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Show O0ALVIIJLE. Good Horse Sense will tell you that old eggs and glue are not things some coffee roasters glue you watt to eat; yet such things. their coffee with 1902. UTAH, feEPT.19, COUNTY NEWS. litms oi Interest Miens rcefftspniestsii Tsins! County. J ; Lion Coffee Our Gtiberel bj just pure, unadulterated, undisguised coffee; with any glazing of any kind. juever covered up Its .. Ualtorw qaality aS rnass are iB.ureU by tb waled package. , HAMA. Kama, Utah, Sept. amtable program wae rendered arid ium 17, 1902. SIGHTS IN ENGLAND. I. I Elder C ,erV,l: - SiHTOfc TllHMU H Wear Deacrtbaa a Vlalt ta ' Places Irvl.r.st, Charles Neshn, Le telephone I urmau S. F. Atwood and family have gone to eras here yesteidav repairing the airra from Thi TvElder C. H. owing leter Sait Lake lo atay lor the wluter. ti the lem learit'm reieotly from Londoa, Muir, wlm IS engaged TbY. L.M. I. A. of Kama com- Peoa echool, a ill makr hi home ri has !.'-- ii handed u for publication f menced their regular weekly meeting Bockort during thr hool vrar. Last Wednesday we Elder and lady last evening. Tha night are grill Mg qiule to. d and an (ran ID all, took a day John C. Lambert reported to be re- it feel like winter after the run set oif for pleasure and made a trip from covering (rout hi illness nd will no The Iroet has already injured tome of London bridge by boat up the Thau doubt be home before a great while. . th trail. riveru Hampton Court Palace, where Ward E. rack and part of bi family the kings and queens of early day used i WASIHir Mr. Pack have gone to Veroa!. t led in ebeep out that a ay and baa live, commencing with King Henry IS l'C Wanmhii, Utah. Kept. on husineaa. Ylil (One Ediths Tinas The trip was grand and almost heyoad The thraeher are all busy, Tbe acreMre. Henry Leeuiing ha leen iiite feeble pen io deat rite. It was about in tbi of ia not my very large age grain auk for the last few day. valley. A. Jobneoo ol tbe Kama Milltwenty miles there, but only coat uiS6 Quite a number of our citizen have cents lor tbe round ing company abipped In a carload ol trip. There were wbet from Cache Talley thi week. It gone to halt Lake to get froit for winter about 200 on tbe boat ; in our eople ia tub aorne of th people of thia Talley use. wae Mist truu a Ramsey, the fawar taming oeer eome of their gaaey Mre. Katie Mander ie out from halt party go J and raire trfficirct of the staff ef Luke vie ting her parent, Mr. and Mr. mous Utah ainger, who sang a camber of American aonga, with our onpoliabed life, lnatead of Importing It. No M. F. Lee. le thoroughly prneroue or inde Loren o Anuerwon hae returned to help, which seemed to please the people. pent that le not On the wey up we pasted under a Idaho after a pleasant visit of ten date with bia parent. great many important bridgaa, aad raoA, Salt passed in full view of the Parlamsiit Mrs. Frazier has returned Poa, Utah, Sept. 17, 1902, where she went to attend the wed- House, the Bt. Thomas .hospitals, tha Late Eorroa Tina ding of her grandeun, Fred Reynold. Cleopatra Needle, the Torpedo Factory. Mre. Latte Mllee ii a very airk woman The district echool commenced fact The noise at the latter place, made fey ud ie not able to ba op. Monday with a fair attendance. New the several thousand hammer riviting - Prater A Stone moved tbeir photowindows have been put in tbe school the bolts through these iron missels hones aod ether improvement are begraph galley lo Oakley today. destruction, Is almost deafening. be will benefit a the to E, B. Marpby ol Woodland wae a ing made which for done old which ba YVe'pase ou our right th Victoria Em doty hones, pleasant caller here on Baoday. o many years. bank meet, where in an early day tie VtJlliam Brewer of llenefer wae a H. F. Peterson took bi large baggy river held eway and was bat a walk, pleasant caller on joar oorreepondent of widow oat for a rtde last Sunday. bat now there ie a raised pavement aid fall tha Drat ol the week. A it waa just 2 p. m. when they reached Just enough 'rain fell on Monday to Peoa they turned in with tbe good saints a line of beautiful baildingt, garden, partially lay the duat and to atop bay of that place and enjoyed a fins meeting. etc., among which ii tbe Gnilde lill hauling for a day or two Tbe cay waa pleasant and th ride was School pf Music, which probably ti rt Mi llaael L, Lyon went to Murray enjoyed very mnch by the widow who oat more proficient student than ny n Sunday and will remain there all feel gradeful to Mr, Peterson for bie academy of mnsic in the world, pe kindness to them. winter with her piaterIr. Cleopatra Needle has more than a parCri.ldle. ing notice beranse of it agent fa nude OfTSVILLS. Tbe Stake eathnritiee vi.itwd IW m el red granite and is carved on iti fmr ser Baoday; a large number from other HoTTSTlU.i,JUtah, Bept. 18, 1902. ti lea with Egyptain hieroglyphic and places were also here and for whom a Eorru Tinas: la a monolith ia foi m. It la gald to have lunch was prepared, Tbs Summit County Msrbis Work Itordat Heliopolis, EgTpt, 15003,0. Tbe district school resumed ite session bsv begun to deliver their fall orders. and wae pretented to England in 1819, on Monday with a fair attendance. Many bat lay in the wounds of Alexandra for Mrs, Martha Harris of Idaho is her f the pnpil will not he able to attend until (ha harvesting and thraahing are visiting bar parent, Mr. aod Mr. W, half a century, for the reason tbit no P. Brown. 4one. onn knew bow to transport it here. Our district echool commenced on the Finally n apecial large 'iron bod was Herbert A. Lyon went to Bait Lake management of Mr. built to carry it over the mightydeep. n Sunday, Tbe young gentleman on 10th under th Mies end Brown. Jorgenson Saiuta Latter the entered Monday day We now pass tbe celebrated K garUniveraity and will attend tbe preparaOn tbe 27tb of this month an enter dens no finer in London. Tbej cover tory mlaalonary claea. tiinment wilt be given for tbe benefit of 7 acres and contain every botanical Attorney C. A. Callia and wile wet e John Redden, who will leave shortly on will a pi ml in the world even onreanmon Ten mission. It Include th here the flrat of tbe week ; both were tea Utah sagebrush. There are a dtzea or ladiet, by young aa presented Virgins, n one looking bright and happy It it m rre large conservatories contsiiing ail could eltb them tv be. May their shad- also a ahort play, Free Agency. for e good cause and should be well patow! never grow leea, the tropical plants. Tbe palm house ron iaed. there were five telephone pole down contain paluis measuring ovw sixty 0 -- between Peon and Rock nor t ertertinj feet- - high, 30 JUT EK. BJt 'nud two between Peoa and Outlay. If ike Hril 000. farther to A np 1902. right Hxnrurxa, Utah, Sept. 18, revet they will be stand the large Lion Honae.oe the top Times: Editob tike down ten tumbling pin. of which i the percy lion with tail The second crop of lucerne he been last Saturday Tbe auxiliary clas old story that this meetwera fairly well attended. There badly frosen. heme were fortanate in erect. There ie an same lion always wag hi tall whenever ing are calculated to, and do, mnch Cutting early. govd had should he more liberally atHern bad only thr attend th he hear tbe clock (trike 12, the extended. Anything for the benefit of the at Peoa; they were planation being that he never hears it. amiliary meeting young people deserve the greatest en- well treated by the people there. We have now reached a point on thie couragement by both old and young. A great many of onr people are makjng beautiful river where we take! raise ol The young ladies of the Mutual trip to tin lower valley for i uit ; it is aix feet by pasting into one of the locks. Association gave a dance iheaper then buy ins lrotupeddler. We now reach that beautiful city of here last night for the benefit of the Mrs. Finch of Uovhen, who has been Richmond; here are seen thehaJsape ward house. Unfortunately the affair, while for the moat part was all right, attending her brother, James Fowler, garden running up from the shore. On fur some unie, returned borne during daring the latter part of the deuce eome the left of os for a- - long distance e eaw j,, disturbance was made, by certain ones. tbe week. group of treat! barefooted boy taming Aa effort will be made io the future to Mr. Martha Hoad of Evanston, who somersalta sideways, and secure good order if the officers of the is here visiting her parent, Mr. end time law have to be appealed to. I under- Mrs. keeping pace with our boat. They Joseph Edgeworth, ha been quite stand that theta may be some arrant followed us for a mile or more performthis week. now. and begging lor copper. Nearly Bond had a mare drop dead ing B. R. . Vina. while in tbe canyon this week. No apeverything is resorted to her to make a parent cause waa manifest but it must living. Beautiful little islands now dot aucKruar. have been heart trouble. the channel, and little summer voltage koccroav, Utah, Bept. 17, 1902. Men are tcarre in Henefer at present. near the watersedge, where newly Eorroa Tittsa: A number are away at work and more ried couplet com to tpead their honey Thurza Malin hae gone to I a k City to at herding aheep. It ia difficult to ob- uvxmt, and tourist a come eve from tain enough band to run the thrasher. a tend a few months. ry. i America to enjoy thi. r mant.c AU the ladies ef the place spent today We next approach the grand a'S town Jury List. at the home of Elisa Qibbona. of Kingston, which wa once Tbe following list of jni ( drawn ol England. Seven of th Baju from yesterday morning by Clerk Neeley, Atwere torney Cellta and Justice W, H. BrnitW : Edaard the elder to Ethelrsd ll. 8. Love, William E. Thomas. Jaa. crowned here and tbe etone whh-'Crrtgn, Patrick F. Walah, Fraak If. they tat to be crowned is at i I preserved ia Carpenter, Joba Thompeon, John here. A few minutes mote and Joeeph Hurley, John Mill, Wm. Emma Gibbons i at Rark City H. Harris, John Payne, landed at the Hampton Court Palace, aiiter If n, Ifimit . rl7 vidtingwith James Duffy, Charles Conies, John nur having mhd lh trip Workman. " Lindatrom, John Ketlonao, Park City; in five hours. Thi famous p!c comR.jW.pUlrf Thom,, J.jd, R.a.nl 6Ul.,, C.lo. prise nearly one thousand rooms, and th n ain part waa built W Cardinal Mr. and Mrs. W, H Suker. Henefer; William Hodaon, Coalville; Wolsey, and when it was completed and There waa a aocial gathering at Mr. J William McMichael, Hoyiardle; last Friday Bight. It waa raiaa Bates, Wantbip; John W. Larton, turniahed the envy of Henry VIII wa aaaeal day f the T. LM.I.L had a ' Marios ; L. C, Oehora, Kama. and ia hi excited hy ita nagaificaac I - t- , re com-asumt- j lhpoletnrnot fr ubme ii-- Nr-p- nf ! A tbkp' dr. hr Coalville teply to tbe kings inquiry why so ex-- 4 tragavant an erection had been pal up, j the wily cardinal answered, To ahuw , C0ALV1LLEL TIMES, An-M- U.. X J Coe-o- p bow noble a palace a enbjecl may offer to hi aovengc. The king did not lose time to take advantage of the offer, and with several of his wies lived there for a lung time The palace is the largest and in som respects the finest of al the royal palaces in England, and was ru I in 1515. We bud the privilege of pass- -, ir g through all of the roomr, and it was ind-- i d a grand sight A few' w ords about the icat hall, bich was used by Henry VIII chiefly for grand functions of state, ret epmnis of ambassadors, and manv a time the gruff old king sat barqtiHsand in state on tbe diaz, or look part in the masquerade or danced with Jane or Catherine Howard. It subsequent reigns it was used for plays in which bhakespear took part as an actor. This hall with iut stained glass, tspestrt and ceiling is perhaps the grandest in Bev-mo- ur England. W are now tired of walking through the stately roe ms and reading (he different pictures, so we all go out into the tbeauuful gardens to witness and admire nature. The walks among tbe beantifnl flowers and edges, some of which were laid nt 300 year ago, were indeed romantic and inspiring. We 'touo, the cld ,nn dial eti11 in which the tovereign use to tell the time of day end regulate their time pieces; also tbe astronomical clock, which le considered the most wondeiful clock in EnglanJ, bat tbe son is made to revoN around tbe earth. It takes half aa boar every week to wind tbe work of this clock, Tbe greatest cariosity and tbe most tempting that met ourgaze for this tune ofday. waathe Hamberg grape vine, the largest in England if not in tbe world. It was planted 134 years ago and bears annually about 1250 bunches, weighing a pound of o each. The greatest girth ia now three feet and its principal branch ia 114 feet long. A glass house covers it in which we entered ; the vine was trained to run just under the roif. It was a pretty sight to tee hundred of hunches just turning black. e pronounced them ail tour, hat then you knowwt hey were oat of our reach. We 11 now returned bomfi, voting jthat we bad had a very pleasant' and profitable time and one long to be remembered. - Chas. H. Wear, 97 Earleigh Road, Stoke "Newington London, N. j a These Suits Cannot be equaled for the A Neat and Nobby JLot of Up - to - Date Malts Also a line line of STREET SKIRTS. M. R. Salmon. ' rTKAtt (XNMT United Stale Land Office, Salt Lake Citv. Utah, September 12, 1902. To K'tom if may concern. Not.ce i hereby given that the State f Utah haa filed in this office lia'a o lands selected hy the said State under section 12, of the art uf Congress ap- proved July lti, 1894. The folio in tracts embraced in aaid lists, are in THE t p ,o PUlt CMV O ''"r'Aja.'TP--vjwieyr' Ul IVU - Q P PAltiT- - SHERim-iyUlAU- S Its made to faint buildings with , inside and outside. Its made ready for the brush. Its made for home use and for practical painters too. Its pure lead, pure zinc and pure linseed oil mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It's made for pu. fc 18, WJSNWttf and 8A 4 NE1 c. 20. t p. 3 N., R 7 E . 8. L. Mer. &rplr--vfld 'itS, mr fwf ihr? s, to said tracts, y have reen conspH Uously posted in this offices, for inspection btpanv person interested, and by the public gendes-ripti- hVtt Most of the world does and most of the world uses township containing mineral claims of record, vix: L'st No. 34. Deal and Dumb Asrhini the 8W4' oWt Bee 20, Tp. 3 N., R. 7 K 8. L. Mer. In List No 36, Deaf and Dumb - tH & & Q B'B BQ-Do Vou Use Paint? NOTICE. S-- . eOAlsVILoLEGO-OP- V NWlf; NW8EV Price. o o sle (& siiIm'i-vision- erally. Dnring the sixtv davs next folloaing the date of thia notice under departof November 27, mental instruction 181)6, (23 L. D., 459), protests or contest against tbe claim of the State to anf of tbe tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described, on tbe ground that the ann-imore valnabl for mineral than fir agricultural purposes will he received and noted for. report to tbe. General Land Office, at Washington, D. f Failure eo to protest or contest within the time specified will b eondeidwed snt-fi- . ient evidence of the character of tne said tracts, and the thereof, tvmg .tlherice -- free from objection, will be recommended for adproval. Fbank D. Hibbs Regis'er. Gcokoi A. Hmith, Receiver. 9 19 11 14 Ms Shcrztn-W- : rtfjrrj Palrrtt f'mr tha farh. For sale at BOYDENS a 000 0 Jhi faint a OMar 8hrwt-WUUa- This s'Nti.Udre Laxative Genuine stamped C C C. Fever sold in hoik. Beware of the dealer vrho tries to sell -good. something just u is on every box e ot the genufei Bromo-Quinin- nr m fM la Dllnjfit Notlc. Copper Coin Mining Company, principal place of bnaine, Coalville, Utah. Notice ia hereby given that there are GO TO THE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BUM-m- it ' county, Bute of Utah. John Tucker, plaintiff, vs. Mary A. tb remedv forth. STORE. DRUG non-mine- ral tt Globe Barber Shop Tacker, defendant. Summons. Fcr a Stylisb Hair Cat The State of Utah, to the said defendant : You are hereby summoned to appear Clean Shave. within twenty day after the service of thia summons upon you. if served with1. E. RSETBEL, Prop. in the county in which ih a ac ion i taught, otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend tbe above en titled action ; and in rase of our failure RESIDENT so to do, judgment will be rendered of to demand the against you according the eomplatt t, of which a copy ia hereCoalyiUe, with served upon you. Hknby SHtKLna, Vill ilslt points np tbe rlier Plaintiffs Attorney. mencing Monday, ing. Si P. O. Addreaa, Park City, Summit county. Utah. Firat publication, Kept. 12tb, 1902. O. W. FRENCH, M- Last publication. Oct. 17th, 1902, Physician and Btrgeea, and i delinquent upon th following described stock on account of. assessment No. 3 of one and a half milt per share, levied on the 7th day of August, 1902, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective bareholders, a follow: Dr. W VISICK Dentist. Utah . TO CDKE A COLD IN ONI DAT com- O., OFFICE AT RESIDENCE- - Cealvilla. Taka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails Office hours front 2 to 4 p. m. All whocaa should observe thee hour to cure. E. W. Groves signature ia on such box 25c. aa.aearaepewfble. 1 And Id accordance with law and an order of the board of director made on the 7th day of Auguat, 1902, so many shares of each parcel of such stock aa may be necessary will be old at tha office of the secretary, in the Cash Bargain Store, Coalville, Utah, ou tha 80th day of September, 1902, at 2 oclock p. m., to pay tha delirqnent assessment thereon, together with th cost of advertising asd tha expenae ot tha sale. - - FsAnxCaorr, Berretary Copper Coin MiningCotapaay, |