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Show TRAIN ROBBER SURRENDERS. B.rt AKor.l. ramiMi. Aril uaa )ullw. Tlrvd uf llrlua llnntvil. Ilcrt Alvord, the fainoua train robber rob-ber and outlaw, haa aurrendered to Sheriff Iwia of Cochi.o county, Arizona, Ari-zona, and "Hilly" SHIra, hia old pal who lurued atate'a evidence and joined the Arixona ranirera. Hounded btr ranera lu the t'nlted Hiatea and rn-ralea rn-ralea In Mexico, broken In apirlt, hia ri(ht arm .haltered by bulleta, ao thnt he can no louder uae a guu, Alvord du-clded du-clded to (rive up thu deaperatv clioucca of the llfu lia had been leading and truiit to the leuieucy of the law. He notllied Slilea of hia wllliuiroeaa to.ur-render, to.ur-render, met l,cwla and 8Ulea acro.a the line, aurrendered and waa brought o Tucaou for aufe tci.epln. |