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Show 37IJJ.Cn I WITH CONSPIRACY TO I HENT , Former Secretary W. D. Hay- wood and Present Urhcers Among Those Indicted WORK OF RED GUARD JURY IS COMPLETED H Accusations Outcome of Raid ' Made in Chicago by State's Attorney December 31 CIirCAGO, Jan. 31. Indict-'ments Indict-'ments against thirty-seven mem , bers of the I. W. W. were r turned tliis morning by the spo cinl grand jury investigating racl- ieal activities. fl I Chief among those indicted I were William D. (Big Bill) liny- wood, former secretary of the or- gani.ation- now at liberty from ( Leavenworth prison under bond, 'and Thomas "Whitehead, who sue-jcecded sue-jcecded Haywood as secretary. I The indictments complete the iwork of the "red" grand jury?. iLast week the grand jurors in-j in-j dieted eighty-five members of thu i communist peace party and thiiv ty-eight members -of the. commit- uist labc ii -part. v. c H TthtRnilTaleTrT H conspiracy to overthrow the gov-j gov-j eminent and advocating the over-. over-. throw of the government by force. ! The indictments of the leading figures in the three radical or-i or-i ganications are the outgrowth of the sensational New Year's eve roundup in which State's Attor- ney Maclay lloyne. anticipating federal authorities by tw.cnty-f tw.cnty-f four hours arrested more thnn 300 persons suspected of being members of the three groups. |