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Show 6"'EPPED OFF 10 MCCT Hl-R. Amu.;ni) Incident Told hy Lou'svllle Courier-Jouin.il. P" i!r when th.. I'm in.-:, n li'i n from h,a niled with n.'.:i,.,s Konid for 'U innip iih-i'I'hk t'.icl.'l this city, M4 the I iiiiim ille ( 1 1, - Jour '. It piiy.ied the mil. in, ni.l well! Knouch Cynllilni a at the ,-ale ,f ahoni laenty-nve mllon nn hour, the Idea tii R to keep the crowd or. bimr.l until tie arrival at tho qroumln at th.t Kaltnouth pik,. rnvHlfK- J"t before j reaililrn l'll.e mreet a nerro mat JumpM rrom the trnln. Of courne. tlm moiueiitum of tlm cars ctrrleil him tiring at a torrlllc puce. Ills bodv tti goinR no rasl that til J Iobs could lint po.Blhty keep up, but they made a vnllaut errorl to do at. and uch lit-kliy aplll a iieero never cut before. ynllopeil a rune th cutter cut-ter nt Pike mreet at tremetdoiis npei i, l arely nilniod a telephona polo, flew into the air. turned a touplo of aunernnitlta, and landed nil In a heap In the middle of the street. Ills eyes vi ro an IiIk ai aain era and deemed deem-ed t'iP'Mi out. As hn slowly gntnered him: nit In". Hi. -r his trouaera were nplli. l.m l.reea were tiriltaoil and tilei llr.:, hid arms were wrenched, bis coal Ui h weru In inttein. and hla bntt ii-1 stiff hat wan inanhed down ll,;h: out IiIk eaia. At ii. at moment a nerro stlrl who kne lilm came alone. "Why. how do you do, Mr. Hup-klnr Hup-klnr nhe exrtnlnied. "Win, how du you do?" bi an-iwcraii an-iwcraii in deep, rnliu tones, with carefully care-fully measured accent. "How do you do? Tun are looking unite wo-wo well, t J'it stepped off the train lu meet you." |