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Show Japan and America Seize Manufacture of Christmas Toys GERMANY once held a monopoly on toy-making, toy-making, but that day probably is over, as, slnco the start of tho European war, this Industry has takon root in several other soo-tlons soo-tlons of the globo. Japan, for InBtanco, furnished most of tho toys for England last year. Tho Japanese, always quick to seize a commercial ndvantago, took German models and began making toys shortly after tho outbreak of tho war. Last Christmas they Bupplled the English markot, and it Ih probable that, In this field at least, tho Germans Ger-mans will novor regain tholr former trade. Tho Japancso can manufacture tho toys and ship them to England for about tho samo prlco tho Germans formerly placed thorn, and It Is safe to say that for somo years to coma, no matter what tho rosult of tho war, England will uso no German-made good3 unless compelled com-pelled to. But besido theso toys made from Gorman modolB, tho Japanese havo toys of tholr own, and a largo quantity woro sold in England last yoar. In tho Jnpanoso stores In this country coun-try one occasionally comes across toys which, chiofly becauco of their novolty, havo proven popular. Within tho past year tho Pittsburgh (Pa,) district also has takon up tho manufacturo of toys on an oxtonslvo scalo, and most of tho toys sold in America next year probably will coma from that flootlon. Thoro Is no reason why tho toys which, have boon Imported cannot can-not bo mado In Amorlca and whllo tho cost of labor ia higher here, thero Is no duty and ocean transportation ohargoa to bo paid, aa Jn tho caso of 4h. imported article, WVlA VAwI J f The work In Pennsylvania, has been carried i on in plants orocted for other purposes, but which lend themselves to light manufactur- j ing. Ono glass factory diverted ono of its dc- ." partments to making glass toys. Ono plant at Washington, Pa., enlarged its plant three tiroes during tho past year In order to meet Its orders. or-ders. Another plnnt at Jeanette, Pa., has ' made a specialty of 5 nnd 10 cent toy3. and all 1 through the year was behind, in the fulfillment ? of the orders which poured in. C .g. JiI 1 |