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Show LDCAl AND OTHER NEWS, j Miss KHn Fintirr went up lo I'nrk City Monday. iHm't forget to read the Co op id In this iesuft. j Ileputy Sheriff Wilile made a huiinrri. j trip to Park City Tuesday. The pant week has been vary colli anil fires feel quite comfortable, Miaa Fi-ie Itmii'll ol I'rovo was here ' tli in week visiting wllti friends, I Miss Ada tlul'man of I'ark City was ' i.ltlrig with relatives here Sunday. Will Patrick stes tslkiug up Z. 0. M. I. goods to our merchants ye iterday, Bishop (ieorge Thackeray of Croyden ii transacting business here Tuesday. Wiil 01 11 tr wat taking orders (or hardware hard-ware fiom our merchants the flrat of the neck. Ian Living.tnn, the popular New York I. lie Insurance Co. agent, wat here thli week. Mr. anil Mrt. Fred Beikwith came in from Evamton Wednesday on a visit with friends. Mm. W.J, Cunniiigliam relumed to her home in Ksiiaaa City, Kan., yealer-tlay yealer-tlay morning. Jamea I re of Kama, waa down the flrat of the week on outlines, and made ua pleasant call. F.ldor W. 11. Currulb liaa been rebated re-bated and will return iiuHie in time fur Oi'tober conference. The thraihlng machine couiueuced work yesterday. The grain crop lli la year la above the average. The district echoola opened Monday """M uvcu.elul year i. looked lor. I Mr. and Mrs. Whesdon and family liave moved intu the Kli'redge Douse op polite l'real. Taylor's residence. i Miaa Anuie Carruth liaa been wy , sick the paat week. It waa thought that she had an attack of sppendiclti.. A marriage liceue waa issued on Mou-I Mou-I day to Belay Iority, aged 21 , and John A. Wycoir, aguil 23, both of Park City. For a bad taste in the mouth tsk 1 Ctismlierlain'a r-lnniach and Liver Tab- lets. For aale by John Hoyden A Son 1 JJrugglats. ' Thomas Armstrong, wife and family ' catueou'. fioui Salt Luke the' Url of Hie week to viait with relatives (-r a abort - time. Judge Morae will bold a abort term ol diatrict court here tomorrow uiornihg and aet the calendar fur the October l-rm. I Mri. J . A. ;Smith and daughter Vlr- i ginia returned borne from Halt Lake Tuesday. The latter baa been visiting 't there (or aoiue inntitha. The old tira.s Cierk ie lion bouse waa I cut m two last week, put on cats and 1 hauled up to Atkiiianu, wheie it will be uaed by the section men. I J. T. Thompson, water couinjissiutier I ol Weber county, waa here Monday, lie , Jj accompanied T. L. Alien up Weber can- v yon where the work of surveying reser- voir aitea la being done. i All diaeaaea atart It the bowlea. Keep I i Ihsm 0ieii or jou will be aick. CAS- iCARKTa ait like nature. Keep I'ver Dd bowela adhe without a sickening griping feeling. Si milliona pi pie 1 talk and recommended CASCAKETS, j try a 10c. boi. All ilriiggll. j About twenty cailuadi of iheep were I WleJ at Atkii in the flnt of the week ' and hipped to the eaitern niarketf. It 1 I l claimed that there have been u-ure ( i abeep ahlppe I eaat liili year than for I J any previout year. I ; Sheriff ilalr brought down from t' e 1 . I'urk lat f aturday ' Hprck" .Mailing, ' ' who baa been bound over io the alit-tricl j court on the charge ol bii'gUt ), ai.d bring br-ing unable to furniali the neiiaiuiry bond waa placed in tl.e count) jail. i A pretty birthday party war giien on Uhead' lawn lat SiiliirilAy afternoon in honor of little Meda Shaw. About fifty of her little fiiendr- were preaent and the I j afternoon waa pleaaantly apent in pluy lug ganiea. riiming, etc., after which di-licioua di-licioua refienhiiienta wereaerved. Mra. (ieorge Drown returned home Monday from Park City, where ehe had been luting care of bar aiater, Mra. Kedden of Ho;. taville, who underwent a aerioua operation and from thorn waa removed two laige tumors weighing! twenty one pound. Klin ia now out of danger and gelling along nicely. Mcinbera oi lhel'7liiiioiuin of rieven-tiea rieven-tiea are reuiiaded that the regular monthly meeting of the quorum will lie held in the Academy building, Coalville, Coal-ville, on Haturday, Sept. 27lh, at 11 o'clock. A gtod attendance of the mem here iadeiired. The meinbera of the flirt Fldeia quorum will also meet at the aiue time and place. John Clark hat told out hit ranch, tore, dance bull and all property at Upton and will move to Coalville to HiVti lliwtitwir TWiroOVVarVrhe pun'haer. Mr. Clark haa bought the old P.ale place In the eautern part of town, ami w ill make bia home there, lie exper;a tw build it new house In the near future. VA'e hi ve not learned w ho will tuka churgi) of ilie poet nlllie at Upton. loab Weelhafee, of Iongooiee, Ind , ia a pour man, hut henava he woulda't be without Chaiiiberlaiu'a I'm in U.ilui if it coat five dollar, a Imltle, for it aaved hi in from b'liig a cripple. No external application ia eipial to this liniment for atiiraud ewolh-ii jolnia, contracted rout-clee, rout-clee, atlfT neck, apraiua and rheumatic ami mnrcular paiua. It haa alao rurrd numerous cae of partial paralyiia. It i fold hy John Koyden & tion Ilruggi-tn. In order that our auhai'ribi'rs np the river can get iheir papera on iSaiurdiiv, we will endeavor to go to pa Ttiuri day night ao lhat we can get tlie pa per J ..IT on Friday's mail. Hiiice the chnnge In the mini service in the upper end of the county our papers have not reached their dmtinniion until Miindavi In order to do thin all mailer lur puhlica-tirii puhlica-tirii ruum ho in by TliuiHlay noun, and we kindly -k our correapouilcnla to b (aureaiel get Iheir leliers In by Ihil j time, and lur all nf them lo Hrlle every w eek. County rent inalti ra are Inuving elnt.g t a siitikfactorv pace, ami each dny the Iiionvicllon 1 growing among the people Uiat Paik City ia thepmptr pluce for He lucaiion, that 1'uik City, by every how iug, from every jiulnl of rea-oning, fiom every standpoint of comiuou jumico, ia enlitlejui the county seat, that Park City, fiom an economical jMiint of view, 'a lb" proper place for It, and hy their vniea the people will put .1 here. A a matterof fuel, the people ol Coalville have no hoi-en of retaining it. Park itecolll. V.o onul.l advinu the Hccord Hut lobe too aura about the above nropomiion, Th -re are a very fuw rn 1 1. lit the Park can show why 'hi c u ry seat sbiiuld lie moved up theie. The eci nouiical put ihoul.l not be co.midered bv the Park at a I, fur it would bean iiiipnaaibility Pi iii.iiutuni a court houre at Park City as die. i ply a. it can be at Coalville. No, the pe .pie of Coalville I ave i ot given up hoper, not by a long hot j in fact, proeprcts are very favorable favor-able for us retaining the county stat and when the voles are counted ibe hVcnrd will wonder whathas happened lo them. The county seat ia here to aiay j just pasie lhat In your bat. |