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Show ,. .. -.. ,,, ..,r..))r ta, . i if jfi-Mi'a irT-,,it, u,, , in n'T it Ji PBESBYTERIAH PASTOii j PRIISES PE-RU-MA. j SS Chronic rfeii3ri Catarrhal V. iff it! 11 ftp I Tl'Z"'"'" " '... 1 First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro. Gil., an! Its Pastor and Filer. IFrMIK day wan when ni.rn of proml-I proml-I lienor hesitated to give their tenll-motiiala tenll-motiiala to proprietary medicines for publication. Tina remain true to-day if numt proplctary mrdleliip. Hut y. runs has become no justly fainou. In merits are known to mi ninny people of Illicit anil low station, that no one heni-tatea heni-tatea to see hla nuiuo lu print return luciulinir Pcriiua. The lilirhont turn In our nation have elviii I'cruna a ilmiin cnilorcmciit. rcprcHentlnp; oil cla-j.cn Mid itu-liotta itu-liotta Brecn,tmllv rrprcM-ntcd. A diirnillcd rcprcM-ntiilivcof the Presbyterian Pres-byterian church In the person of lie. K. ). Smith dm'" not hesitate to atntc publicly Hint ho linn lived IVruna lu hit. family anil found It rinnl hen other rcnicilicn failed. In tlilMiiti'iiii'iit tlm liov. Smith la atipporlcil by an elder in )iia church. Kcv. K.O. Smith. pantorof tlir PrvOiv torinn church or lircon0.iro.i;n..ivritcs: "llnvlngiised IVruna in my finnilv f.rr nine time It, given uie plcaMirc to testify to ita true worth. 'My little iHiy seven yearnof flR-e had Wq suffering for sonic time with rn-tnrrhnf rn-tnrrhnf the lower Imwcla. Other rein-eilii-nli.nl failed, lull after talliuif two . bottleaof I'erilnatliet.oillileiilliioi.t entirely en-tirely iliMtppciircd. 1'or thin special inn 1 10 1 v I eiim.li.cr It well nlgha arx-eitle. ;F0R:, EYE The Sanative, Antiseptic, Antisep-tic, Cleansing:, Purifying, Beautifying Properties of CUTICURA SOAP render it of Priceless Value to Women. JJ-Much that every woman should know l told In (lis circular raiued about Ilia Soar. WHILE the fur- H 3 iff V I O M to attend to the Utter n.er is gather- JXifjSJJi cr"P? That ' JU8t , ing hi crops what it is intended his body U gnthering fUl . M U d77" T a crop of aclu-s and Vt U O C& IB i-1 cheI and lleaU tho pains, cuts, bruises, UMtWtk.iamm.lMmA CJ wounded flesh most backache, sore mus- n - thoroughly. It's the i cles and stiffened fl I W I Y Ca IT X"t liniment for the Joints. Why not allow f V. ",rTl?tlwr "'-M ,,csh of "'a" f Ul!'t' - AK por SALT LAKE CANDY CO.'S MOLASSES DAINTIES I ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS 8ELL THEM. I" best O A I T" A IO A6K voun ON EARTH" ..OAL. I AIM.. GROCER, paKINO PrwPER. EXTRACTS AND KPICFS. 111. ,.r..UI. ;,. t..f !... A. I-I l(-t l(-t ll.,Ulli lliulkl . Iln .U.Mr.. .. I..-. yjftH junk ):: It CDCC tt'onnla Camari Wr t lor Pjrlicullr, I I flLL M. M. U. nt,. llu. it,. t.H Lke L.I, j ' W. N. U.. bait Laka-No. 3a, I002 i ' "A M Ionic for ant mnil worn out people II Am few or bo ;ujs. kev. L. U. Smith. Mr. M. ,T. Itoisainan, a prominent mer-eliantnf mer-eliantnf '.r. cnslM.ro. tia., and an eliler In tle l're.sl t4riun clmreh of that pinee, lina usi'it 1'emna, and in a reeenl leller to '1 ho. I'ciuuii Melirine('o.,ol (.olniiiliun, tiliio, KriWa an toilowa: "1'or a loiir tunu 1 mu troul Uil with ent:irr)itif trie kldneva and tried manv renieiiiea. nil of wliieii inve me no r. llel1. IVruna u recommended to me by M'veral frien'K. ami nfter uin(r a few Ik1 l lea I an pl.-n.svd to any t hat the lonu looked for relief wna found a ml I am now enoylng lemr henllit limn I have lor ye:ir, and can heartily tvciimmend I'cmna to alt ahnllarly alfllclrd. II In t-rtnlnlv a grunJ mrdl.lnc."M. J. tVo.snm.Tn. Catarrh isewntinllv lllf name wbrre-erer wbrre-erer loeul.-.t. I'eruink eun-a catarrh nlierever la i-.tetl. I f vmi do nut derive prompt and aatla-f.u aatla-f.u torv ri-ull-i from ll. umsoJ IVruna, wriu-at oiiee to llr. Ilartiiian,t.dvinp7 a full ntnt: ment of ynuri' me. and he will lie p'ettM-d to five, you hia valuable advii-e fratia. Addre-.a lr. llartman. Irpident of Tim Jlartmau Saultariuiu, Columbus, Ohio. I Mn.laiiia Ih.i.-. a. u. Ilin Yli-tim.i l.idy i ( iii.uier. In ti-uliiini for iinatlior utti-liipt I to nwlm th- liiiKllxh rliniiiu-i. L.--' " - ' ' ' ill' -' - J ACJEfJTS? .J;::" ,,irnKi, mum r,,, CAHII EVRIIY WKKK- A r. nu.ii) ii.od un-u .kvnteil. Write fur put lioularM. PIONEER NURSERIES COMPANY, ALT IAK c". UTAH. Instant Relief from Rheumatlam and Neuralgia. Here in a rnne: Mr. T. Shepherd of Whitburn, Hittiilerlaiid. Ohio, anya: "My wife aulTered aeverely from rhen-matlHm. rhen-matlHm. and nM-ra.iila. Hhe eould not Set one moment 'a rent and waa nearly erar.ed with pnln. Obtained Instant ra lief and a permanent cure hy using the rontepta of one bottle of Bt. Ja-rotia Ja-rotia Oil. Ther-- la no other remedy In the world that will do this. The In-ntnntaneona In-ntnntaneona rffeet whleh Kl. Jacobs OH produera In a part of Ita half a century nv onl." Ft. Jarohs Oil la sold In 26 rta. and f.O ctn. slira by all driiKKiats. Tho worila "Aeta llko MaKic," Con-quera Con-quera I'nln," whirtt hare been lined In connection wlta Kt. Jacobs Oil for more than lia yenra are wonderfully and truly divrrlptlve. Tlnn-t let thnllttln unm miffrr M nei.ma or olh.r tioturitiff nllu ill..lij. ISO nid forlt. Dnan'ii (lliitniKut eurea. Can't harm tl: met Uurl. kiu. At any drug itor 60 oaola. fttniia Uie Oingri amil Work, tin- tlm Cold LuatlrellroiuulJuUilu lublou. frloeSBa h1"' ",n,ow'n aiitotliln. ynin.' SnauiMiluu.aUkjBiMlu.tiurua wluil u,llu.KHi.buUi, Ion. VUliors' Kiearalen via th. Misalign Mis-align I'nrllle lalliar To points In Ohio and Indiana. One fare for the round trip plua $..u. Tleketa on nnle Kt-phinilinr !Snd, 9th, leth. and :3rd, jro.nl to return within 8U daya from daU of aulo. Excellent oppurlunlly to vinlt the old olka al home. Call on or address nearcnt Mia-aonrl Mia-aonrl raolflo A(fent for partleulura. U C.Towuaoud.U.I. &T.A(ft.,.St.Loula. For forty yenra lr. Kowler'n Kxtract of Wild HlmwU.rrv liun I ...ll eurliiK nuiiiuier cotupliiliit.dy-lilery,diiin-h.ea, uioo.iy llux, rmiu ill III. toiim, ri. D I ll h li.v.r y.k ul.wl to do nvui-vlhln t-laluiM.1 fur it. Five bundled mid ftidily-aeven distinct UlllKUllKe. me np..kell la t-.liroHl. RECORD OF TH2 PAST. The lii'-l guiir.iiili e tit the f re p ll.ii ri . . Ml of the .:i-t. and oier Ml l.-iou.iinil p.-eple have pulilli ly tell tied that lioiins Kldiny l'i.l bun cured ill. 'in or niiuii lous kidney III... I. ..in hiiiiiiioii hai l.nche to il.iln;. ruin. Iiiiheles. and all the .ilicinhiiit annoy uiuen and mill. Hi. r 1 1 .mi ill lr hi y ihs. orders. liny bare been ciind to slay cured. Here Is one ense; Snliiuel J. Ta lor, retired carpenter, rem. Hi. g at ill:' Houlli Third Ht , Goshen. I nd.. nays: ' On tliu ii'.lh day i.' AuKUit. 1MI7, l ' inline nn allldnvll belriru Jiieob C. Miuin, lioiary putillc. Btaiihg my cuperleiice with Ikibiib Kidney Tills. I hud Buttered for thirty yearn, and was compelled at tllnea lo walk by thu aid of cruti ties, frcnufiitly panned gravel and sutTcrcd excriiclatti gly. I took every aiedl-cluo aiedl-cluo on the marliel that 1 heard about and some gave mo teuipornry rellel. 1 began taking liuiin s Kitluey l'llls and tho results 1 gave to thn public in the statement above ii-rencd to. At Hits lime, on the 1'.m:i day u? July. r.io2, 1 make this further atatcmnit that durliig tho five years which bave elnpsed I have hail no occasion to use cither Ikian's Kidney l'llls or any other medtrltio for my khliicts. The euro efTt'cti-il was a permanent one." A KIll.K TRIAL ol this creut kid ney medicine which cured Mr. Taylor, Tay-lor, will be mailed on application, to any part of the United Hlniea. Art-iircna Art-iircna Kosler-Mllburn Co., llurfulo, N. Y. For aalu by all drugglnts. l'rlco 6U cents per box. BUSINESS COLLEGE. How flpew al th. Tmpllen-1 allien Fur Btrhool Ytnr, H4II, We control the Kllla Cabinet eynieni of Imokkecpintr anil tliu (in-gir eyt'tn of sluirllinnd. They are tho l'l. Visit un nt Ibe Templeton mid inakn lniiilr lea almul un from thu buninenN, profen slonal and edueutlonal men of the city. We lend, others follow. Sail Lake JJiininoBB College. Over a million persons die yeaily In Kuroie of i-eiinuliiplken. Twnmllllnn Americans .n;T..r the tni tur- tngpnili-.iir.ly.lK.!..!. .Soneello lliliri.n'k liloud lfitl.rs euriM At any drug klur.. Irtso's Cure for Coajuimpuoa la as Infslltbt. BMdlelD. tor usha ami ouMa. fl. Vr.aAMUaU OoswiQrovs. N J.. r-h. ti. lt I nail's t'sl.rrh Car. Is token Intel nully. Pries, Too, Ilmpoaelbl. to fur. e. an a.-cidnttt. Not fni,oMUlln to I., pri.pnro.1 ror It. llr. TUwuiaa' Kclsoti lo OiL aluunlctiov.rpalu. fX HAPPY A hunpv illii-o-.llli.il c. tii.' 'n n, Hood lu sllh. 0 1 lo-. ill H ii..-. ti- m win.'. no. I..1.1I Wliol. -."in. hl. ...in l ll, i.sli.v Th..- I town llUi,n Po.il. r ii I...IH.IL' .,:, I- ln.l, n. n-llal.U n-llal.U Mire Icr 1 1 1 . I iJn.-i , v. -.lire lo , e , tor th'-' Co, on (I lk I g Pui:sr. Eitl.C 1. Sni) lintel, tut 1 1 airo.iiefa. HEWLETT BROS, CO. I r .;!iT,A";,,:;,.? pension I I" 111! hi III. Ii, -.-lihiKl'MI. ' "'" kmS iuls Uuioa. piU',i;i.ul.u-l Llsiuib biUwC tttil vcs Tho Twentlolh tienmry ' -CV ' MONEY rvTAKfcR. aio.oou iirollts r aoi. I.rf cN?" entUanlen In Ainsrlcn. Adilreaa ft. K. BARNARD. Houston, Mo. i I i $3 & 53SHOES C? r wf l llnnlsa mi4 an. uilil mr m-n' nn- i rar W'll ill.n l n-o- l 1'ii.rr-. In Ik. Ilr.l sioJooHE'nP j W. L. DOUCLAS SHOES f CANNOT Bt EXCtLLED. si .io:!.v:o :v:,v V.'.:! lo.ooo j t..f l..,-". anl S".l'-n Irrl.r... Wt I r.l'nl Clf. t CiY. t:-'f. a. d"'a Coll. at. Wi r.al i.lnr I'.. tela nanl. I cstiiiod i rra'rr..V".miit vt!"fz ai.. I'.W. rrrci. Ji. .... 1 ,i.-.o. o ir.a. J W. L. IXHHILAS. BkOCKTON, MASS. j ml WMl HCBY lRd:con.s iJVirrcrt nam, nt anl rije.. I AilleJ f.m ?.'ril llrer.''' '" J .1 nar. McScill tibsr, c rio YOUXLDft ZG$M J mm IT F?AUI3 IP YCU DOfi'T HAVE -v, C, .B caiw ..- ( 'VIAVA 3i-ritr yojf'AY cieOiiNO ZM-jU FT;EP "fou tu. MACS rOTL WET WOUH JOU Y Al-L FtXIAbLFi PtJALMIS Att sAtnu r on cuarasts. . - A. e. TOWt.H CO., BOATOrt, MA3.V ' 7&i WHEW cured. Uxinaatiili nt vethtnltiFT le.Mti, "i.l tl L.ui 1 rtonii,uut.hmr In , .!.. ilatftaM l wf: cure catarrh j htfraftriY l.li-jF Km.o-v. HUtl.h-r. Ner.fa. h.m, I llrah.. KbdaVil I tltclt' Ut-vrHMi .t UlltU. utuDU u4 . I vmcm IJoura !T. n,"! 1 J t Huit.U)taitl llullrtM-WlOlt I DRS. SHORES SII0R.ES, j axetar set ciai isia. j LYON BLOCK. S W SmondSa St f SALT LAKE CITY. f ?oit Money Earn Mone ; I o, I I lr tjli,, r 111. IK., lire. r, L'ule. r! m l. I VIII K Oi'-I ' I a...l -. ..-r 71 f boao .' I, ' I" m 1...1 ) SU 1 I'll,, MIT 111 M ll1-'. OS IHII. UMI'I.I 1 ! OGDEN ASoAY CO. All Mm mm M SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH " . fOR BOARDERS CAY SCHOLARS :f CONOUCTei ev '" -14' v THE MAHI-VT 'nrHERj w , T . -" . .'- rtsaalesl.rniiiiiiaiclitli . f. 1. - I, l'i,ln.liv l-t-gat- - . " . ' '' MtltUrr I'rllt . . - . . , I'lil-i, ul l ollil.. .. ill iMiri.aH, bin; b,lri,ilnl l.ini-le-tomi fa.-llillea " I Thr nw uailltlori no. In tiriiu wtl) rkl renniUerablT lo the ., rem m.i.l.l 1 1 a. ol Ihe aab Uma. tot futltier iiartli ulai. spiiljr t. j 1 REV. d. GUINAN. . M.. PaaIOSNT ;-. ' |