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Show " COUNTT NEWS. " ' Items Ql Interest Gmberel by Our Correspondents In Various j Towns of County. I . -. I KAHAN j kAwaa, I t ii , Hi-pl. 17, MV. Einroa Trnta : t f. V. AIikI and family have gone j . Bull Lake in Uy lor the rintor. The Y. I.. M I. A. of Keinaacmn- : enenred their regular weekly meeting J at evening. Jiilin C. I '"I" rt It reported to 1 recovering re-covering Iron, hi illnett mill will no doubt be hi.nie le-fnre inl while, i Vr.l E. I'i k and oarl ol lilt laiuily have gone Vernal. Mr. I'ack li in-j in-j terc-ie.l in ahrei out that ay lirl bet j gone on blllini-ie. I The tliraal.crtireM.il buay. The acre-I ge iA giain In In. I vary large In tl i .tllcy. A. Johnaon of the hamee Milling Mill-ing cmnpenv ehiptied In rarhiad ul wheat I ruin (!ntii valley Una week. It ia time aoine ot the people of thia valley were turning over eonie ul their geaay no I ami raite ai lTicirnt nl the .taller Ilia, Inileail ol Importing It. No emu. aeiintty ia thoroughlr priMM.niui or mile- jwnt that ia mil wll-aiiauiinog. - (-. I Huh, Sept. 17, ilalS. Kiiitu Tiuaai Mra, I.ulle Mllee It a very nirk woman nil ia not able to I up. I'raliT A Hume moved their plmtn-Uraph plmtn-Uraph galley to Oakley tiMlay. K. K. Murphy ol WooiHanil waa a pleaaanl caller liar on Huuilay. U llliaiu lircwer ul llanefer waa a idt-aaanl cwll.-r on your oorreapotiih-nl tlia flrat n( the week. Juit enough 'rain ftill on Monday to partially luy the dual anil to ttop hay 1 liaulii.g lor a day or two. j' Mna llaicl L. 1-yoni want to Murray wn Sunday anil -war alt remain there all winter with her eialor, Mra. Amy C, Criddle. The Slake aiilh.iriliee viiited J'ooa on ftnnday j a large number Inuii other plum were alio here uil lur whum a lunrll Wat prepared. . : t The diatrit-l acl.ool returned lit aeaiinn on Monday with a lair attendance. .Many ol the pupila will nut be abla to attend until the harvcaiing ami Ihraahing are done. Herbert A. I.youi went to foil Lake in Huuilay. The young gentleman on Monday entered the l.altcr day Kaiiila Univeially and will alli-ntl ihe piepara-tory piepara-tory nilatlonary ollua. Attorney C. A. Callli and wile weie litre the tint 1 1 the week ; bulb were looking Ha bright and nappy at on could w ith tliem t 1 be. May their thad-owe thad-owe never grow leae. flieie were live telephone point down between l'eoa and Ibakpori ye.lerilay, ml twu between l'eoa and (luklt-y. II the polea are not ieet lliry will tie tu iil'ling down likt ten pint. The auxiliary olata t lu.I SnlnriU were laiilr well attvudrd. Thete nivvl-Inxe nivvl-Inxe are I'alrubted to, and do, mm h gnMl ami ahoulil be mine librrally al- lenileJ. Anvthiiig for the beneiit nf the v"' yimu People derervet the greatett en- couragi'iiient by butli old and young. The ynuiiK In. Ilea ol the Maliiul I iu-iroviim'iit iu-iroviim'iit A'.hniMaiion guve a itiinre here IhI night lor the benult ol ihe ward himie. ruforliinately the ulfuir, while for the mutt part waa all right, during ttie latter part of the dam-e eoine disturbance wnt nia.le by cerlaiu onea. An elT'irt will lie ma le in the future to aerure (ikhI or.ier if the nllicen of the law have to be appealed to. I under- j 'i , aland that Ihvie may I mi tome arremt I ) now. II. h. K. Vika. ajllt'HI-tlHT. I KoiaeokT, Utah, Spt. 17, IIKI'J. i ' EuiToa Tiu: . Thuria Malin Iim gone to I k City to ) I tend a few moiithr, AM tl e ladiea el the pltice tpint tmlay at the home ot Kliaa tlibbona. i Our dittnct achool commenced toilay ' with Divid S. Nail ol Oakley at teacher. . Sutie Ktcmbridge haa gone to Tark ' City, when the will allend it haul thit !: wnter. j ,' Mitt Kn tna liiblune it at I'ark City vi'iiing with her title', Mra. Mamie Workman, Hy WagnUITol Uiiion wai hare laat i eeek vititing with bia grandparenta, I Mr. aud Hn. W. II Htak.r. i 1 There wta a aocial gaibering at Mr, Hlembrldga'a laal Friday wight. It waa ! Mwual day ol tu Y. L. M. 1. A. and a t 4 i t illable iirograin waeremlered and liin-h j Chailet Netllli. ' be telephone lineman w here yetenluv repairing thewuet ; lo Mini, who I! engaged to te''" the I'roi ti'biHil, lll make hit home el Itockport during the tchool year. Ihe nighti are getting unite cold and itleellllke inter tiler ihe tun ten. The Iriml hat allea.lv llljc.rrd flill.eof! the fruit. i Hir Wa t'Uli. IK. ion:'. 1 KlHIOH TlHKt: I Mra, Henry laming hat Wen iiiie I tick for the leat lea ilayi. I tjilllaa lilimla-i ul our ritirent have gone lo halt l.uke to get fruit I ,r winter Mra. Katie Munder ii out Irom Mult Lake via ting her parentr, Mr. and Mra. M. K. !.ee. Uireiino Anoeraon bt returned lo Idaho alter a pleataut vir.it nl ten ilave with hie parent. Mra. rraaier hit returntd l-oiu Salt ltae whrre ahe went lo attend the wedding wed-ding of her grandeon, Fred Heyuoldt. The diatric. achiHil roininenced latl Mnmlay with a fair attendance. New wunlowa have been put In Ihe tchool honte and clhi r improvement! aia la-tug la-tug made w Inch will be a benefit to the old home, which haa done duty for to many yeara. II. K. I'elerton took hie large buggy lull ol wiilowtoiit lot a ride latt holiday. At it waa juat 1 p. m. when they reached l'eoa they turned in with the gooi nainta ol thai place and enjoyed a fine ineetiu,. The nay wai pleasant and the ride waa enjoyed very much by the widuwt who leel grateful to Mr. I'rteraou lor hit kiiiilneaa to them. , HOITWVILI.B. llor rtviLia.'.t'uh, Sept. IH, UN'.1. I F.iirron TiMaa: The Sum in It Oil my Marble YYorki have begun to deliver their fall ordert. Mra, Martha lUrrlt ol Idaho ia here VKlling her parent!, Mr. and Mr. W. I'. Ilrown. (lur ditlrict achool eoimnenced on the 10th under the uantgeuirnt ol Mi. Jorgenton and Mitt Ilrown. On the l?7lh of thia month an enter t liinuent will lie given for the lamefil ol John Keilden, who will leave ahortly on a nilaloii. It will include the "Ten Virgin!," pietentedby ten young ladiea, alao a abort play, "Krua Agency." It it for a good caute and thould be well put-roniAinl. put-roniAinl. H KNKVKII. IlKNaraa, Utah, riopl. IK, IINiL'. Kmriia Tiwaa : The tecum! nop ol lucerne baa been binlly frureii. reiue were fortunate in cutting early. Ilenif.rbad only tir e attend the auxiliary uieciing at they were well tieuted by the people there. A great many of our people are making Inpt to the lower valley lot f'uit ; it it i heaper then buying liunitpeddlert. Mra. Kinch III tloehcn, who haa been aitendiiig her brother, Jaiuet Fowler, for tome time, returned home during the week. Mn. Martha !luid ol Kvamton. who ia hen vititing her parema, Mi, and Mrt. Jiweph Edgewurth, hat been quite ok lb It weex. Nr-pbi lloiid bad a Inaru drop dead while iu the canyon thia week, No apparent ap-parent caute waa nianileil but it u.uat have been heart Uoublt. Men are icarca in llenefer at pretent. A nunilwr are away at work aud uiuie at herding ahoep. It ia dilhVult lo oh-lam oh-lam enough handi lo run Ihe thrAthvn. |