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Show 80ME TRAITS OF THC COW. Oovln Family Has Many Human Characteristics. Tows lime their likes .'Hid Ihelr dlHlll.es." nl I I'm mlll.uiHl.l to tin, summer hoarder who was curious to aeo every part of the. farm. For Insiaiico. a cow admires a burst) and will sum, I and watch one for a lung time. Hhe Ih sort or timid about li I in. but she admlri'S bliti jus' t ia sumo, tibe has a contempt for a mule, and seonis lo be amused ly his antics, lings she tolerates, that's all. And sheep she hales. Klie will not. eat grass where sheep havo been, bha hules dogs, too, but will tolorulo thwi shepherd dog. because sho knows lie simply bus to, and that the shepherd shep-herd dog will not bile her. Tattle go wild at being let Into frnsh posture." added Iho milkmaid. "II seems In go lo their heads. Kach Is afraid that III other has got a belter bel-ter feeding place than herself, and tr.es lo drlvo her neighbor away." Then thero is a good deal of In man nature lu the row, after all." m.isoil the summer boarder, who bad stjdled a year or two al a university, aid was given lo philosophical re-dO'lluiiH. re-dO'lluiiH. "Well, I should smile," answered th milkmaid. "A single cow with a calf will Imihs a w hole herd of sloera." and, swlt.glng her pall over her arm, Ui,i wont down lo tie milking pens. .Sow York Tribune. |