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Show , f 'V- &TEppED OFF TO EXAMPLE OF GERMAN THRIFT. PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR Stone, PRAISES PERUNA. :u EM orr jjo'-i'fe. First Presbyterian Church of Creenshoro, Ca.. and Its Pastor and Elder. HE day was when men of promiAa a tonic for weak and worn nence hesitated to give their testi- - out people It baa few or oo equals. monials to proprietary medicine, for Rev. E. O. Smith. publication. This remain, true y Mr. M. J. Rossman, a prominent merofjpost propietary medicines. But a chant of Greensboro, Ga.t and ap elder haa become so justly Tamo ns. it. in the Presbv teriun chnrch of that merit, are known to so many people of place, has used Peruna, and in a recent high and low stations, that no one hes- letter to Hie Petuna Medicine Co., of itates to see his name in print recom- Coin inbus, Ohio, writes as follows: mending Peruna. For a time 1 was troubled with The highest men In our nation have eatarrh oflong the kidneys and tried many Peruna a strong endorsement. given all of whieh gave me no relief. Men representing all classes and sta- remedies, Peruna was recommended to me by tions represented. several and after using a few A dignified representativeof the Pres- bottles Ifriends, am pleased to say that the long byterian church in the person of Rev. looked for relief was found and lam flOiy E. G. (Smith does not hesitate to state enjoying better health than I have for publicly tliat he has used Peruna in his years, and can heartily recommend w found and cured hen other it family Peruna to afflicted. It Is remedies failed. In this statement the certainly aair similarly grand medicine." At. J. Rev. Smith is supported by au elder in Rossman. his church. Catarrh is essentially the same where-eve- r Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor of the Presbylocated. Peruna cures catarrh terian church of Greensboro.G a. .writes: n herever lcsated. Having used Peruna in my familyfor y If you do not derive prompt and some time it gives me pleasure to testify result from the use of Peruna, to its true worth. My little boy seven years of age had write at onee to l)r. Iiartman.givmg a been suffering for some time with ca- full statement of your case, and he will tarrh of the lower bowels. Other rem- be pleased to give you his valuable edies had failed, bnt after taking two advice gratia bottles of Peruna the trouble almost enAddress Dr. Il&rtman, President of tirely disappeared. For this special The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. malady I consider it well nigh a specific. Ohio. to-da- Pe-rdn- ore-eqimll- satis-fiietor- Courier-Journa- to Property. ur.kr-JoUT4- e Instant Relief from Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Here is a case: Mr. T. Shepherd of Whitburn, Sunderland, Ohio, says: My wife suffered severely from rheumatism, and necra.gla. She could not get one moment's rest and waa nearly crazed with pain. Obtained instant relief and a permanent cure by using the contents of one bottle of St Jacobs Oil Ther: Is no other remedy In the world that will do this. The instantaneous effect which St Jacobs Oil produces is a part of Its half a century record." St. Jacobs Oil is sold la 25 eta and 50 cts. sizes by all druggists. The words Acts like Magic," Conquers Pain," which have been used la connection with St Jacobs Oil for more than 55 years are wonderfully and truly descriptive. you. in - . should -- know is told ia the circular n ypMach that wrapped about the Soar. every-woma- Mexican the WHILE gather-in- g crops his body is gathering a crop of aches and pains, cuts, bruises, backache, sore mus- - If des and stiffened joints. Why not allow ts J -- jHlUJJllHll!! to attend to the latter crop ? That is just what it ls intended for. It drives out the aches and heals the wounded flesh most thoroughly. Its the Best liniment for the flesh of man or beast Beu; SALT LAKE CANDY CO.S ASK FOR MOLASSES DAINTIES ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS SELL THEM. A8K YOUR GROCER. ..SALT AIR.. BEST ON EARTH" FAKING POWDER. EXTRACTS AND SPICES. lMilfTrfl-AGEN- T8 I UU trmets, II Alt r Fig profit. IU.DO to Isiict for iw Tlrtiir F. ArUalea Bad PrriuoiM. t1 ir,lire t.Molar, laws A. W Blunt BU. m ' Ck.Vk-SX- U. the Vicnese lady swimmer, straining for another attempt Madame to swim Isaccscu, the English channeL btgSoBt prtra.fnr II1NY OU.SidM. ran IITHU U I nil dUivA bratii, r. twtUMCilr. IrwvhBnpr lor Partmlir FREE Bresi Cnrt Wrt M. M. ec 0. V.KYUYEILCSF? Cunt to iim Uk ho IS. ,omn A llil. yvoif City- - f to dmirtoB. v K,inBBUty. 38, 1803 StatSftL TeeteeOooiL Byrn rik-ba- Y boBormtOB . wny,M BBrofiv Srt W. N. U. Salt Lake-N- o. I tlk and traveling our tree Belling furni-- b outfit and pay CASH EVERY WEEK A few more good men wanted. Write tor particulars. ACENTaSl PIONEER Ixm-a- Mlcnvn make monry W NURSERIES eot ee ALT LA k COMPANY, CITY. UTAH. Senator Pettus of Alabama, who 1 years old, has been enjoying bit vocation In Mobile and haa astonished every one by hit iprightllnesa. He claims to be good for many years' jmuHc service and unless appearance are deceitful bis claim la well based Howie Tlsltwre Cxeemloee via the Sn- -- ... eoerl Fact tie Hallway In Ohio and Indiana. One fare for the round trip plus 93.00. Tickets on sale September 2nd, Oth, 16th, and 23rd, good to return within 80 days from date of sale. Excellent opportunity to visit the old folks at home. Call on or address nearest Pacific Agent for particulars. To point ri Townsend, U.P. &T.Agt.,St.LouU. Craze of Opium Smoking. Ofium smoking ia increasing in Eastern Siberia and causing the authorities much anxiety, owing to the e frequent death therefrom. . - The recently discovered 32 opium dens In Vildivostock. 18 in Nilosk, 18 in Noriesk, and 4 In Irkutsk There are twice as msny undiscovered dens. The craze bas not touched The working classes as yeL but seems to be confined to tbe officials and their wives. For forty year Dr. Fowler Extract of Wild Strawberry ha iwen curing summer oioody flux, romplaint.dyeutery, dlarrhtra, pain in th stomacb. an 1 it baa never yet fated to do every thing claimed for it. distinct Fire hundred and eighty-seve- n languages are spuken in Europe, An Eye For Business. A story is told o? s colored butler In one of New York's most fashionable suburbs, who, being given one hundred ir more invitations to a social fucl.on for delivery, could not resist L e temptation to slip into each a massage circular of his wife who was seeking patients. Tbe surprise and consternation of the invited guests at receiving tbe two documents may ea-'- y be imagined. Mis Annie Donbas Sedgwick, author of "The Rescue, pa written a new story of a friendship between women, called "A Deserted .Templd,' which is to appear serially in The Omturj , a tb pictures by Miss .Harding. Out of 2,r,1i mu .liter of Christians in Turkey last year there were only 61 case tat which the murderers were punished. 1 The longest railway run in the world llbout changing is on the Canadian Pacific, from Halifax to Vancouver, 8,002 miles. LIBBY Vsm) key ud M. utwf Mu hu Bit; M Trp it toil Tonga, Ot Tonga kjttJf). f mI loaf, tneJ ham, Uriah! . SlUeiS Smoked Beet . TaUtmhi a bbI AH Hfttml rwm Umm BiNltwMi iuur freovr hu4 llbby, ftcAeJfl 4 llbby , Chicago Ml to Havs to Ut" KtifTwikqb ou Mt uk Mt in W wil YOU'LL D5 SOir-- Y YHEU 1T.RAU3 , rtsoa Cura tew CoasumpMoa ut an tnftdliM fur sough and eoW. K. W . iAMoat Prove. N t.. Fvh. IT. The lord lieutenancy of Ireland, for which the duke of Manchester was an applicant, has been given to anThe Ladles World. other, and he is now aeeking the appointment of governor general of the Told of Deaf Irish Dean. of Australia, a post A dean whoae name may not be commonwealth because of the is that begging going given ia nearly atone deaf, says Temlow salary attached and the enormous ple Bar. His deafness is said to lead expense involved in the discharge of It malapropos answers. Staying at friend's house, he was asked U be its social requirements. tould like to hare pair of slippers. HaIT Catarrh Care His face assumed on expression of b taken internally. Price, 8a portentous solemnity, and be made That question must be rereply; The Carping Critic. served for the general fynod." On One of those callous Parisian critics another occasion be was asked what Mme. fiunlly be had. Twenty-six- , and an says of Bernhardt, aa'Ophelia: Sarah did wrong to put so much Verismedlale prospect of a considerable He thought .he hod been million on her face. In the drowning itcrease. siked os to the number of children at scene she seemed quite to color the bk school. Just one more story of water. Besides, no woman whlis wear my deaf dean. He Is reported to be Ing such a beautiful flowing dress of famous for changing horses, and not India silk, would, under any circumwithin -- Lnsane come te ho partifui&Fi? iuckf Is Thorseficak stances, .sane-oa a of mile of grave. how-Mwatery quarter Some one asked htm rs. was. The reply was peculiar; iSbe Impossible to tore oe an accident. Not 1 vicious In the extreme; sue wont Impossible to be prepared tor it. Dr. stand the curb, and is strongly in- Tbomaa Edaotrlc OiL Monarch ever paia. dited to run away." Needless to Say. hours constitute a week' Forty-fivhi was not referring to the good gray work for women and girls in New Zealand. mere, who, no doubt, waa going very double harness. and Journalist in steadily Newspaper Men. the publisher, met Frank Munsey, I Another Lincoln 6tory. an acquaintance who asked him to exTh story Is told that Lincoln was tbe difference between the men cm day walking through a field when plain who call themselves "journalists" and he auddenly skw that he was pursued the men who Insist on being known by a mad bull. simply as newspaper men." "The Tbe nearest object of escape was an difference is this," replied Mr. Munatraw for old stark, and Lincoln made a newspaper man spends most sey, It with lightning speed. Reaching It of his time in getting things printed fcetore the hull caught up to him. he about people and tews and a journsh commencing running around it, with 1st spends most of his time in getth bull in mad pursuIL things printed about himself; ting After several revolution Lincoln covdiscovered that hia long legs had ered the ground faster than be had hoped, and a bright Wea occurred to him. A few more strides brought him within reach of the bulls tail, which he clutched and the two went flying around faster than before. It toon began to dawn upon his bull-ehlthat he was the one pursued, and he began to bellow with fear and hen Lincoln exclaimed, See here, darn you, you began thli tn Bod th yott foffrtf flam, Reef toodicin Ooa luncheons ycu Do;rr u,vd I? y. 82 1 Itt. The gods forbid my book 1 quickly scan. And straight Its page answer So or Mrs. Winslows Soothing Byrop. For sblldrs toeiblog, softest lbs snow, ntduMs tn Ismsisllon.sUsys via. cares wind culm. StcsbuMa Senator Pettua In Good Health. po-lic- oar, Over a million persons die yeatly in Europe of consumption. Two million Amieii suffer the houMlUi. Uuiduck At any drug store. Blood Bitten curs trusty volume, which from day te day Is opened for my special benefit; Which tetts'lne things no other volume may rorsobth; UA ' "by ' a - tellerwrit). And when a weighty enterprise I plsn, . Or when a pleasure X would bave pn- - n C. - A courses of Minister Wbi dinner to Prince Chen Included tea as a cocktail, birds nest soup, sharks fins, bleached lychee nuts and ether delicacies. And the Chinese palate was duly tickled. H volume, small, modest, ober bare-brain- A Chinese Banquet. Mia-aon- BUSINESS COLLEGE. Opea at the Teiopletea Tettloa For School Wherein but pleasing truths r pru-- i mount. extrava-- I Impaired by no gance; Frwenllng sundry facts of good account; - Dealing with economics and finance. In Corea. - We control tbe E1H Cabinet system of bookkeeping end the Gregg system of shorthand. They are the best. Visit us at the Templeton and make inquiries about u from the business, professional and educational men of the city. Salt Lake We lead, other follow1. Business College. Rot shouting It own praises, but wlthsh A solum plain, with hpnetL worth tbo Cold The Sanative, Antisep-tiCleansing, Purifying, Beautifying Properties of CUTICURA SOAP render it of Priceless Value to Women. Mow Bout, nd to be, .liued: Laxative Brooto Quintus Tablets. Trice 25a c, Wealth of Russell Sago, Russell Sage, started with nothing 88 his wealth is estimated and now at 175,000,009. And he is likely to Increase It enough to make up the average gain for his life time 81,000,-00a year. If he lives a few years more. e Give me. Instead, Vtgl thumbed, pf cover ir:: Co., Buffalo, N. all. druggists, price , perchance aa we had feared, - Ilcffow and empty, and turned Inside r out! We Stop tbe (Tough and Works Off thirty-seve- Foster-Mlibur- Weave If a man meets his wile in the street he Ignores her presence and passes her as If she were a stranger. Jn this country a man would sometimes like to, but cant escane her eye. The usrr. dress Y. For sale by 50 cents per box. . h W.L. Vain book, which flaunt abroad, with gilt bedlght, Aad wear their hearts upon their very Ileeve. And which, when once within weve briefly peered ToAue why they so gallantly should Meant. . $3 &$32 SHOES k.t THE BANK BOOK. y 1 do sot aak for book of covers blight. And color blent In rtny a cunning Dent let the little ones naffer f om eeeesse bo need or other torturing skin d for it. Downs Ointment cures. Cant hwrm tbe mott delicate skin. At any drug store, .Things Better W. L. DOUGLAS fe Adva ice In Formosa. People of Formosa, who have been wearing the pigtail for 3u0 years, are This beginning to cut tLeir b&ir. shows that the island is becoming more .Japanese in Its ways, as It has become Japanese in its government It means the final abandonment of the outlaw wife. The change has been brought about snce the extensive and successful operations against the rebels last April. Do. l, Fundt' when the t?oujion tra.n from Fans filled with uegrvns Pound for tamp meeting r ailed this city, la.' the Lows' tile C. it passed the stal.ot, aul of wdRISfrnth'Cynthiai a at the about miles an hot.r, tbe idea beiig to keep the crowd on board until tie arrival at the grounds at the Felnioa th pike crovsirg Just before rearidtg Pike street a negro" mat. jumped from the train. Of course, the Momentum of the cars carried him Hong at & terrific pace. His body was going so fast that hlj legs could Bet possibly keep up. but they made a valiant effort to do sc, and such lieklty split a negro never cut before He "galloped across th- - gutter at Pike street at tremeidous spee-- l barely missed a telephone pole, flew tp into the a'r, turned a couple of somersaults, and landed all In a heap h the middle of Abe street. His eyes were as big as saucers and seemed to pop out. As he slowly gatnered himself together bis trousers were spilt, hi knees were bruised and bieeiQig, his arms were wrenched, his coat iai's were in tatters, and his battered stiff hat waa mashed down tight over his ears. At that moment a negro girl who knew him came along. Mill y. how do you do, Mr. Hop-kins-! she exclaimed. Why, how do you do? be in deep, calm tones, with careHow do you fully measured accent do? Too are looking quite I just stepped off tbe train to meet Germars fiiul that it pays to encour, age peasants to free their field oi stones, the properly rises in value taxirg value The stones thrown into Liapa b the toalside are pur chased by the Uistru t road repairing commission. Poor men, who otherwise would have to be supported by the almshouses, aie hired to break the stones, hd then ace trained te the work of repairing the roadbed. The money to pay the tner is made by auctioning off to the highest bidder the crop from fruit trees that were planted on both sides of the blghwry when it was built, and which are nourished well by the manure that fails along the road and is pushed at interiVola by a road tender upon their roots.' The purchaser of the crop sees to It that his fruit is not stolen. The road commissioners have no bother aoout that. And, although the sale be by auction, it brings considerable. Every burgher knows how much because the sales of high v ay fruit crop are published in the tors! rwnapcre. A curious custom prevails RECORD OF THE PAST. The best guarantee of the future lithe record of the past, and ever filly thousand popple-hav-e publicly testi fled that Doan s Kiduey Pills haw cured them of numerous kidney ills. Lorn common backache to dangerous diabetes, and all the utteudaut annoy ances and sufferings from urinary dis order. They have been cutod to stay cured. Here is one case: Samuel J. Taylor, retired carpenter, residing at 212 South Third St , Goshen, Ind, says:On the 25th day i August, lsy7, I maue an affidavit before Jacob C. Mann, notary public, stating my experience with Doau's Kidney Pills. I had suffered for thirty years, and was compelled at times to walk by the aid of crutches, frequently passed gravel mud suffered I took every mediexcruciatingly i cine ou the market that f heard about and some gave me temporary relief. I began taking Doan's Kiduey Pills E'e and tbe results I gave to the public W L Poetlai the$ ert CM HaiarA uf the merit. itoni-m- r to. mere At referred in the statement above W. I. PBarlss ( Hit VrwtMl lim l lk Sort !t iHul this time, on the IStaday o! July, Its KBS Bill, si !H tka "T other autBBfartsi-MrBh ui m 1902, ( make this further statement nnft IBS di.lWBT ttltf ,!tBM-Bt- . that during the five years which have ill U.UUU DO UC LAS $4 SHOES elapsed I have had no occasion to use CANNOT BE EXCELLED. or Pills Doan's either any Kiduey Wio.coo u, 10329 other medicine for my kidneys. The bather. http a Imparted eel A met Ire cure effected was a permanent one. Peteet Celt, i Kernel, $e Ca'f, Calf, ici Ad, Cveee Fort Color PyelrM osW. A FREE TRIAL, of this great kid- Celt, hat. Aangane. I Th! swain haesW. U noCOLAW Isntlnn apil pilot BtRIS)lM on bottom ney medicine which cured Mr. Tayfikoee hy nob, Me. extra. Jtlee. Uiian-- bee. on to mailed be will application, lor, . . W. L. DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS, .. . any part of the United States. Ad- Incident Told by tou'.vlUo the RoadwayM.de of Value Seveoty-eunt- , protit sharing schemes, affecting 53,520 workpeople, were in operation last year in this country -- MEETKR. -. c t didnt ... f. What Resulte from Electricity. , Although the protections freely tbe develmade a few years ago opment of electric traction would quickly drive horses from the field of HAPPY tht at ILAt , rrip ,fouct 0X MET MAE2 PC'l ANB VK.WW tZi JOLD BY ALL FEUAftLB rff 1 AN 9AC5b9 ET Cb A id RAN -- i. A. tf. TOWER CO BOSTOH, M ASA WHEW CURED. If yoa anffar from 7 wgaknMMM or di mama ono4 by lgnx new, iiitoM or aootoa tm of t yon ara tha wy poiaoar ik bo t havo protif otr vo ait to br pnbtiBbiniV IhOBMndi of rulnatary iMiitii oi u t f Aaiao j MO ffiftnff Dftfnos pi tiros him! )JrKaa. Wt pabiith our ourna in prtvsi it ooilia betray wmaaofuia Haaro to pro? or frkHt lo (tilt flaw of jrmttilM lit oat br ivitirvay. a.iUonr aert fo A rot tad plata: Wa tfcoa tbit tit a finoa yea am too oboe inf. Tea aaa do- oor word any KnA opofi ia Uthwii)odtfoo it. ibmniHli of paMotuo bv iHiorwed ok a how wa ta ara yoa woa iba Aluitte i y 4 win 1 J I I ? I w anriamt&odiDa HA. A. I. IBORH. Will demand a fm an til wa Ha yon m rw I Aiat Manhood Mammal Waabnar. Tarinooala. AimrmauwTbuBa. bfooniMit, Mvpulla and all wetkiwMHiof man. ibnralitMoq attdaarim ft am, by ieuer or ia prtoa. Call or write that at WE CURE CATARRH aaA ait dlwums of the I.aaff Haart, ftuHaaeh. Liver KiftonTa. Aerree. bkio Amin, aad ait Chruaie dieeaeneof men, wuuflii awd akiidrwa. I a. to to 4 a-- ai. Office Boart - IwC - I Aewdayaaad BoUdayttttolA DUS. SHORES a j SKOIIES, xesoT ecciALisTS, LYON BLOCK. 36 W Second So SALT LAKE CITY. MAKE YOUR Sl Money Earn Money with br m iarfe t j lo p ywarljr CO. THE At 1KUT booUeUKf Mtll 204 yulMry Uwarar, 4 Smfll ame lTTettri-Tr- mouiMy AstAH BriJAKlC 9 H 0(4 BUti KliVef v Ct pr I OS MAIL NAMiLi-PRO'fRT BbTl rood brslih. OGDEN ASSAY CO. A hsppv dlsptoiihm cutnto from hnloniie food Good hoBlth mnn fr m f oslnir Thr. rown W snloBomo fnodwmir Bakins Powdor s twklng ponl r buh is X PAY -- e fight, I CIL.I2T1 CwOTv i LT M4.aaaa..A . Lana J mn & LtrJXZ labor have not been fulfilled, yet thu Electrics! Review Cites statistics tj sure to vlrld nufe.perfoetlv slifiit-iir- r prove that the disappearance of the good results tocuune It b made for good result, ik (of Three Crown Baking PmCsr, Ext.e a. ko horse is actually taking place, al- Spice, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH for Ait) attract not to as though slowly HEWLETT BROS. CO. FOR BOARDERS DAY SCHOLARS ynuh attention. In Paris the number foil off about 6 per cent beof ber CONDUCT! 9 BY t CLAiRAwrs roq DRNSION tween 19fl and 1902. In London tbe THE MARI3T FATHERS to ATH A vnie Cwas 10 same in time thny the ltlCRf Oku, Uel.lnften. f. decrease per C1aaLal. Commercial and riaatiflaCrMiywaa, vilt reeH re ?uirk tr--j Uta. R Hh N H. Vnl . Hub CrcparaiorT irparmMtit for Wuuger iieja, cent' la Berlin, Vienna and 8t. Pe- btaff FfbbecttttaiUAimMKe 187 A Corps MiUtitr? J'fiH by at Amit.Ofnea tersburg a similar foiling off Is shown PrafaBf FhyhtU Culture hy an firiwiff(i The Twentieth enfury or: apirndkd (syuirtatniWi Tacflitiwt ' by the census of horses. In New York now now will in addition Tbe MAKER. MONEY progrttaof It' Is estimated'that the number of to the B('coTnmonat(oa the eaw see profits par emre. Lrf" eonatdarablv fie, Lac further particular!, apply ta torse h decreased 33 per cent In iac j Address America. estasnlefi la . , the 14 typhty year?. , , , R.E. BARNARD, Houston, Mo. ItEV. d. CUINAN, 6. Ms PncemsNVi All flallovs srror. 1 tV Ooliep |