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Show !)i;mocriic 'I!Cki:i namld. RESULT OF STATE CONV.MK) HELD IN PKOVO ON Tj!E luTH. Itlfl.nr.l H '. II,- N r. f..r U- .rrn. .lu.Ur. H h.lr .l...lU . M. K ,4 HI .- tl.p lUie At the Pemoriatir AtHle ronvenllon. hold In I'rovo on the Ulth. Major Hichard W. Voiing. of halt Lake, was nonilnatol l.y ac. lnuiatiim fur supreme Judge, while Judge William II Kmg, of halt I, she, ifreivid the tioiuiiintlon for representative lu congress by ac-clamalioii. ac-clamalioii. J he convention adopted a pisiform which denounces the llepublh-an parly and 1U pollfies; opposes militarism: denounces the ICepuhltciiu hitgsr tnnfT policy, the Hrpnhlicsn policy In the I'hillpplnea, fuvoia arbitration of labor disputes, election of senalors v direct vote, strict luimii'ralion laws; and congratulates the people of I'lah upon Mthe iiiagultl I record made by our senior senator in congtcs (Hon. J. I. Itawlina) during the past sis y'ars " The permanent officers ' the eon-vent eon-vent ion were as follows I hair man, lion. Krank J. ( annmi. Weber county; Mrs vice chairman, Krank K Nrt.eker, Cache county; second vice ehstrmsti, W. W. Chin. Summit county, third vice chairman, Clccia Itutlocli. ( tail county; fourth vice chairman, Mrs II. J, Ha? ward, Null I -alio county, secretary, secre-tary, llcuiy N. Hayes, Hevler county; asakslant secretary. Nephl I'almer, Iavls county; sergeant-al-arms, Joaeph I'lillltps, Jual inty; ashlstnnt sergeant ser-geant at anna, II. II tondon. Ho Klder county; chaplain, John It. Mil-tier, Mil-tier, I'lah county, Hlirrlng speeehrs were mad by JtuU'c W I'ouers. .Heimtttr Kewtlna, : Judge W. 11. King, ex-Senator I rauk J. Cannon sod others. |