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Show KiLWA'liKEE FEOFLE Co'il;! ITarJIy Il.-Horo It. A rroniini'iil Wcuiiiin SiitciI From 1cal!i hy Lyilin i:. i'lnkliaui's igi'lnl)lo ( (impound. Tir.kn Mns. Pinkiiam : I suppna a larjre nnnila-r of -ilr who n-nd of my remarkable cure will lianllv Ix-hr.e Hi lisil I not rxprrirm-ptl it nivsclf, 1 know that 1 shuulil not. I J MRS. MDIK K. K'if'11. "T unfTowl fnr niiintlis vrltti Iroiibli-a n.'i'ullr to iMimrg which Rrailualljr broke ilun-n my hijillh and my wry lifo. 1 nan m arly inline with p:iin nt timrs, ii ml mi titinuin skill I consnlti-il iu Milwaukee uuuld brimr m relief. Mv ntfrntinn was rnllM (o F.yilln 1. lillMlHIU'H Vl'KI'lllllIU lllll-lllillllll lllll-lllillllll tlio tirnt ImuiIk broui'lit relief, re-lief, ami tha seoonrt iNiitle nn absolute curs. I could ii.it Im IIi-ts it myself, and felt sum it wih only temporary, but blessed fart, I have now bretl well for year, enjoy the bent of health, and cannot in worda express my tfrat-Itude. tfrat-Itude. Sincerely vmira, haniR K. Korii, I'.'slOth St., Milwaukee. Wis." fbOVO fortit 1lhM tniimoatal It Mi fttwfl fciuch unquestionable testimony firoves the power of l.yilln 1. I'lnk ain't Vriri-tiiblo Compound over diseases of women. Women HlintiM mni'mlxr tlint tliry nrn prlvlli-KCil to consult Mm, I'lnklmni, at Lynn, IWnHH., about their tlliieMd, entirely free. - I! X THERE'S NO j I DELAY. If f t L We always loaJ your teams promptly. , . LoaJ them .with CQAI , of course, for ' ; that's our stock in trade. f t t ! "Wasatch Mine . . . i You will find constantly the best "J O" COAL, and as for prices, note the fol- $ ' lowinK: , LUMP - - - $2.25 h STOVE - - - 1.50 I 1 , a. Patronize a Home Industry. X t WEBER COAL CO. I I Do You WaLn Some? i p When Vou sura In need ol DRY GOODS :1 and - - . - - .3 GR.OCER.IES u$ Go lo the - fc.-i I CASH BARGAIN STORE I 'g I COAL VI LLE,UTA II ; J tvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvivvw v . Good Job Work j ' 2 ? Is what people vvcvnt, arvd at T U.t Times office is Just the 5 place where you can get it at S prices that will suit cveronc. $ t g ...All Work Promptly Executed 5 GR.ASS CREEK COAL g 5 GHASS CREEK MINES e) VVe have the very best Coal there Is Ce 2 on the market for domestic or ,1 f ( steam purposes, 5 2 y ) u;,ycM Vm (e ) Well Screened Domestic, 4 7 C ( j (e Lump and Stove Mixed V ) L PER TON, (1 ( "'Mtfoikii" e) ;, ( ) i There is no shoveling or waiting, as j 0) we have a t9 I J SPECIAL CHUTE FOR LOADING Jj ( TEAMS i ) GRASS CREEK COAL CO. j i I r: |