBHt "M offering. They aro S0;, JM wear and general all J'-U'JSfflm M f! black and tan kid also W. ' rflj nround usefulness. W'i(jtF 3f 5, some black and tan sil'-mSy Good quality, will wear .'syjSSQfc calf skin. And Q a qq f A a lous t5me' dnck kid, ifiTWmL ' U' priced at only 4.t0 Jfl i x"'Z$j an(1 ,jlack and 1)rmvn 1 sizes Jf BIack Sr.!": $3 IStoiS Children's gffi 5? a bargain sec these. m Slllf fpfS VK '4; worth up to $o no f&y&gSzP atuiioa ?fl(W g 5G.0O at ty&.yCi $2.48 J t Ladies Hosiery Bargain XX K J; worth 3.50, 9 aq gO d- 28c, 6 pair for $1.60 at AO fefrHW I Cotton and silk lisle hoso in black and white. Misses' SilK Lisle jMglfN I You pay 50c a pair for these regularly. Save 38c VVWi ?' money by purchasing six pair rr Fine silk lisle hose ' 7,-. for tPjLOU good quality they look 'VH9 and wear like real silk. 'ZW&L I I fflesisJSIioes f Broken lots many sizes and different styles. This 4., WsS-dm ffwl? 12A C-l Is indeed a chance to save money. far of Ma vcS ?.-"K,J4i3lMfc Worth up to Sip.00, at pO.ODT ' ' i "3 WWmi ;V. A good line of English and other good lasts. Thoy ''1 5 are black and tan. wort-h UP to 10.00, gr GliBkcyj'w Here is the shoe you've been looking for. English last and other styles too, if you want them. They f-tftWt $ ' are all ivell made and will give exlraordi- do ' J'v "HWtZ ' ijul$F& ' niiry scrviee- Worth up to 12, at ipU.Od M&ffifij 1 MM BOY'S SHOES $2.98 W Ifc I ' faF'iti Gct tho boys somo g0l1 ,ook,n& snoes to wear to Sfef &kr UVl'g t Mf)'i school. Here aro unexcelled bargains in patent AsllPlB'ft i 'buttons, and somo calfskins. ?0 fhO SSSSE ''ifeT Worlh up t0 ?G-00' at Men's Socks lK? '; J&pffef Cotton 2 pair for 45c. Regular 30c 'cslS8 HuHKvL' grade. Medium weight good grade t.-?4 I ' fe MS1 bark blue 'Bali 'band wooien sok! vl!! P - For Good Sheet- llTntU:: 58c Jfg 4 |