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Show churches a To insure publication in the church notice department of Saturday's Standard, matter for that department should be in The Standard office Friday afternoon. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Rev Godfrey Matthews, minister. On Adams Ad-ams between Twenty-fourth and Twen ty-fifth streets. 11 a. m. Divine worship and sermon Prelude, "Cabaletta" ' Lack Offertory, "Iondo d'Amour" Wosterhoui Postlude, "Impromptu" Schubert Miss Ivine Shields Anthem, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." Sermon. "A Suffering Yet Conquer Ing Church." This is the third of a series of sermons ser-mons on the seven churches of Asia. 12:15 noon. Sunday school. Superintendent Super-intendent Dr. E. P. Mills. Classes for all grades and ages. Kindergarten un der the direction of Mrs. Goodwall and helpers. Ladies' Aid class conducted con-ducted by Mrs. George J. Kelly. Men's class. Dr. Mills. A welcome awaits all. Visitors and strangers heartily invited to attend. In sympathy with the expressed suggestion sug-gestion of the city board of health there will be no evening meetings tomorrow. to-morrow. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John Edward Carver, pastor. Morning Morn-ing worship at 11. Theme: "The First Peril In tho Attainment of Life's Best. Sunday school at 12:15, classes for all. No evening services, in accordance ac-cordance with the request of the board of health. No meetings will be held next week. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH T.nnntPrl nr T,,.r,i,. r tu otaij-iuui Li I . street, next to the court house. Chrls- tlan R. Garver, pastor. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. Mr. C. M. Wilton, superintendent. su-perintendent. Classes for all ages and grades of work. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. Sermon theme: "Tho Power Pow-er of Principle." Special music by Vera Frey Beason, organist. 6:30 p. m. Epworth League. A good leader, an inspiring service. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Corner of Monroe avenue ave-nue and Twenty-fourth streeL Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Regular services at 11 a. m. Subject: "Love." Wednesday Wed-nesday evening testimonial meetings at 7:30 p. m. Reading rooms 512 First National bank building; open 12 m. to 5 p. m., daily, except Sundays and on holidays. SEVENTH WARD The following program will be given at tho conjoint session of the Mutual Improvement or tho Seventh ward, Sunday evening, February 1st, 1020 at seven o'clock. Solo, LaVin Petty Farr; reading, Carl Swensen; solo, Opal McBcth, reading, Grace Bagley; solo, Willard Gardiner; reading Edith Stone; solo, Lavin Petty Farr. CHURCH OF THE -GOOD SHEP HERD Corner of Grant avenue and Twenty-fourth street, opposite the postoffice. John W. Hyslop, rector. Scptuagesima Sunday. Sunday school service at 915 a. m. Holy communion and sermon at 11 a. in. All are cordially cor-dially welcome. ELIM ENGLISH LUTHERAN Corner Cor-ner of Jefferson md Twenty-third street. Arthur E. f.lson, pastor. Sunday Sun-day school and Bitic class every Sunday Sun-day at 10 a. m. Monrlng servfeo fourth and flht Sundays of the month. No morning services this Sunday, Sun-day, since services are held at Park City Instead. Eveninc servicpR ovorv ' Sunday at S o'clock. You arc always welcome to our services and meetings. TWELFTH WARD Tho conjoint session of the Twelfth ward mutuals will give tho following program Sunday Sun-day evening, 7 p. m., in the ward chapel: Vocal solo, Walter Stevens; Tcadlng, Florence Malan; vocal solo, Mrs. Leslie Saville; violin solo, Mar-cellus Mar-cellus Smith; vocal solo, Elijah Claw-son; Claw-son; talk, W. H. Itecder, Jr.; vocal solo, Walter Stevens. I FIRST BAPTIST Grant avenue I directly north of postoffice. Dr. Hay Palmer, minister. Residence 583 Twenty-fifth streeL Phone 1GGS. Services, Serv-ices, Sunday morning". There will be no evening service. 10 a.' m. Sunday school. WALL AVENUE BAPTIST H. L. Marque, pastor. Morning worship at II a. m. Subject, "The Task of the Hour." Sunday school at 12:30; Young People's meeting at 7 p. m.; evening worship at S p. m. Subject, "A World Conquering Gospel." A very cordial Invitation is extended to all. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL Five Points. Rev. Godfrey Matthews. 2:30 p. m. A Sunday school for the community. Evangelical Christians of all denominations are asked to support sup-port this, tho only evangelical -work in Its locality. A cordial Invitation ia given to all. 00 |