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Show WIFE OF SENATOR STFW ART KlLLbU BY AUTOMOBILE. Machine Itan Into Telmih Tola and teeuH.Ml Wr Thrown lo lh (.round. Mrs. William M. Stewart, wlfeof tho I'uited States aeiiutnr from Nevada, waa killed In au automobile accident In San Francisco Friday. Mrs. Stewart waa enjoying a riilo with Henry Foolc, sou of W. W. Foote, the uttorncy, and II. II. Taylor. They were going along Simla ( lure avenue, In A luiuuda conn -ty, Taylor guiding the unichiue nuJ sending It along at a high speed. A the automobile aside iu order lo avoid a collision. At that moment he cither lost control of the steering apparatus or unide a misculculutiou. The automobile-ran Into a telegruph pole und the occupants wtrn thrown out. Mia. Stewart struck ou her head aud was curried In an uoconscloua condition to a sanitarium in tho vicinity w here she aoou tiled. Foote and Taylor escaped with minor bruises, 'l ay lor is a vouaiu of Frederick Fred-erick Iteuudict, who wan recently crushed to death under his automobile In New York. Mra. Stewart resitted at Washington, I). C. She was visiting her slater,1 Mrs. Louis Aldrhav, who Uvea In Suu Francisco. Mrs. Stewart, before her carriage, waa a Misa Foote, a dauuhler of Henry Foote, governor and l ulled State senator sen-ator from Mississippi before the Civil war and who, during the fifties, spent some years In California. Sen u tor and Mra. Stewart have several daughters, oue of whom lives lu New York City. Senator Stewart Is at present al The Hague, In connecltou with the 1'lus fund arbitration, lu which baa taken a a deep in Ureal, |