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Show ALLIES LANDING . TROOPS IN GREECE Pressure Is Being Brought to i Bear on the Government I at Athens. I Athens, via London, Jan. 17, 10:10 p. m. Tho Greek government, In agreemont with the king, will pro- I claim martial law this week, accord- Ing to the newspaper Kalros The parliament, which will meet next Mon- I day, is expected to ratify this mea- I ure. ffi Berlin, Jan. 17., by wireless to Say- I ville. Berlin nowspapcrs, according S to tho Overseas News agency, express I tho belief that the landing of allied troops at Plraens, the port of Athens, I and upon tho shores of the bay of I Phaleron, five miles southwest of the 1 Greek capital, is considered as supply- I proof that tho entente powers intend I using extreme means to forco the I hand of Greece. I The news agency says that, accord- Ing to prevalent reports, the Greek I government has transferred part of I the state archives to Larissa, in north- I western Greece, whero eventually the I Greek government likewise will be 1 transferred I Cxpect Extreme Measures. I The news agency statement contin- 1 ues: I "Berlin nowspapors, commenting on I the latest news regarding Greece, 1 unite In stating that tho entente allies I seem to have abandoned all regard I j for Greek neutrality and sovereignty I The landing at Plraens Is considered as proof that the entcnto Is now go-r go-r ing to use extreme means for forcing Greece. "Tho fact that tho British are blockading the Greek coast most r tightly and aro subjecting Greece to , other inconveniences Is interpreted by the papers as meaning that the en-, en-, tento is fomenting and preparing the ; overthrow of the Greek government ' in order to substitute a republic with Venizelos at tho head. ; "Gratitude is unanimously expressed express-ed by the newspapers that tho entire en-tire army and the majority of the ureeK popujauon are on the kings ' side and will frustrato all attempts against tho country's sovereignty and the king's life. "Tho Zeitung am Mttiag declares that the entente Intends tho assassination assassina-tion of a country which refuses to commit suicide." The foregoing contains tie firs't intimation in-timation from any source that the allies al-lies have effected a landing at Phaleron. Pha-leron. At Piraeus, where British troops are said to have landed, is tho port of Athens. The bay of Phaleron, the "old port," lies just east of Piraeus, across a narrow nar-row peninsula, and is oven nearer Athens. According to reports from various sources, not all of which have been confirmed, entente trops have been landed at several places besides Sa-loniki. Sa-loniki. A considerable force, supposed to be part of the GalHpoli army, disembarked dis-embarked some weeks ago in Orfano bay, to the east of SalonikI, and another an-other at Kavala, near by. The Islands of Lemnos and Anidros, off the mouth of tho Dardanelles, was seized a long time ago and recentlv the Ftench took over the island of Corfu, although the Greek officials there have not been disturbed. |