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Show FEOFLE MILWAUKEE ! sews shimaiiy. northwest notes. lM PEOPLED THERES The streetcar strike at Ottumwa. A Could Hardly Believe It. The Socialists of Vyomlng have Promiaeut Woman Saved From Iowa, has been ae't'ed placed a stats ticket in the field. Death by Ljdia E. 1'inkluuis It is said that all thought of s specof it sshington, Idaho The w ial session of congress has passed Vegetable Compound. and Oregon turns out to be 5,000,000 oldest living naval officer bushels short of the eipectalionsof tbt In Harcelona a number of anarchist Deab Mm. Pixkiixm I suppose Rear Admiral Thomas Oliver Self who read of have been arrested and lmpriBoned men large number of people grstn rk )e Nears th Century Mark. W til cure remarkable Where hardly my A cold wsve swept over Wyoming oil Heir The tire the in Texas, lieaumonl, Admiral Thomas Oliver Self not had I experienced it myaelf, I it; field has been gotten under eoutrol last week and on the morning of the ridgq' ho Is now ill his rlnt-t- ninth know that 1 ahouid not. nr llh snow began to fall at Cheyenne The amount received by the relativea of the late Mrs Charles Fair in settle- and the mercury dropped to 30 degrees At Twin, (lallan county, Washingment of their claims was $186,000 ton, Thompsons big logging camp was Experts estimate the damage done deslrojed by fire, which for a time to the heulisu, 1 ugland, threatened the lives of the men and by rain and hall Thursday at fully EVENTS best-cro- NO p DELAY. We always load your teams promptly. Load them with COAL, of course, for thats our stock in trade. 1 t t ri MRS SADIE E K'"H I suffered for months with troubles peculiar to women which m health and gradually broke Idown was nearly insane injr very life with pain at times, and no human skill I consulted bring me relief In animals tjoo.ooo The business men of Manila are organizing for the purpose of agitating for limited Chinese immigration to the Philippines Ilai celoia authorities have requested the minislery of the interior to maintain martial law on account of the at Litude of the slrikeis The revolutionary (.enernl Chicoye haa 1een tried by a military tribunal and sentenced lobe executed at Haiti, October 'Uh, The condition of the queen of the Itelgians, who was seized with an attack of asthma, is serious, but no im mediate danger is apprehended. Cholera returns for Egypt show that there have been 1,380 fresh case reported, making totals since July 15th of 20,238 cases and 16,209 death. The situation of the Colombian government on the isthmus thought to be more serious than it lias been for some time past, jet it la not very desJac-mel- Milwaukee could " Mv attention was called to Lydia E. l'inkliams A egctable Combrought repound ; the first bottle bottle an absolute lief, and the second cure. I could not believe it myself, and felt sure it was only temporary, but blessed fact, J have now been well for a year, enjoy the best of health, and cannot in words express my gratitude. Sincerely yours, banir h. Kotn, 124 10th St , Milwaukee. VMs 6000 forfeit If about tethmonlal It out gum it. Such testimony unquestionable proves the power of Lydia E. Pink-haVegetable Compound over diseases of women mi 1 perate. lhe jury in the case of A. L Beldlng, charged with killing ihree persona in Portlahd, Ore , two months ago, rendered a verdict of guilty of murder la the first degree. At Gresham, Oregon, an earthquake shock was felt on the morning of the A 11th report also comes from Clack amas that a slight shock was felt there. No damage was done at either place, William Hummel, a jockey at ooe time well known to New York turf men, was last week adjudged Insane and sent to the Wyoming state asylum. Hummel became insane while in Cheyenne. A pell of smoke hung over Montana Saturday aud Sunday that has almost obscured the sun. Saturday the orb wee a bright purple, varying to blue, and Sunday for a long period the sun could not be seen. David Anchord, ooe of the largest land owners in the northwest, end pioneer of Montane, is dead at the age of 67 years. Mr. Auchord at one time Lewie owned 90,000 scree of and Clarke counties. Two masked men compelled Harry Walters, atatlon agent for the O. R, A N. at North Powder, Ore., at tbs point of a revolver, to open the depot safe aud turn over nil the money nod Other valuables, amounting to over $300. John II. Androea, cashier of tbs Helena Water Works company, who was arrested a few days ego for stealing about $2,000 from the company, pleaded guilty to grand larceny and haa been sentenced to one year in the penlten You will o Mine-Worke- rs eons'antlv the best find t B COAL, and as for prices, note the LUMP $2.25 stove: 1.50 Patronize a Home Industry. yeat and who is probably the oldest living naval officer In the world, was appointed to the American navy In 1811 and was retired a few yeara aft one of the most femarkabi records ever made by a sailor. The admiral lives in pleasing apartments In Washington, and although rapidly of his approaching the centenary birth, he la still moderately healthy and quite clear In his mind. 0000000000000-00009000000- 0 DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES ever-widenin- g Me-kin- es, fcVWiflSVWSSaiWww tt It WEBER COAL CO. Stephen McCormick, said to have been the oldest employee of New York A Horae on You. Women should remember that and oldest the of in service, City 4 consult to point startling story of equine sagacity they are privileged comes from the provinces. A horse Mrs. Plnkliam, at Lynn, Mass., member of Tammauy Hall, is dead. wst standing Id the shafts of a carabout their illness, entirely free. He was 75 years old riage just outside the local theater. It The school of tropical science, which a weary look as of one that dehat is waging a vigorous war against Landslips Caiqe Terror. sired repose. Suddenly It brightened Terrible accounts have reached malaria, has decided to send out a up, and before it could be stopped It Rome of the great lav Isllp of Cornig-llnumber of fresh expeditions to the gold made a dash for the box office. The in Val dl Parma. For some time and the Congo. reasons for this unexpected behavior coast, Egypt, the hillside has slowly been slipping of the gave rise to much discussion, till at Mitchell, John president Is feared It on to Cornlgho, and clown a to lag one of the crowd, more observant message union replied that before It stops the whole countrythin the others, pointed out that the side may be practically blotted out from the Indianapolis News as follow. legend, "To the stalls, was written In There is nothing to indicate an early Already many houses have been overletters over the box office winlatge thrown and the main street of Cor settlement of the anthracite strike. dow. Pearsons Weekly. tiary with nlglio gapes A dispatch from Fez, Morocco, says The Interior department has received crevasses. The most terrible thing the Eerber tribe of Geruam, iu n petition from a large number of peo- ClAUS 8PRECKELS, SUGAR KINO. about the catastrophe Is the slowness was attacked September 4th by ple in Fremont county, Wyoming, ask of Jhe movement Cracks appear on Immense Property Controlled by the movement of troops and combined a the faces of the bouses, and slowly log that about 550,000 acres of land, ly I San Francisco Magnate. south divide Continental on widen before the eyes of the terrified utterly routed with great loss of life. the tog Claus Sprockets, the sugar king, trees .pectators, while the crash of Iu Ottumwa, la., every electric Hue west of Leader, be made n forest fho is now Id Montreal, organizing a the and the torn roots, by up tied slowly up by serve. with one exception has been oi ntCjis sound atong tae hilh a strike of moiormen' and conductors Th e st ale sii p rem e c o u rl of Wyomtng side. Every day the peasants fear oi linemen the with of out sympathy hss announced a decision sustaining to see the graveyard of Cornigllo torn com the and Traction Light Ottumwa the tV constitutionality of the jurJ$w q! open. Terror reigns- throughout , ' 1899. The decision 1e Important, a it psnjhr whole Talley.' The rumor that a revolutionary ex- affeeta fifty criminal cases now await Statesmen Exchange Courtesies. in being prepared at Maran-boa- s lng trial and criminal case decided In a recent debate in the house oi pedition of invading the since the lew was passed. for the purpose commons Mr. Wyndham, chief seer of Acre and opposing the News comes from Cora, Wyoming, of tery for Ireland, referred to T. W. territory hss been con- the murder of S. J. H. Reed, a young authorities Bolivian Russell as one of the political desfirmed. peradoes those unworthy and dee cattleman of that vicinity. Reed end At Trieste, Hungary, the garrison two other men were taking a hayrack rerate persons whose programme ol proscription and fear has paralyzed has been reinforced by two bsttalions from a wagon when n shot was fired every nerve of Irish national life. of infantry as a precautionary measure, from ambush and Reed fell dead. Two Mr. Russell responded by saying that owing to a strike of dock laborers. of the crime, Mr. Wyndham long ago mortgaged Three of the arrested leaders have been parties are suspected Kalis A are from pel, Mont., cays' his soul to the landlords, who special released. Two of the most dangeront fires that tow foreclosing their lien." The arrest of Charles Bradshaw, an ever raged in the foreat of this country Undiscovered Cuba. attendant at the Bedwell, Kansas, are destroying millions of feet of fine After more than 400 years It apprivate asylum, has been made on the saw timber. One fire is In the Dayton pears that Cuba has not yet been charge of beating Jacob RUynerson, creek country, aud the other s .south entirely discovered. Much of It and so seriously that he a 93, aged patient, unof Libby, in a large cedar west aud are yet many of Its treasures i live. district known, according to the recent re caDnot lugar company with $6,000,000 capiFederal Wood Enteric fever during the South Afriport made by Governor-Genera- l I. Baldwin, the Montane tal, is the president of the Mrs. John He says- that .After, the centuries of can war. reduced the fij-- ting 'force by aathoresa.. well Juno wn in .literary Sugar .Refining company, and one oi r Industry in Spanish occupancy there are large 70,000 to 80,000 men. But for this. It fs circles throughout the Uplted States, The ploneers of never Mr. America.that Island haA Spreckles Is a natlvs tlons of the would have beeirended died in Butte last week at the age of saiJVThewar f Hanover, and came to this country even been prospected, and practically six mouths earlier aud $350,000,000 52, Three yesra sgo sbe had published Temain undiscovered, so far as knowlpoor man. He owns Immense prop s book entitled 'Kodak Sketches of would have been saved. owner in edge of what they contain goes. which had a big run trtiea in Hawaii, Is a large Two Little Girls, The body of a young womao, who, in the ess t. Pacific steamers and h;a Invented Abyssinians Grave Rebuke. it Is believed, was murdered, was found Charles Masters, a pumpman, was jereral devices for refining. 4 While Ras Makonnen, the Abys at pier 30, East rive, New York. She 1 sinlan general, was In Pans a repor- had been beaten aud choked until her killed in a Butte mine last week. I Lawsuit Over a Cent. ter undertook to Interview him, and face was almost black. The police have While descending a ladder a piece of Frederick Herrlc, a millionaire among otters put this decidedly lead- found no clue to her identity. piping which was being lowered alrnck fember manufacturer of Birmingham, him on the head and threw him to the Ala, has appealed from a one cent Do your countrymen ing question: The government of Venezuela hat bottom of the abaft, where hia body tas Imposed In the police court on like the French or the English the warrior grave- published a decree declaring General struck the steam exhaust of a puhip The charge of refusing to pay a licensed and he was roasted to death. restaurant bill. He went Into a res-bu-r ly asked in return: "U your respected Matos, the leeder of the present revoJohn Taylor, n watchman for the mother still alive? and on receiving lutionary movement In Venezuela, to ant and ordered a lunch with cold Montana Ore Purchasing company at daw. an affirmative answer said: May she be n traitor and ordering him to The slaw was brought Jo the Coramine, at Butte, Montana, shot him with, dressing and be refused to teach you better discretion. tried on the charge of piracy. and killed Pat Carney, be- jy fifteen cents for lL. He was . No Owner for $30,000. After performing an autopsy on the lievedInstantly and locked up. The police Insane. be to Carney was armed The $30,000 in bills which figured In body of Rudolph Haller, laborer, in with a Winchester and waa running jidge fined him one cent, and Her' electhe bribery cases attending the New York, a coroners pbyalcian baa amuck, taking a shot at everyone In rick says he will appeal to the tion of Senator Clark by the Montana decided that insanity from which Hal- - sight, when be ran up ngalnat VVatc- b- apreme court legislature still remains a part of the ler suffered and died was caused by a man Taylor, with fatal results. archives of that state. The man to A' remarkable aeries of fatal accidents PREMIER FALL8 ILL. JTALY8 sixty feet long. -- whom it was I J given as a bribe never tapeworm week la occurred last logging camps The commander of the Cossack staclaimed it; the briber or bribers have Wash. Victor Errickson Seines Come Suddenly and Forces not naked that it be returned and tion at Wertschlok, anxious that his near Everett, i Zanardelll to Stay in Bed. there is no channel by which the district should show a preponderance waa strack by a log and died an hour Liberie K dispatch to the Pans state can appropriate It as part of of males, baa ordered that the author after the aecidenL John Gustavssonn fto Rome announces that the Ital- broken five hia back and ribs bad by the public funds. of eyery girl baby bom in the diatriet rolling log end will die. Homer Cole with tha strokes was crashed under a log, dylog shortly shall be given fifty Musical Composer Made Much Of. afterward. Father Hartmann, the young Aus- knot. The Socialism of Butte have decided General Flrmln has issued a violently-wortrian monk, who composed In his monproclamation to bis par-tisa- torepeif an becriptiooe for the purchase astery cell an oration which European ded critics pronounce a masterpiece, haa concerning the death on board of an automobile tfor the use of the been feted in Rome ari SL Petersof Admiral Ktlleck. Socialist orator, Ben Wilson. It is the Wll-eoburg, and is now the lion of the hour He nrgea bit followers to fight until proposed to arrange it so that Mr. In town cau hamlet end every ylsit In Vienna. the end against the provisional govern the state and do so leisurely and in ' menu Effect of Fire on Diamonds. eomfort, . Kone can tell where the diamond in central the occurred frosta Fred Monroe Preston, who confessed Killing goes to in combustion. Burn it, and northwest Thursday night. The mer-c- ur to sixteen burglaries in Tacoma, about It leaves no ash; the flame is exterior, to 24 degrees In many places. ths same number in Beattie and haa like M.at of a cork, and when it haa LatU fell in northern Iowa and South served a term in the Oregon peniten corn blazed Itself out there remains not even so much ns would dust the an Dakota la badly damaged. Flax and tiary, baa been sentenced to the foil all uoent crop in North Dakota suf- limit for burglary, fourteen yeara in fpna of a butterfly. the penitentiary fered. to Warn Him. - ThereExperience the book-love- r General Dewet, of A a of a Newport, Ore,, la surrounded on the nephew' is good story to lend his Boer commander, arrived In Berlin re- north and east by heavy brush fires. warning a frlend-ne- ver bools and, by way of pointing thfe cently to be treated by Professor Berg-m- s A brisk fire, driven by a light east moral, leadjrg the friend to a dd for a gunshot wound. It wae wind, swept down on the Seal Rock Isa premier. Signor Zanardelll, has bool rase ard remarking Imprinted that General De- resort, burning several seaside cottages been taken suddenly 111 and that he erroneously pressively Pat every book In those wet himself bad a bullet removed from and a larga barn used in connection is confined !o bis bed. Shelves had fccen lent to hi nil with the hotel St that place. hla body. lanin Wasatch Mine. AT THE, Co to the-- : CASH BARGAIN STORE w ex.MreeitasviCnvaiMewJWe'ettuyi ia,ftVMroMiit)ScMVr COALVILLE. UTAH Good Job Work Is wha.t people want, and at T5he Times office Is Just the place where you can get it at prices that will suit everone. 4 h -- -- . .. AllWorkPromptlyExecuted GRASS CREEK COAL bet-ter- ? AT dark-Bklnne- d GRASS CREEK MINES We have the very best Coal there Is on the market for domestic or steam purposes, ' Well Screened Domestic, Lump and Stove Mixed PEN TON, S4MJ os Crete-a-Pier- $1.75 ott - well-stocke- " There is no shoveling or waiting, as we. have a ! SPECIAL CHUTE TEAM- S- GRASS-CREE- K FOR LOADING CQAL CO. . |