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Show Kept Socialist from Speaking. aoriallKt member of I ho liullan parliament, chainhcr, who recently an-noiinced an-noiinced his Inti iitlnii of dcllverlnK an address In the town hull at Itos-slKllone, Itos-slKllone, was prevented from doing ao by the cure of the town assembling all the women of iho congregation In the hall, completely filling It. Kvery time the member tried to speak tba women, at the Insllgntlon uf the priest, began to clmnt hymns and psalms. Other rang the church belli, and made so mm 11 noise that tho member waa compelled to leavo the Hull without with-out delivering his address. A soon a he was gone the priest chanted a "Te Ileum" a a thanksgiving for the overthrow of the socialist. |