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Show oo j: TREMONTON j The ladies of the W. C. T. U. were entertained at the home of Mrs Burns, president; Mrs. P. E. Ault presided. Sixteen members were present. Mrs R. L. Frost, Mrs. Alma Farnsworth, Mrs. Cullcn and Miss Hunter were the guests of honor. Refreshments were served. .Miss Toone returned from a visit to Dluo Creek. Mrs. A..E. Samuelson has as her guest her mother, Mrs. Stay of Salt Lake. Mrs. Samuel Getz has returned from i visit to Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. William Beyer returned last week from the east, where they liave been spending the winter. Miss Violet Meldrum returned to rremonton after a two weeks visit in Logan. Miss Ruth Gctz is homo again after jpending a few days visiting in Ogden. N. E. Ivorsen has returned to Tre-uonton Tre-uonton after spending a few days .I1IIIMII,.III1IIIU,IUIIIJIIII IJ 1 l ii ..I ; Iwith his family in Salt Lake. I Mrs. Haws has -as her gue3t, Mr. and Mrs. D. Higgcnsen of Buist, Idaho. Mrs. Maude Baker of Ogden is a guest at the home of her brother Mr. G. A. Garfield and family. Mrs. Edgar Winchester has gone to Salt Lake to' visit her mother. Paul Heitz has gone to California to spend the remainder of the winter. William Fowler has returned from a visit with his family in Brigham City. The Mesdames Louis Larsen and ;Tait left for California to visit points j of interest. |