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Show SURF RIDING IS THE SPORT OF HONOLULU. tl The liet sport In lloi oliilit Is nurf rhlltdt. It bents tohoiriiaiiluit. It Is 1 yarlitlnpt. cai.orin':, haihtig. tubus-I galling nml Ireboating rouibliicit. We Invited sumo nrmy ntlleera to ' the fun r itly. hired a nuipln of I iiiuiicular nutlvoK and their bnmlsomo Hilrly-lisit canoe, put on our leit. tli.g suits and puddled out Into the breakers. break-ers. Tho latino Is n iliiknut, made of the vnlttnbl.i koswood. It bns an outrlnirer, n fair sized lo;; fattened pmnllcl lo Hie rnnoe hy minus of two curved binccs of beams, (lurs wus lit lea l forty yiars old. lia.l been us. d by niyuliy, u:ul was worlli J.lnn. Ve worked nut n'.-nlnst Ihe si, ft brenkers I, r tiiiuui lalf n lul'e mi, I then turned nt.il ri-itid a I 11. willing the c'lllcnl lime In rut.lt a lr our and c.imo In with lis rush. Tiint Is tin. S' lenri. of surf riding. In cniib lh" breaker nl the turn. If you are too iulck jou ll ii it your cam... thrown aside or cHpHicil or ruuulni; lu with a swell weve li.Ktead of tho one you worn alter. If you nro loo Itile Ihe bin w;'e bunks over or rolls llnilrr j H e i in m il on to Its nlotloim Iii.Imi ! nv.l .m I mo i o part In It. J Hut If ,ui rni h It rlght-iipil thfl J natives g.-neriillv do you till pnibll.) I for ilmr HI.- at Iho cnptnln's com. j innud. form Hie i niuie to Hn top rire,l j lu it us Hie In . .il . r Is funning ami I Hu n mint In with tao r.reni wn'l of j wnler Just tniik of you, everybody J yollli'i. thu spray living, the waNus, I I roarll.n and rilHlilPo. I Von li.e nl H e tnle of n mile n ( nill'Ut". Villi K's-'il to be gollIK oven i twl.eii- f: "t us .nt an. I'mially . i- th. re tire t'vo or lun'o olio r canis.s E out nt,, I you lu.,- ull tlio oi iletnenl of 5 11 la.c. Hut evil wllhoul other liuiorl I II Is a t," a I '.n Willi ll. l.rr.onir. I Yon lire wild with I'm IiIIiiiIIiik; ru. h. Hi.. hwii Ii and swirl n,',I whirl of k the spiny The hoi si; of n gloat Inuv j lug Willi o! wnler J'ntl bin k of you. thu ! tour ol wuvct till nbimt J i il. It In loi' . J mens, : -Tai .in a l.edi'.o,-. |