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Show rLWS:i I.N I UKLS1 liKIIS." ELCVtl LIVES KNOWN TO HAVE BEEN LOSf AND A KUMHEfl MISSING. rirr rrr.t lr lit Urrifim HnH Mh-t..KI.M. Mh-t..KI.M. HrliTC PrMth iohI loU it. o. t.. .i.ii,...i- or Driven from their home In the !nrk-nesa !nrk-nesa of the night by a raging forest Are which swept everything before It from Ariel, Cowlitz county, Washing-Ion, Washing-Ion, to the fool of Mount St. Helena, a distance of twenty-live in ilea, eleven people were dead, four am misting and over lino people haveibeen left homeless, home-less, and many have not even ciolhri enough to cover lliem. Four men who were working on a claim belonging lo ..lames Hawthorne have not been found and ll la thought that they are dead. Some fifty or sixty six-ty people were camped at the lake at the foot of Mount Hi. Helens ami they have not beeo heard uf since the tire, ll Is not known whether they escaped or not. The first news of the devastation was brought to Cortland by Milo M. 1im-oilcli, 1im-oilcli, who experienced many dttllcul-lies dttllcul-lies iu making Ihe trip out to send aid to the sufferers. From hia description the sulTerlng there Is great and the devastation de-vastation ia the most appalling of any that haa been reported. For a stretch of twenty-five miles, he says, there are but two houses standing. Ihe fine timber these people expected lo restize upon has all been destroyed. About 300 people are left homeless in Multnomah and ( lackamao counties as a result of the forest fires which hsve raged for the past week. Fires have burned over a large scope of country but the greatest dmnne lu this slate appears to have been done In these two counties In the Are thai destroyed the lown of Calmer, nenr Hiidal Veil, Iwobovs named Hamilton were cnuuhl while trying to esenpu from tho Humes und burned to deuth. News resches Kalamnh, Wash., thnt the forest fires on Lewis river have wrought sad hnvoc, 1). L. Wallace, wife aud two children being burned to deuth. They were camping In the woods when caught by the fire. Their wsgon was found burned up aud the charred bodies were lying near. A 12 yearold boy of .Mr. Ilunley'a la dead also. Mrs. John Polly and baby, and a brother, name not lnown. and Mr. New house and Mra. (naves are dead. I Fifteen others were found without clothing, exeepl gunny sacks. |