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Show SARATOGA THIRTEEN YEARS IN AN ENGLISH PRISON. HIGH LIFE JULIAN RAlfPH DESCRIBES AUER ICAS MONTE CARLO. aeen and talked I base iied, 1 think it mut be be-Florence May brick, the Anu-leaDune tny belief baa never died that woman who for thirteen os.o da), sooner or later, my iuno-rfne- e years baa .languished in an will be proved. 1 am willing to English prison for a crime die when that time comes. I must which she has protested from the live till then. first she never committed the tour And our ihildreu? I asked. tier ot her husband. The blue ees filled with big tears. Mrs. May brick was condemned to I know notbirg of them for tae past .be hangecq. but .five, days., before th'1 .seven years. . Buries., the. first . six... time set for her execution her sen- years of my Imprisonment the tence waa commuted to life Imprisonallowed me to see 'pictures of ment because (I quote from the court them twice a year and 1 was to keep records) the evidence does not ex- the photographs In my cell for twenty-fou- r clude a reasonable doubt whether hours each time. James Maybrick's deata was in fact It was such a comfort to me! But caused by the adaUaltratka. of they stopped, without --explanation , arsenic. seven years ago and I know nothing s The commutation of Mrs. at all about them. My litsentenre for the feason given tlenotbirg girl is sixteen, my little boya man by the English court attracted ex about twenty. I have never seen traordinary attention and sympathy them since they were taken away from me all those years ago. I believe they "are told their mother Is dead. ".What do you do, Mrs. Maybrick? I asked. How do you manage to live these through weary days and months ? And years, the prisoner said, conThe cluding my senier.re for me. prison routine never varies. The same, day and w eek. month and year." I was told that Mrs. Maybrick has not only been a model prisoner her- -' self, but has had an unparalleled influence for good on the other prisoner; who adore her.-- - Several women convicts have offered and' begged to be permitted to serve a life sentence lf It would earn Florence Maybricks release. . While Mrs. Maybrick was speaking the door opened and another attendant appeared. Once more I stretched forth my hand, a friendly woman's k hand to Florence Maybrick, and her bead and threw me a sad Mr. Maybrick. When Bhe Was Sentenced, little kiss from the Ups of her waxen-lik- e for the American woman, and no prisfingers. oner accused of a capital offense has In another Instant the door had ever had such powerful friends exert- closed and 1 found mysejf In the cold ing all their combined strength to ef- stone corrfdor, free to leave this house fect release as she has had. of misery. Florence Maybricks unhappy fate As soon as 1 reached London on my has always lain heavily on my heart. return from Aylesbury I got the adSo when I reached London, in May, I dress of Mrs. Maybricks mother, at once set at work to get permisde Roques, and wrote her sion to visit Aylesbury prison, where asking If she would see me if I went Mrs. Maybrick has for the past seven to Rouen, France, where she ia living:years been confined. Mrs. Maybrick was about twenty-sireceived an answer saying 1 should years old, as I recollect it, when she be welcome. , was convicted of the murder ot her The Baroness de Roques live on husband. She has been In prison thir- the outskirts of Rouen in a Uny house teen years and is therefore at least approaching ber fortieth birthday. Her face Is an absolute blank except for that terrible sort of dumb protest felt in each feature, Florence Maybrick ;Tslght-be- ifixtj r- thlrty,-oShe typifies any age between dumb anguish as bo other human be. ing I have ever seen. . , IJ -' 1 stretched out my band toward the poor woman and the frail little figure -a-h ,shrank back. "1 am so sorry," she said, in a voice soft and low and utterly hopeless; we are not allowed to 7 shake bands or touch any one." 4 vw Mrs. Maybrick is a little over five In feet height. She cannot possibly weigh over ninety pounds. Her face has the deadly waxen look which long deprivation of sunlight and fresh air Inevitably produce. Her features arp not regular, but very pleasing very gentle. Her eyes are blue and large, and excepting 'vC;' when she looks one diectly in the face, ? they are so expressionless as to make one wonder if there is any sigat In Mr. Maybrick, them. As She Is But I looked into Mrs. Maybrick's eyes determined to evoke a response of a few rooms of lillputi&n dimendetermined to send a little message sions, for which Bhe pays about $10 to that poor hapless soul no matter a month. In tkla poor little refuge HAVE w-t-h n Waff Street Magnates and Prcf-- ; senal Gamblers Won the Goddess of Chance Together Immens j .Sums Won and Lost. : :. : ;: u..m nrg-J !TK: Ci r 1 7 t :: iKch fJRi ,vf jr? J ' ':x' uxttxi ' --MThe faro game attracted the IT'at jIay et tf d ' the High plar U elifHcult fur an ordinary man who warns his living by the sweat of his bands or his brow to comprehend vhat sums of money were represented by the chips upon these tables. A jrreatAVall street operator sat In a Napoleonic attitude.' is Jib "head down win his breast, hands folded on his stomach, and hat tilled over his eyes, at the head of the table with half a dozen Idlers behind and beside hint-- one an employe of the place, on a -Dtigh stool, -- watching all that went on. And this stock exchange nabob waa woe of the ipen who wore playing. The sta ka of Ivory lozenges In fcout - of him represented $1,000 for each with hla little pile. The Chinese frame of Ivory markers.- - tallied each card played by the dealer opposite, who dealt In the most leis- orely manner, stopping to rake In or nejagTaae'Ta sm sz. .a, S3 psy off the bets, and taking, somesr sra times, seven minutes between deals. There cornea a stage in faro when two lf! similar cards cannot or are not likely f to be played one after another, and Then the strong play" Beglhi. This stage bad been reached, and all the players were betting heavily, putting $1,000 there, $250 else-whe$500 here, and ' topping a pile of chips with a button now and then, to bet against Instead of on a card. The' stoc k exchange nabob was on the and a other aide of the veteran gambler waa on the other aide betugbundred where Wall street staked thousands, A long, lean, thin-fareyoung man, evldontly from the west, wearing a hiurglng suit of blue flannel lightly Witimii striped with while, lounged along, sat clown by the Napoleonic onlooker, and pulled from a trousers pocket a thick, flat pancake of bank notes. Every note was a $100 bill. He threw out five of these, received twenty chips, lost them with promptness and then threw upon the green cloth $100 more. v This is one of the most compact Who?" I asked. -plans published. Absolutely no waste of Denver, a book- apace and at the tame time neat and . 'Johnny v ' maker.' t handy.. This house having a frontage at ot 23 feet may fe built on a city lot of his rid winnings "Geting days tho races? t ventured. Height ot first story, nine feet; secNo; he was hard hit at tbO races ond, eight feet six inches. Solid stone of lie alsajs has stack WHERE HE WAS LACKING, j What an enviable mair' What "4 condition! and Railroad Man Makes Professional delightful reputation May ha coins to no grief, and may the Criticism of Minister, ' U $ Tar tt.aa rirwtjnnrtnww)e-a"PftnljCenv; - inrwVwfer-wrwVMt-w- t who shall grave arervo to telling a good , story, even lull be a stone-cutteupon hl loadstone; '"Here lies John- at their own expense. A Fpptist minnie Dash of Heaver, He alwsjs had ister a at so much amused at a witty criticism of his own preaching as be stacks of money. I do not understand faro. ! cannot woula have been at a similar comment master It on the salary I get," as on another man's sermon. One Sunday morning a well known Frederic Remington, the artist, would say. I saw so much money paid out, railway magnate came tn and took a and paid tn and moved about In little neat h a pew. It was the first time Ivory columns of so many colops all that he had been seen at the chapel, without the faintest Idea of how or and bis presence created some little why It came and went or why so much stir. The minister preached his serof It dwadted idly on the board as mon, and then, perhaps to make the In no other game I ever saw, where most of hi opportunity, he traveled quick and agile croupier knew their ovet (he ramc ground again In langbufcluexft that 1 came away hopelessuage calculated to be more impresly befogged. I paused a moment by a sive, Thus the discourse waa spun roulette wheel. A mere boy with ths out to unusual length. When the service ended, one of the touch of a mothers caresses still on bis chubby cheek, cams by my aide, deacons waited for the great man and and, rolling up a $100 bill Into a pel- expressed the hope that he had enlet, flung It on a nlimber. The erou-yrre- r joyed the sermon. innblS'T&Tm;g-Bd-athred- 4t It. was aji rlaht," said the r r in.- - Tbw yuuthl crunipled upr&bothcir There' only onV dfaVbatV yellow rag afid tossed It after the with our mlhistcf'i prcachlng. "What Is that? first. Hi atm was true, and it fol"He doesn't appear to have very lowed its mate, nimbly, into the till. Five times he did this, and then, hav- good terminal facilities. ing made hit sacrifice upon the altar Paraonat Acquaintance Necessary. of the ruling deity of the village, he Governor Stone tells ot an eccentric lighted a cigarette with a match not a bank note and went beside me resident of his county whose wife Into the street Julian Ralph in the died after a long illness. They had been a happy pair, perhaps; hut New York Times. there, was some surprise when t! e - wldower.replytrig1o the comment of The Lsit Resort. a relstiva that Poor Jane's gone at A hear relation of the late Baron last! WelL she's better off! roared;.: Munchausen on the maternal aide, "Yes and so am I!' lineally descended from Ananias and Hcwcnt village waa telling a party of Sapphtra. a v o r 1 ep re a r he r tode-llve- r ' friend' aborrireoHig"VStttrbuffa!o the funeiat sermon, and waa told fa on of the great tree of Califorthat his selection was no longer there, nia. t t but had been replaced by a younger "That story lacks7 likelihood," re- and equally efficient clergyman, marked the man who knows every"No!". he roared. iH have' John-so- q so many other men; "the thing, like or none! He knew her, and buffalo belong to the ruminant family, knows just what to say! If I cant get has four or. five atomaeba, and " . 'walks on hoof. It baa no claws at him, Ill do the preaching myself) all and could no more climb a tree than a Jersey cow." . As a general proposition you. are right, said the atory teller, with perfectly unruffled mien. - "But thfk case was quite exceptional.- We were after the buffalo with four of the most vicious dogs that I ever knew. One , was a boar hound, one a great dtne, one a psovie, or wolfhound, and the other a registered bulldog, with jaws like wrought iron. Well, they brought the buffalo to bay at the foot of tho ..big tree and pressed blm so blamed bard that he just had to climb. That was hla only salvation." 5 May-bric- --A -V V g7T 1 rt-rr- i5i - fr-- TTv'' - T a; i'i"b A rgrnmM i f May-brick- rV 1; , . j iri cast-keepe- r, ivTTii7 VlP fi mm k: 'lip " I11 i,W re iU.ll i ,P"i im cast-keepe- she-shoo- --i i' '.rT"Y"TUf IS i tin t (itl fWKlirhIliS?fe f '' lele)$B)lIiroiimftYi -- foundation. Hall and main' room at Furnace heat and modern plumbing. first story finished in plain oak, with In fact, this house ia modern in every polished oak floors. Rest of round detail. finished in white wood enameled, j Cost, outside of heat and plumbing, The large rooms and attached cloa $1,500. eta make t much admired by the la John I Nichol of Bloomington, dies. i Ind, la the architect, to-da- r, vla-por- -- Ua-neighbor- ing id-engage al 1 . California's When Jane' relatives heard UlS, BEGGARS NEAT COMPLIMENT. '(bey"heUm;4 Thera selves and' sjUit the day by t bringing the Reversal Certainly Worth .th Small Contr?bu Johnson on from a distant town.. J tlon Taken Up. , T ' .S- . of beggars the other day. Leo of Trenton told a story Judge Both Were Handicapped. which is clever enough to bear repeOn one occasion Bishop Potter waa tition. On the when the late a guest at the Storm King club of Gen. Sew ell w as sight chosen by the RepubNew York, After a comfortable din- lican caurus as candidate ner he sent a telegram to one of the senate Judge Lee and two for the other officials of the Jscw York Central railfriends were standing on a exroad asking him to stop the eight stieet corner, afterthe convention, press at Storm""Kirg station, oa the discussing the nomination. While opposite side of the river. J they talked a ragged and rusty speciHe drove down the mountain land men of humanity approached, and, hired a boatman to cow htm across. with a courteous sweep of his tatArrtrlrg in good time, he and the tered bat and a bow that would have boatman waited in the rowboat nntil to & the approaching train warned to Judge seek the station, only to see tie aid he, "I trust you will train arrive, rush by, and disappear pardon me for it trudtng. hut I am In , . i - -- done-cred- it thj It..' count,-addresse- d , into the darkness. . motq circumstances, and 1 would like to solicit f J The hishop was irritated. your assistance Well." he said, 1 am a btshvof tn my distress. 1 have a sniall amount the Episcopal ihurch and 1 guy.xjse of money, 'air, hut not sufficient for my calling win not allow me t$ lay my purpose, I wish to get to Newark to see my daughter, whom I have not . anything. " v . " a Methodist and my ; " irauvi f it f r" not let na-- say anytKiiig. ' 5n realise the heart hunger of-- a man in my position. Might I ask you tn some way to assist me? Mosquitos Hum Located. Judge lee was struck by the mans The members of the Royal .So k ty Chcsterfieldlan bearing and manner, of Edinburg, reports the Dtflfoit and his hand sought his pocket. Turnwere Interested a ing to hia two companions, he asked recent meeting, in the annountnent tf they would tare to assist the man, by k. E Shipley and Edwin AVitnq of and they both contribute! to the little the discovery of an apparatus, hereto- fund As the tramp bowed his banka fore overlooked or neglected, i the and voiced hla gratitude he turned to base f the mosquito's wings, e Ju-g- t. Lee again. characteristic humming tf that i Insect may be produced. The lea examined was the anopheles ay nil petmia, nod the apparatus condsta of a slightly movable bar prbvlilel Vlth a series of teeth Vlich, aa the wing re raised and lwviredT rasp serosa a aeries of ridgeg Th structure of the apparatus i described as very complex, but-t$- e music produced, a everybody kntws, la 'extremely effective. i fiiattr Took No. Chance in Prodict-In- q & c I T OU ft n GOllDt"" News-Trihiir- ere-brib- well-marke- d -- Brothers FuneraL' Judge Pennypacker, la a public ad- dies, once predicted a certain popular movement as sure to occur within given time. A friend naked the judge it It were not --rash to make a positive statement regarding a specific date for any occurrence, arguing that nothing la pertain. In reply, the judge told of a Celtic cook who asked her mistress one Monday for ieave of absence the following Sunday to attend her brother's funeral Why," exclaimed the; mistress, "this la only Monday! Surely, gojrg to keep a dead body a -- 'a whole week!" Mineral Wealth. "Hea not dead yet, mum," explained the cook. "No? Well, he may die or he may live a month. No doctor can safely aay that a person wilt die at sach a time that a day may be set for The report of the Bute Mineralogist on the production of minerals in California for the year 1901, which was made public this week, shows that the output of the mines waa against $52,622,945 for the previous year. Cold heads the list to-da- y 1, thnfuneral." "The doctor's nothing to do wid it. fa the further explanation. "Oi'm sure Sundayll be all rolght, fr La's alntinced to be hung Friday," with $18,199,000, while copper ia sec-co- d with $5,501,000, Oil 1 the third With $2,981,000.1 . mnmV Plan of bout te be built at coat of $1,500.. t x r -- A--- 4 fit hm.MM J To-da- Luilffl wed.-..- . .v am from America"! said, and I could be interrupted, you have thousand ot friends there. You must not think you are forgotten. We hope soon you will be free. The blue eyes grew human and tenter and looked into mine, still with he despa.ring gaze. The colorless pa parted in a painful attempt to I he-fo- re , fqrtcniong,yearjheba3 Jived.at-- tended only by a faithful Breton woman. During these years Florence Maybrick's mother has devoted her every hour, her efery eflergy, her last available penny, to an effort to secure trial or a release for her unfortunate daughter. A new trial. Baroness de Roques has always contended, would show conclusively that, as Sir Charles Russell, the Attorney General and Lord Chief. Justice of England said repeatedly!' "Mra. May--', brick ought to be get free, e waa never legally convicted. jotsh At the end of my, visit the Baroness de Roques gave me the picture of Mrs. Maybrick,. taken .shortly before she wss accused of the crime for which she wss tried, which Is here reproduced. Harriet Hubbard Ayer in New York World. ' , - , Strange French Tss Law. s Possession may be of the law, but the remaining tenth occasionally makes trouble, especially In France. A man In Paris had two motor cycles, on which he paid the annual tax uncomplainingly until tho motor cycles were stolen from him two years ago. Tne law Insist bo. should go on paying the taxes indefiJudge Harman. Who Sentenced Mrs. Maybrick. nitely, as he cannot prove he no smile, disclosing beautiful white teeth, longer possesses the cycle by return-le- g and In a lowre fined voice, very Engthe taxing - plaques which were lish In pitch and Inflection, Mra May- attached to the machines, and, of brick said: course, vanished with them. Aa long i "Thank yon. Yea, ! know 1 have as he does not return the plaques friends la America. Lhad one great the law considers he Is in possession and noble champion in Misa Dodge-- Gall ot the cycles and insists on the taxes Hamilton and while she lived being paid. I had strong hopes. But aha la dead my dear unknown friend ia dead." Play Both Ends 1 asked: "1 there any In Guatemala, the Indian population message yon have to send to America?" tries to double Us chances for the ef "Only the same message, said Flor- ficacy of prayer by worshiping at ence Maybrick "ray thanks, ray pray- Christian altar with Images of its ers for the happiness of all who have heathen . deities hidden betitaa It given me a word of sympathy, and remember, I am innocent" Where Are the Pennieef -"How have you lived? t ventured. Somewhere in the world there am 1 cannot tell." Mra Maybrick re- 119,000,000 big copper pennies, but noplied; 1 often wonder bow it la that body appears to know where they are. cine-tenth- 1 - |