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Show ItV TIIK BDARI) OF COI NrV COM- ' MlSHIONKUs i,k fu r COUNTY, L'TAII. , V A l'UoJI,AMATluN. . . y ; Whereas, pur. mint i., ,ii , flv hiimlreil and thirteen ol the hVvl..-. 1 Slatiltea of l!ih, Ik.ih, approved legl- 1 i ired and adopied Mar 'It li,', ,.t- 1 tinn aa. preeiui, t ,,. p,,,r,i Conntv Corn in i ai mvn of Summit Cuuiily, Utah, Aligns hth, paij, signed ' ' hy the ipulthed electors nf .mil county j i In nmii'iT ei,iM ui a majority of the ' ? vole, ciiatatlhe general eleilion held t November tub, UKh. praving f.,r the .ilhiiii..iou nf the itie.lion of the re- '. ' uiouil i, ii.e enimiy ,e,u( Summit , ' I oiinly, Utah, from fnalville, l iah, to ( I'ark City, I'tah, lo the qualified elect- . ' j nr. ot .aid cuntv, to be mli d upon at the general flection lo tie held November Novem-ber 4th, IIS)'.; ' j Now, therefore, we, l!,irtlnv Mellon- , I ough and John J. Itnwe n. t'ountv Com- r mi.sioners Insjiid lorlhet'onnly of -inm. i mil, ami State of I'lah, hr virtue nf the f I power in lie seated hy the ritatnles here- ' llllaifore n.eliliomd, do herehv mihiuit ' tlie qne.tlon of the removal nf the conn- ! I ly seat of Hiiminit Countv, tltah, from 15 Coalville, Utah, lo l'ara t'lte, l-tah. to the quslilledelerinra of rtuiiiti.l; Coiimv, f Utah, to lie voted upon at the general i f eleeiion to he held on the an, ,i.l ' 1 Niivemiier, A. 1)., UUe Ihnu.and nine ! ; hnmlreil and two. , In wltne.s whereof, we have hereunto ! ' set our hands and caurd the .en I of ' ; Snmniil I'nunly, Utah, to he atllied at '; Coalville Cite, rtuilimit Cnillll) , Ulah, ,' this .econd itav ol Seplnniber, A. U., one thnu.nnil nine hunilred and two. 1 llTi.av Mi lh.Mii on, Chairmen. John J. How km, ' Hoard ol County Cominlsiioiiers of Summit Sum-mit Cniinlv, ('tab. I Bv the llo.r.1 nf County Cuiiiuil.ilonerft : of Summit County, Utah. 1 V. It. Nasi.iv, County Clerk. tfeal.) Cnminlaelnner John C. Lambert being atuenluu arcnnni ol ilckuets. |